At
the
end
of
the
plaintiff
obtained
from
a
company,
Century
Real
Estate
Corporation,
hereinafter
referred
to
as
"Century
US”,
the
exclusive
right
to
sell
within
Canada,
Century
franchises
to
licenced
real
estate
brokers
together
with
the
right
to
use
the
name
"Century
21”
as
well
as
the
service
marks
and
systems
pertaining
thereto.
It
proceeded
immediately
to
exercise
its
rights
under
the
said
agreement
and
to
collect
and
account
for
revenues
obtained
from
Canadian
sub-franchisees.
In
the
plaintiff
transferred
all
of
its
rights
under
its
exclusive
Canadian
franchise
agreement
to
another
Canadian
company
known
as
Century
Real
Estate
(Western)
Ltd.
The
relevant
facts
are
to
be
found
in
an
agreed
statement
of
facts
filed
by
the
parties
at
trial
and
annexed
as
a
schedule
to
these
reasons.
The
issue
before
the
Court
is
whether
the
proceeds
received
by
the
plaintiff
from
the
sale
of
various
franchises
to
Canadian
real
estate
brokers
constitute
proceeds
from
the
disposition
of
eligible
capital
property
pursuant
to
subsection
14(1)
of
the
Act,
or
income
from
a
business
pursuant
to
sections
and
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
or,
alternatively,
whether,
if
otherwise
governed
by
subsection
14(1),
they
are
proceeds
to
which
section
1100(1)(c)
of
the
Act
and
Schedule
B,
Class
of
the
Income
Tax
Regulations
apply.
The
plaintiff's
position
is
that
the
amounts
received
from
the
sale
of
Canadian
franchises
during
the
relevant
times
were
amounts
paid
in
respect
of
eligible
capital
property
which
would
result
in
one
half
of
the
proceeds
being
deducted
from
one
half
of
the
original
expenditure
of
$100,000
(ie
$50,000)
paid
to
Century
and
none
of
those
receipts
being
taxable
until
the
full
amount
of
$50,000
had
been
exhausted.
The
position
of
the
defendant,
on
the
other
hand,
is
that
the
proceeds
so
received
constitute
ordinary
business
income.
The
defendant
also
adds
that
the
payments
in
question
are
excluded
from
the
definition
of
“eligible
capital
expenditure”
in
paragraph
14(5)(b)
of
the
Act
as
they
constitute
the
cost
of
intangible
property
that
is
“depreciable
property”
within
the
above
mentioned
regulation
as
being
“patents,
franchises,
concessions
or
licenses
for
a
limited
period”.
The
legislation
on
which
the
present
dispute
is
founded
was
introduced
in
1971.
It
has
since
been
amended
in
1977.
It
allowed
the
taxpayer
to
create
an
account,
comparable
to
a
capital
cost
allowance
class,
for
certain
intangible
assets
of
an
indefinite
nature
such
as
goodwill,
perpetual
or
indefinite
franchises,
costs
of
rights
of
way
and
easements
to
the
extent
that
they
do
not
constitute
an
interest
in
land,
incorporation
expenses,
payments
to
reduce
competition
etc.
They
are
commonly
known
in
the
accounting
world
as
“nothings”.
However,
because
nothings
are
quite
similar
to
capital
gains
and
losses,
only
one
half
of
their
cost
or
of
the
proceeds
of
their
sale
is
taken
into
account.
In
order
to
qualify
for
future
deductions
the
expenditures
for
nothings
must
be
eligible
capital
expenditures.
The
use
of
the
expression
“eligible
capital”
in
the
Act
is
potentially
confusing
and,
to
properly
interpret
the
legislation,
its
meaning
must
be
considered
in
the
context
of
the
following
expressions:
1.
“Eligible
capital
property”
is
defined
in
paragraph
54(d)
in
the
following
terms:
2.
“Eligible
capital
amount”
is
defined
in
paragraph
20(1)(b)
and
reads
as
follows:
3.
“Eligible
capital
expenditure”
is
one
that
qualifies
as
an
addition
to
the
cumulative
eligible
capital.
It
is
defined
in
subsection
14(5)
as
follows:
4.
The
expression
“cumulative
eligible
capital”
is
taken
from
paragraph
14(5)(a):
The
plaintiffs
argument
is
based
on
the
wording
of
subsection
14(1)
which
reads
as
follows:
Comparisons
are
often
dangerous
or
confusing,
yet
the
present
situation
might
perhaps
be
likened
to
that
of
a
taxpayer
whose
business
is
to
purchase
and
sell
real
estate.
The
proceeds
of
each
sale
must
necessarily
be
considered
for
taxation
purposes
as
ordinary
income
and
not
as
part
of
the
disposition
of
a
capital
asset,
the
converse
being
applicable
in
the
case
of
a
taxpayer
carrying
on
a
business
totally
unrelated
to
the
buying
and
selling
of
real
estate,
who
incidentally
disposes
of
a
piece
of
real
estate
because
it
is
no
longer
required
for
business
purposes.
Had
the
plaintiff,
as
a
real
estate
broker
doing
business
in
Canada
who
had
purchased
an
exclusive
perpetual
franchise
to
use
the
Century
rights
throughout
the
territory,
subsequently
proceeded
to
parcel
out
those
rights
by
granting
exclusive
privileges
and
franchises
to
other
real
estate
brokers
covering
certain
defined
territories,
the
situation
would
have
been
quite
different.
Counsel
referred
to
several
decided
cases
but
both
agreed
that
none
is
directly
on
point.
In
my
view,
section
of
the
Act
cannot
be
interpreted
to
change
what
is
intrinsically
an
income
receipt
to
a
capital
receipt.
