Finance is considering increasing “transparency” for provincially-formed partnerships that are not Canadian-reporting partnerships
No Canadian income tax reporting is generally required of partnerships formed under provincial law if they do not carry on business in Canada and have only non-resident partners. Ontario LPs, as an example, also are not subject to signficant reporting obligations under the provincial legislation applicable to partnerships. Non-resident investors, who may be resident in tax havens, are investing in jurisdictions with more onerous tax regimes "through" such LPs.
Today’s Toronto Star stated:
Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau says his government sees this as an important issue and that he is working with his provincial colleagues to bring greater transparency to the corporate registration system.
“We as a government, and I personally, am committed to making progress on ensuring that we are not providing any haven for any inappropriate activities and that we’re having companies and individuals paying the share of tax that should be due,” he said in an interview.
Neal Armstrong. Summary of Robert Cribb and Marco Chown Oved, "Snow washing: Canada is the world’s newest tax haven", Toronto Star, 25 January 2017 under Reg. 229(1).