The photocopying by a Revenue Canada auditor of notes made by an accountant in his interview with the taxpayer which the auditor obtained from an empty office at the time the accountant was out of town was not authorized by s. 231.1(1). Sharlow J.A. stated (at p. 5114) that "one might question whether an auditor can be said to have exercised his powers of investigation at a 'reasonable time' if he takes a document from an accountant's private office when he knows the accountant is out of town". Furthermore, because the taxpayer had a reasonable expectation of privacy (notwithstanding that "a taxpayer's expectation of privacy in an accountant's notes recording personal information are at the low end of the scale"), there was a breach of the taxpayer's rights under s. 8 of the Charter. The appropriate remedy under s. 24 of the Charter was exclusion of the notes as evidence given that the notes were not relied upon to justify the reassessments of the taxpayer.