Since
the
first
grounds
of
defence
have
prevailed
against
the
plaintiff,
no
useful
purpose
would
be
served
in
considering
the
second
argument
of
the
defendant.
The
action
will
accordingly
be
dismissed
with
costs.
Schedule
to
Reasons
for
Judgment
of
Collier
dated
October
7,
1985.
The
parties
hereto
for
the
purposes
of
this
action
only
hereby
agree
that
the
facts
are
as
follows:
1.
Samoth
Financial
Corporation
Ltd
(hereinafter
referred
to
as
"Samoth”)
is
a
Canadian-controlled
private
corporation
as
defined
by
the
Income
Tax
Act,
1952,
Chap
148,
as
amended
(hereinafter
referred
to
as
the
"Act”)
incorporated
pursuant
to
the
laws
of
the
Province
of
Alberta
and
registered
extraprovincially
in
the
Province
of
British
Columbia.
2.
In
Samoth,
pursuant
to
the
consent
obtained
from
Century
transferred
all
of
its
rights
in
and
to
the
said
franchise
for
the
Dominion
of
Canada
to
Century
Real
Estate
(Western)
Ltd.
This
transfer
was
effected
pursuant
to
the
rollover
provisions
of
Section
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
with
the
value
for
the
said
franchise
being
agreed
upon
at
$90,000.
Thereafter
the
business
was
carried
on
by
the
said
Century
(Western)
Ltd.
3.
Century
Real
Estate
Corporation
(hereinafter
referred
to
as
"Century
US”)
is
a
United
States
company
incorporated
pursuant
to
the
laws
of
the
State
of
California.
Century
had
developed
a
plan
for
the
establishment,
development
and
operation
of
real
estate
brokerage
offices.
4.
Pursuant
to
a
contract
in
writing
made
the
18th
day
of
November,
1974,
Samoth
acquired
from
Century
in
consideration
for
the
sum
of
$100,000
the
exclusive
right
to
sell
Century
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers
in
the
Dominion
of
Canada
and
to
use
the
Century
name,
service
marks
and
systems
in
connection
therewith.
5.
The
aforesaid
contract
dated
November
18,
1974,
which
is
attached
as
Schedule
to
this
Agreed
Statement
of
Facts,
provides
as
follows:
(a)
Century
has
designed
and
developed
standardized
signs,
cards,
stationery,
business
forms,
office
procedure
manuals,
centralized
advertising
programs,
sales
training
programs
and
personnel
management
and
control
systems
for
franchised
real
estate
brokerage
offices
—
clause
2;
(b)
Century
has
developed
a
standard
franchise
agreement,
sales,
tools
and
brochures,
and
a
plan
for
the
sale
of
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers
—
clause
3;
(c)
Samoth
is
obligated
to
pay
to
Century
10%
of
its
gross
receipts
from
its
franchisees
—
clause
8A;
(d)
Samoth
is
obligated
to
operate
under
the
tradename
“Century
Real
Estate
of
Canada’
—
clause
9A;
(e)
Samoth
must
forward
to
Century
within
thirty
days
after
execution
by
Samoth
a
copy
of
each
Century
Real
Estate
franchise
agreement
entered
into
within
the
Dominion
of
Canada
—
clauses
9C
and
6;
(f)
Samoth
must
maintain
an
adequate
staff
to
ensure
responsible
service
assistance
to
franchisees,
furnish
referral
forms
to
all
franchisees,
act
as
a
clearing
house
for
referral
correspondence,
not
only
within
its
territory
but
throughout
all
areas
which
Century
Real
Estate
franchises
are
sold,
and
must
advise
franchisees
in
all
phases
of
operation,
including
staff
selection,
training,
office
location
layouts
and
advertising
—
clause
9E;
(g)
Century
is
obligated
to
furnish
to
Samoth
all
of
its
plans,
trademarks,
trade
secrets
and
business
techiques
(sic)
referred
to
in
this
contract
—
clause
10A(1);
(h)
Samoth
agrees
to
provide
sufficient
newspaper,
television,
radio
or
other
mass
media
advertising
to
equal
in
dollars
at
least
10%
of
the
service
fees
received
from
all
franchised
real
estate
offices
of
Samoth
and
Samoth
furthermore
agrees
to
pay
to
Century
3%
of
its
service
fees
from
franchised
real
estate
offices
which
Century
is
obligated
to
use
exclusively
for
international
advertising
space
or
time
—
clause
12;
(i)
Samoth
may
not
assign
this
contract
nor
any
of
its
rights
or
privileges
thereunder
without
the
prior
consent
of
Century
which
consent
shall
not
be
unreasonably
withheld
—
clause
15;
(j)
If
Samoth
should
desire
to
assign
its
franchise
for
Canada
it
must
serve
upon
Century
a
written
notice
setting
forth
all
the
terms
and
conditions
thereof
and
Century
may
either
consent
to
the
assignment,
deny
its
consent
or,
at
its
option,
accept
the
assignment
to
itself
and
acquire
the
franchise
for
Canada
upon
the
terms
and
conditions
specified
in
the
notice
—
clause
16.
6.
Samoth,
pursuant
to
the
franchise
(sic)
agreement
aforesaid
immediately
began
to
sell
franchises
under
the
name
“Century
21”
to
various
independent
brokerage
firms
in
Canada.
7.
The
aforesaid
franchises
sold
by
Samoth
in
Canada
were
sold
pursuant
to
a
standard
form
franchise
agreement
as
required
and
as
furnished
by
Century
This
standard
form
franchise
agreement
is
attached
hereto
as
Schedule
8.
The
aforesaid
standard
form
Canadian
franchise
agreement
entered
into
by
various
Canadian
real
estate
brokers
and
Samoth
provides
for,
inter
alia,
the
following:
(a)
In
consideration
for
an
initial
franchise
fee
paid
by
a
franchisee
“Century
21”
grants
to
the
franchisee
a
franchise
to
operate
a
Century
real
estate
brokerage
office;
(b)
The
initial
franchise
fee
is
payable
concurrently
with
the
execution
of
the
standard
form
franchise
agreement;
(c)
Clause
of
the
standard
form
franchise
agreement
provides
that
the
term
of
the
franchise
is
ten
years
and
clause
provides
that
upon
the
expiration
of
the
initial
term
and
upon
the
expiration
of
each
five
years
thereafter
so
long
as
the
franchisee
shall
not
then
be
in
default
the
franchisee
shall
have
the
option
to
renew
its
franchise
for
an
additional
five
years
on
such
terms
and
conditions
as
are
contained
in
new
franchises
then
being
granted
by
“Century
21”
provided
however
there
shall
be
no
renewal
fee
and
the
franchisee
shall
give
“Century
21”
written
notice
of
its
intention
to
exercise
the
renewal
option
at
least
ninety
days
prior
to
the
expiration
of
the
initial
term
and
any
renewal
term
and
clause
provides
that
the
franchise
agreement
is
exclusive
and
may
not
be
terminated
except
as
provided
therein;
(d)
In
addition
to
the
initial
franchise
fee
a
franchisee
must
agree
to
a
service
fee
equal
to
6%
of
the
franchisee’s
gross
income
derived
from
all
transactions
for
which
a
real
estate
license
or
security
license
is
required;
(e)
The
subject
franchise
agreement
authorizes
the
franchisee
to
use
“Century
21's"
tradename,
trademarks,
goodwill
and
trade
secrets;
(f)
“Century
21”
is
obligated
to
impart
to
a
franchisee
all
of
its
selling,
promotional
and
merchandizing
methods
and
techniques
and
maintain
a
staff
to
give
assistance
and
service
to
a
franchisee;
(g)
“Century
21"
must
operate
a
sales
training
program
for
franchisees
and
their
sales
personnel;
(h)
Neither
the
standard
form
franchise
agreement
nor
any
of
its
rights
or
privileges
may
be
assigned,
transferred,
shared
or
divided
by
operation
of
law
or
otherwise
in
any
manner
without
the
prior
written
consent
of
“Century
21”
which
shall
not
be
unreasonably
withheld;
(i)
If
a
franchisee
should
desire
to
assign
his
franchise
he
shall
serve
notice
upon
“Century
21”
setting
forth
all
the
terms
and
conditions
and
“Century
21”
may
either
consent
to
the
assignment
or
at
its
option
accept
the
assignment
to
itself
upon
the
terms
and
conditions
specified
in
the
notice
but
if
“Century
21”
should
do
neither
the
consent
to
the
assignment
shall
be
deemed
granted.
9.
In
the
taxation
year
the
“initial
franchise
fee"
was
$5,000.00.
This
fee
has
been
increased
from
time
to
time
and
is
now
$12,000.00.
Also
the
initial
term
of
the
standard
form
franchise
agreement
was
subsequently
reduced
to
five
years
with
the
five
year
renewal
provisions
remaining
unchanged.
10.
The
firm
of
Touche
Ross
&
Co,
Chartered
Accountants,
the
auditors
for
Samoth,
prepared
the
company's
financial
statements
and
T-2
income
tax
return
for
the
taxation
year
and
in
doing
so
reported
as
income
from
business
the
aforesaid
6%
gross
income
service
fee
pursuant
to
the
provisions
of
sections
and
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
and
included
in
income
a
portion
of
the
proceeds
realized
on
the
sale
of
franchises
in
Canada
on
the
basis
that
the
said
proceeds
were
realized
on
the
disposition
of
eligible
capital
property
as
defined
by
subsection
14(1)
of
the
Act.
11.
Samoth
has
never
at
any
material
time
carried
on
the
business
itself
of
operating
or
maintaining
a
real
estate
brokerage
office.
12.
By
Notice
of
Reassessment
dated
April
27,
the
Minister
of
National
Revenue
reassessed
Samoth
to
tax
with
respect
to
its
taxation
year
by
including
in
income
from
business,
pursuant
to
sections
and
of
the
Act,
the
proceeds
realized
on
the
sale
of
franchises
in
Canada
for
that
taxation
year
rather
than
including
in
income
only
a
portion
of
those
proceeds
pursuant
to
the
provisions
of
section
14(1)
of
the
Act.
The
parties
hereto
by
their
respective
solicitors
have
by
their
signatures
endorsed
hereon
agreed,
for
the
purposes
of
this
action,
to
the
facts
recited
above.
This
agreement
made
this
18th
day
of
November,
1974,
by
and
between
a
corporation,
hereinafter
called
“Century
21”
or
“Franchisor"
and
hereinafter
called
“Subfranchisor".
1.
Century
has
developed
a
plan
for
the
establishment,
development,
and
operation
of
real
estate
brokerage
offices,
and
has
devised
policies,
procedures
and
office
management
techniques
designed
to
enable
such
offices
to
compete
with
larger
real
estate
brokerage
chains.
2.
In
order
to
advertise
the
trade
name
and
facilitate
the
merchandising
techniques
utilized
thereunder,
Century
has
designed
and
developed
standardized
signs,
making
use
of
a
logo
type
insignia,
cards,
stationery,
business
forms,
office
procedure
manuals,
centralized
advertising
programs,
sales
training
programs
and
personnel
management
and
control
systems
for
franchised
real
estate
brokerage
offices.
3.
Century
has
developed
a
standardized
franchise
agreement,
sales
tools
and
brochures,
and
a
plan
for
the
sale
of
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers.
4.
Subfranchisor
desires
to
purchase
the
right
to
use
said
plans,
manuals,
systems
and
forms
and
the
exclusive
right
to
sell
franchises
of
the
types
sold
by
Century
to
real
estate
brokers
in
the
territory
described
below.
5.
A.
For
and
in
consideration
of
payment
of
One
Hundred
Thousand
Dollars
($100,000.00)
by
Subfranchisor
to
Century
upon
terms
herein
set
forth
and
the
execution
of
this
Agreement,
Century
grants
to
Subfranchisor
the
exclusive
right
to
sell
Century
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers
in
the
territory
described
below
and
to
use
the
Century
name,
service
marks
and
systems
in
connection
therewith.
The
One
Hundred
Thousand
Dollars
($100,000)
consideration
to
be
paid
by
Subfranchisor
to
Century
shall
be
payable
Five
Thousand
Dollars
($5,000)
on
execution
of
this
Agreement,
Five
Thousand
Dollars
($5,000)
at
least
seven
(7)
days
prior
to
the
first
breakfast
meeting
held
for
prospective
franchisees,
but
in
no
event
more
than
six
(6)
months
from
the
date
hereof,
and
the
balance
in
instalments
of
Two
Thousand
Dollars
($2,000)
per
month
including
interest
at
six
per
cent
(6%)
per
annum
on
the
unpaid
balance,
said
monthly
payments
to
commence
one
hundred
twenty
(120)
days
after
Subfranchisor’s
first
Century
franchisees
open
for
business
under
the
name
Century
21,
but
in
no
event
later
than
one
(1)
year
from
the
date
hereof.
B.
Century
authorizes
Subfranchisor
to
the
extent
it
is
authorized
by
law
to
do
so,
to
engage
in
the
escrow
business,
mortgage
loan
and/or
mortgage
brokerage
business,
and
general
insurance
agency
business,
provided
that
Subfranchisor
shall
obtain
for
itself
such
licenses
or
additional
licenses
as
may
be
required
by
various
governmental
agencies
to
engage
in
said
businesses.
C.
Except
as
expressly
authorized
herein,
nothing
herein
contained
shall
be
construed
as
authorizing
or
permitting
Subfranchisor
to
use
such
trade
name,
service
marks,
goodwill,
manuals,
plans,
forms
or
trade
secrets
at
any
other
location
or
area
or
for
any
purpose
other
than
the
sale
of
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers
and
salesmen
upon
substantially
the
same
terms
as
such
franchises
are
sold
by
Century
in
the
County
of
Orange,
State
of
California,
and
for
the
purpose
of
servicing
of
those
franchises.
It
is
expressly
agreed
that
the
ownership
of
all
right,
title
and
interest
in
and
to
said
trade
name,
trademarks,
goodwill
and
trade
secrets
is
and
shall
remain
vested
solely
in
Century
21,
and
that
material
and
information
now
and
hereafter
provided
or
revealed
to
Subfranchisor
under
and
pursuant
to
this
Agreement
are
revealed
in
confidence
and
Subfranchisor
agrees
that
upon
the
expiration,
termination
or
assignment
of
this
subfranchise
for
any
reason
all
manuals,
bulletins,
instruction
sheets,
forms,
marks,
designs
and
other
material
furnished
to
Subfranchisor
under
and
pursuant
to
this
Agreement
shall
be
returned
to
Century
or
turned
over
to
the
assignee
approved
by
Century
21,
and
Subfranchisor
shall
immediately
cease
using
the
name,
trademark,
goodwill
and
trade
secrets
of
Century
21.
It
is
understood
that
Century
is
constantly
working
to
improve
upon
its
franchise
system.
Century
reserves
the
right
to
make
changes
from
time
to
time
in
the
service
marks,
names,
manuals,
forms
and
in
the
system
to
be
used
by
Subfranchisor
and
its
franchisees.
D.
Century
reserves
the
right
to
approve
in
advance
the
form,
content
and
general
appearance
of
any
literature,
signs
or
other
materials
or
things
on
which
a
Century
name
or
service
mark
is
used,
and
Subfranchisor
agrees
not
to
use
such
names
or
service
marks
without
obtaining
said
approval
from
an
authorized
officer
of
Century
21.
Century
agrees
not
to
withhold
its
consent
unreasonably.
Any
use
of
a
Century
name
or
service
mark
by
Subfranchisor
or
its
franchisees
shall
inure
to
the
benefit
of
Century
21.
It
is
anticipated
that
due
to
differences
in
the
laws
and
the
business
practices
in
the
United
States
and
Canada
it
will
be
necessary
for
Subfranchisor
to
have
its
supplies
and
printed
materials
locally
produced.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
arrange
for
its
own
suppliers
in
Canada
and
agrees
to
bear
all
expenses
of
adapting
Century
21's
materials
for
use
in
Canada,
but
all
such
changes
shall
require
the
written
approval
of
Century
which
shall
not
be
unreasonably
withheld.
It
shall
be
the
obligation
of
Subfranchisor
to
maintain
the
same
high
standards
with
respect
to
materials
and
supplies
as
are
maintained
by
Century
in
the
United
States
of
America.
6.
The
exclusive
territory
sold
to
Subfranchisor
shall
consist
of:
The
Dominion
of
Canada.
7.
The
subfranchise
hereby
granted
shall
be
perpetual
unless
terminated
by
mutual
agreement
or
unless
sooner
terminated
as
hereinafter
provided.
8.
A.
For
the
franchise
hereby
granted,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
pay
to
Century
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
its
gross
receipts
from
its
franchisees
(including
but
not
limited
to
consideration
for
the
initial
issuance
of
any
franchise
or
the
renewal
or
extension
thereof
for
the
first
twenty-five
(25)
years
of
the
term
hereof
and
ten
per
cent
(10%)
thereafter.
In
addition,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
pay
to
Century
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
the
gross
receipts
from
any
other
business
or
activity
in
which
the
Century
name,
trademarks,
goodwill
or
trade
secrets
are
used;
provided,
however,
nothing
contained
herein
shall
be
construed
to
permit
Subfranchisor
to
use
the
Century
name,
trademarks,
goodwill
or
trade
secrets
in
a
manner
not
expressly
contemplated
by
this
Agreement.
Subfranchisor
shall
also
pay
to
Century
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
its
gross
receipts
from
the
property
management
business,
appraisal
business,
mortgage
loan
and/or
mortgage
brokerage
business,
escrow
business,
insurance
business,
termite
control
and
inspection
business,
household
moving
business,
construction
business,
title
and/or
title
insurance
business,
and
any
other
business
involving
the
sale
of
goods
or
services
to
its
Century
Real
Estate
franchisees
or
the
customers
of
its
franchisees.
This
paragraph
shall
not
be
construed
to
apply
to
the
occasional
sale
by
Subfranchisor
of
real
estate
held
by
it
for
investment
and
not
for
sale
in
the
ordinary
course
of
business.
B.
It
is
contemplated
that
Subfranchisor
may
enter
the
escrow
business,
insurance
business
and
other
businesses
made
possible
by
the
sale
of
Century
franchises
and
that
said
business
may
be
entered
through
subsidiaries
of
Subfranchisor.
In
the
event
subsidiaries
are
used
to
enter
said
businesses,
the
gross
receipts
of
each
such
subsidiary
shall
be
consolidated
with
the
gross
receipts
of
Subfranchisor
and
transactions
between
Subfranchisor
and
its
subsidiaries
shall
be
ignored
for
the
purpose
of
determining
the
total
gross
receipts
upon
which
service
fees
are
to
be
paid.
C.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
act
in
good
faith
in
making
decisions
whether
or
not
to
enter
the
businesses
referred
to
above,
and
Subfranchisor
shall
not
refrain
from
entering
one
of
the
businesses
referred
to
above
for
the
purpose
of
permitting
shareholders,
officers,
or
directors
of
Subfranchisor
or
other
persons
related
directly
or
indirectly
to
Subfranchisor,
to
conduct
one
or
more
of
said
businesses
selling
goods
or
services
to
Century
Real
Estate
franchisees
or
the
customers
of
said
franchisees.
D.
If
in
the
future
as
the
result
of
any
court
decision,
legislation
or
governmental
regulation
it
shall
be
illegal
or
impractical
for
Century
to
collect
a
service
fee
based
on
gross
receipts
from
all
of
the
business
activities
specified
above,
the
service
fee
shall
be
revised
as
follows:
(1)
During
the
period
that
the
revision
is
being
made,
Subfranchisor
shall
pay
to
Century
at
least
monthly
a
sum
equal
to
the
average
sum
which
was
payable
during
the
twelve
(12)
months
immediately
prior
to
said
court
decision,
legislation
or
governmental
regulation,
and
(2)
Century
and
Subfranchisor
shall
immediately
determine
the
gross
receipts
of
Subfranchisor
from
all
business
activities
listed
above
for
the
twelve
(12)
month
period
immediately
preceding
the
court
decision,
legislation,
or
governmental
regulation
referred
to
above
(said
sum
hereinafter
referred
to
as
“total
A”)
and
shall
determine
the
gross
receipts
of
Subfranchisor
during
said
period
from
all
business
activities
excepting
the
business
activity
on
which
Century
cannot
legally
collect
a
percentage.
(Said
sum
hereinafter
referred
to
as
“total
B’’).
If
Subfranchisor
shall
have
been
in
business
for
less
than
twelve
(12)
months
immediately
preceding
the
court
decision,
legislation
or
governmental
regulation
referred
to
above,
then
only
the
period
of
time
that
Subfranchisor
was
in
business
prior
to
said
court
decision,
legislation
or
governmental
regulation
shall
be
used
in
computing
total
and
total
B.
The
new
service
fee
percentage
shall
be
that
percentage
of
total
which
yields
a
sum
of
money
exactly
equal
to
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
total
A.
Immediately
after
the
computation
of
the
new
percentage
Century
and
Subfranchisor
agree
to
execute
an
addendum
to
this
agreement
setting
forth
the
new
percentage
and
providing
that
the
service
fee
shall
be
payable
only
on
those
business
activities
on
which
Century
can
legally
collect
a
service
fee.
E.
If
as
the
result
of
any
court
decision,
legislation
or
governmental
regulation,
the
above
paragraph
with
respect
to
revision
of
service
fee
shall
also
be
held
to
be
illegal
or
unenforceable,
Century
and
Subfranchisor
agree
to
negotiate
in
good
faith
to
arrive
at
a
new
service
fee
percentage
to
be
paid
on
those
business
activities
on
which
Century
can
legally
collect
a
service
fee.
If
Century
and
Subfranchisor
shall
be
unable
to
agree
within
ninety
(90)
days
,
this
agreement
shall
be
of
no
further
force
or
effect.
9.
A.
Subfranchisor
shall
operate
under
the
trade
name
B.
Subfranchisor
shall
obtain
at
its
own
expense
an
approriate
registration
or
permit
as
required
by
any
present
or
future
applicable
franchise
investment
law,
securities
act,
blue
sky
law
or
any
similar
law
regulating
the
sale
of
securities
or
franchises
in
its
territory,
to
sell
real
estate
franchises
of
exactly
the
same
type
as
those
being
sold
by
Century
in
Orange
County,
California,
Subject
only
to
minor
variations
approved
in
advance
by
Century
in
writing.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
sell
real
estate
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers
upon
the
same
terms
and
conditions
as
those
franchises
are
being
sold
by
Century
in
Orange
County,
California,
at
the
time
of
sale.
C.
Subfranchisor
shall
forward
to
Century
within
thirty
(30)
days
after
execution
by
Subfranchisor,
a
copy
of
each
Century
real
estate
franchise
agreement
entered
into
within
the
described
territory.
Century
shall
advise
Subfranchisor
in
writing
of
the
terms
and
conditions
upon
which
it
or
its
subsidiaries
are
selling
real
estate
franchises
in
Orange
County,
California,
and
of
any
changes
in
said
terms
and
conditions
as
shall
occur
from
time
to
time.
In
addition,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
adopt
a
policy
and
procedure
manual
substantially
identical
to
that
used
from
time
to
time
by
Century
or
its
subsidiaries,
subject
only
to
changes
approved
by
Century
to
conform
to
local
laws
and
business
practices,
and
to
require
its
real
estate
franchisees
to
adhere
to
the
policy
and
procedure
manual.
Also,
Century
reserves
the
right
to
adopt
a
policy
and
procedure
manual
setting
forth
policies
and
procedures
required
to
be
followed
by
all
Century
subfranchisors
and
in
such
event
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
comply
with
said
regional
policy
and
procedure
man-
ual.
Subfranchisor
recognizes
the
need
for
standardization
and
uniform
high
standards
throughout
North
America
and
agrees
to
do
its
part
in
maintaining
such
standards.
D.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
provide
the
same
services
to
franchisees
and
maintain
the
same
quality
of
services
to
franchisees
as
Century
shall
provide
from
time
to
time
to
its
franchisees
in
Orange
County,
California,
Century
agrees
that
subject
to
variations
in
local
conditions,
it
will
be
consistent
in
the
services
which
it
provides
to
franchisees
in
Orange
County,
California,
and
the
services
which
it
provides
to
its
direct
franchisees
in
other
areas.
In
addition,
Century
agrees
that
it
will
be
reasonably
consistent
in
the
standards
and
quality
of
services
which
it
imposes
upon
Subfranchisor
and
upon
other
subfranchisors
which
it
may
have
from
time
to
time.
E.
Subfranchisor
shall
maintain
an
adequate
staff
to
insure
responsible
service
assistance
to
franchisees,
shall
furnish
referral
forms
to
all
franchisees,
shall
act
as
clearing
house
for
referral
correspondence
not
only
within
its
territory
but
throughout
all
areas
in
which
Century
Real
Estate
franchises
are
sold,
and
shall
advise
franchisees
in
all
phases
of
operation,
including
staff
selection,
training,
office
location,
layouts
and
advertising.
F.
Without
the
written
consent
of
Century
21,
Subfranchisor
shall
not
use
the
Century
name
or
trademarks
for
any
purpose
other
than
the
sale
of
real
estate
franchises
to
licensed
real
estate
brokers,
and
such
other
businesses
as
are
authorized
by
Article
hereof,
and
Subfranchisor
shall
not
engage
in
any
other
business
related
to
or
made
possible
by
its
real
estate
franchising
business
without
the
written
consent
of
Century
21.
Century
agrees
that
it
will
not
withhold
its
consent
unreasonably
but
may
impose
reasonable
conditions.
Subfranchisor
shall
not
engage
in
any
practices
which
would
tend
to
give
preference
to
or
show
commercial
favoritism
toward
any
one
or
more
of
its
franchisees
over
other
franchisees.
G.
Subfranchisor
shall
not
use
the
name,
trademarks,
trade
secrets
or
engage
in
the
sale
of
Century
franchises
outside
the
purchased
territory.
H.
Subfranchisor
shall
cause
to
be
opened
at
least
forty
(40)
franchised
real
estate
brokerage
offices
within
the
first
twelve
(12)
months
of
the
term
of
this
Agreement,
and
thirty
(30)
additional
franchise
real
estate
brokerage
offices
in
each
twelve
(12)
month
period
thereafter
through
the
end
of
the
fourth
year
of
the
term
of
this
agreement.
In
addition,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
work
diligently
and
in
good
faith
to
open
franchised
real
estate
brokerage
offices
throughout
the
territory
described
herein
and
to
utilize
the
entire
territory
for
the
entire
term
of
this
agreement.
I.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
implement
any
innovations
or
changes
in
services
to
franchisees
within
a
reasonable
time,
in
no
event
to
exceed
six
(6)
months,
after
being
informed
of
innovations
or
changes
in
services
being
provided
by
Century
to
its
franchisees
in
Orange
County,
California,
providing
such
change
or
innovation
does
not
impose
an
unreasonable
financial
burden
on
Subfranchisor.
J.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
maintain
at
all
times
at
its
principal
office
a
central
bookkeeping
system
which
shall
conform
to
standards
uniformly
imposed
by
Century
and
to
make
Subfranchisor's
books
and
records
open
and
available
to
Century
for
inspection
and
copying
during
normal
business
hours.
In
addition,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
mail
to
Century
copies
of
such
monthly
financial
reports
as
Subfranchisor
shall
prepare
for
its
own
management.
K.
Subfranchisor
represents
that
at
the
time
of
execution
of
this
Agreement
it
has
a
net
worth
of
not
less
than
$20,000.00.
L.
Neither
Subfranchisor
nor
its
officers,
directors,
or
shareholders
owning
more
than
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
its
outstanding
stock
shall
enter
the
real
estate
brokerage
business
in
competition
with
Subfranchisor's
franchisees,
or
have
a
financial
interest,
either
directly
or
indirectly,
in
any
of
its
franchisees
without
the
written
consent
of
Century
21.
Century
hereby
gives
its
consent
to
Peter
Thomas
owning
fifty
per
cent
(50%)
of
the
stock
of
Western
Diversified
Holdings
International
Ltd
which
in
turn
owns
Mason
Realty
Ltd
which
operates
a
single
real
estate
sales
office
so
long
as
the
number
of
offices
operated
by
these
companies
shall
not
be
increased.
M.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
comply
with
all
state
and
federal
laws
and
with
all
local
laws
and
ordinances
and
to
obtain
and
maintain
any
and
all
licenses
and
permits
necessary
to
conduct
its
business
in
the
provinces,
areas
or
regions
comprising
the
described
territory.
N.
Subfranchisor
shall
not
sell
a
franchise
to
any
person
or
entity
who
has
had
a
franchise
from
another
competing
real
estate
franchise
organization
within
ninety
(90)
days
prior
to
the
proposed
sale
without
the
written
consent
of
Century
21.
Century
agrees
not
to
withhold
its
approval
unreasonably.
O.
Subfranchisor’s
principal
office
and
any
branch
office
which
Subfranchisor
proposes
to
establish
for
the
purpose
of
providing
services
to
its
real
estate
franchisees
shall
be
established
and
maintained
only
in
locations
approved
in
writing
in
advance
by
Century
21.
Century
agrees
not
to
withhold
its
approval
unreasonably.
P.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
hold
Century
free
and
harmless
from
any
liability,
damages,
or
expense
(including
but
not
limited
to
attorneys
fees
and
court
costs)
arising
out
of
any
legal
action
based
upon
the
alleged
errors
or
omissions
of
Subfranchisor
or
any
one
or
more
franchised
real
estate
brokers
in
the
described
territory
or
their
agents
or
employees.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
maintain
public
liability
insurance
in
an
amount
not
less
than
$500,000
with
Century
named
as
an
additional
insured
and
to
provide
Century
with
evidence
of
such
insurance.
10.
21.
A.
Century
agrees:
(1)
To
furnish
to
Subfranchisor
all
of
its
plans,
trademarks,
trade
secrets
and
business
techniques
referred
to
above.
(2)
To
keep
Subfranchisor
informed
of
innovations
and
changes
in
services
and
agreements
adopted
from
time
to
time
in
Orange
County,
California,
together
with
the
methods
of
implementing
same.
(3)
To
provide
Subfranchisor
with
a
reasonable
amount
of
counselling
and
guidance
in
the
establishment
and
maintenance
of
its
business.
B.
The
above
services
are
to
be
provided
at
the
principal
office
of
Subfranchisee.
C.
Century
represents
that
it
has
now
pending
before
the
Patent
Office
and
before
similar
offices
in
Canada
and
various
foreign
countries
applications
for
registration
of
the
“Century
21”
service
mark
and
will
apply
for
registration
of
any
other
service
marks
adopted
in
the
future.
11.
In
all
matters
pertaining
to
the
operation
of
Subfranchisor’s
business,
Subfranchisor
is
and
shall
be
an
independent
contractor.
Nothing
herein
contained
shall
be
construed
so
as
to
create
a
partnership,
joint
venture
or
agency,
and
neither
party
shall
be
liable
for
the
debts
or
obligations
of
the
other.
12.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
provide
sufficient
newspaper,
television,
radio
or
other
mass
media
advertising
to
equal
in
dollars
at
least
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
the
service
fees
received
from
all
franchised
real
estate
offices
of
Subfranchisor.
In
addition,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
pay
to
Century
three
per
cent
(3%)
of
its
service
fees
from
franchised
real
estate
offices
which
Century
shall
use
exclusively
for
international
advertising
space
or
time.
It
is
understood
and
agreed
that
Century
shall
not
be
required
to
spend
its
international
advertising
budget
including
said
three
per
cent
(3%)
on
a
basis
which
is
exactly
proportional
between
the
various
Century
regions
so
long
as
said
funds
are
spent
on
media
which
in
the
advertising
industry
are
regarded
as
“international
media”.
Century
may
spend
up
to
fifteen
per
cent
(15%)
of
its
international
advertising
budget
(including
said
three
per
cent
(3%)
on
a
disproportionate
basis
to
establish
the
Century
name
in
new
territory,
engage
in
test
marketing,
build
up
a
laggard
territory,
or
other
purposes
deemed
beneficial
by
Century
to
the
general
recognition
of
the
Century
name
and
the
success
of
its
franchise
system
in
the
United
States
and
other
countries
where
real
estate
is
bought
and
sold.
“Service
fees”
for
the
purpose
of
this
Article
only
shall
include
all
income
received
by
Subfranchisor
from
its
franchised
real
estate
offices
except
the
initial
franchise
fee
in
connection
with
the
sale
of
a
franchise,
and
shall
not
include
income
from
sources
other
than
the
franchised
real
estate
offices
of
Subfranchisor
such
as
escrow
fees
and
insurance
fees.
Further,
Franchisor
shall
provide
annually
to
Subfranchisor
a
full
and
complete
accounting
of
all
funds
collected
and
all
funds
expended
under
this
paragraph.
13.
A.
Century
cannot
guarantee
that
there
is
not
a
business
somewhere
in
the
described
territory
using
the
name
Century
or
a
substantially
similar
name,
which
business
has
the
right
to
continue
to
use
the
name
if
it
has
been
using
the
name
for
a
sufficiently
long
period
of
time.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
make
a
name
and
directory
search
of
the
name
Century
in
the
described
territory
before
commencing
business
and
to
provide
Century
with
a
copy
of
the
results
of
the
search.
Century
agrees
to
pay
the
first
$100
of
the
cost
of
the
search.
Century
is
already
aware
of
a
real
estate
broker
in
or
near
the
City
of
Hamilton,
Ontario,
who
claims
the
right
to
use
the
name
“Century
21”.
Century
will
retain
solicitors
at
its
own
expense
in
an
effort
to
resolve
this
problem.
If
any
further
problem
should
be
encountered
with
respect
to
the
name
“Century
21”
or
with
respect
to
any
future
service
marks,
Century
shall
select
barristers
and/or
solicitors
to
represent
both
Century
and
Subfranchisor,
and
the
legal
expenses
shall
be
divided
equally.
Any
out
of
court
settlement
of
such
matters
shall
require
the
approval
of
both
Century
and
Subfranchisor
and
the
expense
of
the
out
of
court
settlement
shall
be
borne
by
Subfranchisor.
B.
Century
agrees
that
in
the
event
Subfranchisor
shall
be
enjoined
or
restrained
from
operating
under
the
name
and
style
of
Century
in
the
described
territory
as
the
result
of
any
order
entered
by
a
court
of
competent
jurisdiction,
or
on
account
of
litigation
brought
in
said
court
by
any
firm,
person
or
corporation
having
prior
common
law
or
statutory
rights
to
operate
under
the
name
“Century
21”
or
derivations
thereof,
Subfranchisor
may
rescind
this
Agreement
and
receive
a
refund
of
any
funds
paid
pursuant
to
paragraphs
and
up
to
the
date
of
such
rescission.
14.
It
is
understood
that
Century
reserves
the
right
to
hold
periodic
conferences
for
all
Century
subfranchisors,
and
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
cause
its
principal
officers
to
attend
such
conferences
at
Subfranchisor's
expense.
15.
This
Agreement
is
being
entered
into
by
Century
in
reliance
upon
and
in
consideration
of
the
singular
skill,
qualifications
and
representations
of
the
present
officers
and
shareholders
of
Subfranchisor
who
will
actively
participate
in
the
ownership
and
operation
of
the
purchased
business.
Therefore,
neither
this
Agreement
nor
any
of
its
rights
or
privileges
shall
be
assigned,
transferred,
shared
or
divided
by
operation
of
law
or
otherwise,
in
any
manner
without
the
prior
written
consent
of
Century
21.
Such
consent
shall
not
be
unreasonably
withheld;
however,
Subfranchisor
shall
reimburse
Century
for
all
costs
and
expenses
incurred
in
connection
with
any
such
assignment
or
proposed
assignment,
including
reasonable
costs
not
to
exceed
$1,000.00
of
investigating
the
proposed
assignee,
and
attorney's
fees
not
to
exceed
$1,000.00.
One
or
more
sales
or
transfers
of
stock
totalling
more
than
twenty-five
per
cent
(25%)
of
the
stock
of
Subfranchisor
shall
be
deemed
an
assignment
of
this
Agreement.
16.
If
Subfranchisor
shall
desire
to
assign
its
subfranchise,
it
shall
serve
upon
Century
a
written
notice
setting
forth
all
the
terms
and
conditions
of
the
proposed
assignment
and
all
available
information
concern-
ing
the
proposed
assignment
and
the
proposed
assignee.
Within
fifteen
(15)
days
after
the
receipt
of
such
notice
(or
if
Century
requests
additional
information,
within
fifteen
(15)
days
after
receipt
of
such
additional
information)
Century
may
either
consent
to
the
assignment,
deny
its
consent
giving
the
reasons
therefor
or,
at
its
option,
accept
the
assignment
to
itself
and
acquire
the
subfranchise
upon
the
terms
and
conditions
specified
in
the
notice.
Consent
to
an
assignment
upon
the
specified
terms
and
conditions
shall
not
be
deemed
to
be
a
consent
to
an
assignment
on
any
other
terms
and
conditions,
nor
to
any
other
person,
nor
to
any
other
or
subsequent
assignment.
/n
the
event
of
a
sale
or
transfer
of
any
stock
in
Subfranchisor
Century
may
condition
its
approval
of
the
assignment
upon
this
right
of
first
refusal
being
extended
to
apply
to
the
proposed
sale
or
transfer
of
stock
when
the
total
amount
to
be
transferred
exceeds
twenty-five
per
cent
(25%)
or
when
the
total
amount
to
be
transferred
when
added
to
any
previous
transfers
exceeds
twenty-five
per
cent
(25%).
17.
A.
If
Subfranchisor
shall
fail
to
maintain
the
number
of
open
and
operating
franchised
real
estate
offices
required
in
its
territory,
Century
may
give
Subfranchisor
written
notice
to
correct
said
deficiency
by
increasing
the
number
of
open
and
operating
franchised
real
estate
offices
in
the
territory,
and
maintain
that
number
of
offices
open
and
operating
continuously
for
a
period
of
six
(6)
months.
If
Subfranchisor
shall
fail
to
do
so,
Century
may
at
its
option
terminate
this
Agreement
as
to
the
territory
as
a
whole.
B.
Service
fees
shall
be
paid
by
Subfranchisor
to
Century
at
least
monthly
on
or
before
the
twentieth
(20th)
day
of
the
calendar
month
following
the
month
in
which
the
income
or
receipts
were
received
by
Subfranchisor,
together
with
a
written
report
setting
forth
the
amount
of
income
received
from
each
franchisee.
If
Subfranchisor
shall
be
more
than
thirty
(30)
days
late
with
any
payment
or
report,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
pay
to
Century
the
additional
sum
of
Fifty
Dollars
($50)
as
a
late
charge,
plus
interest
at
eight
per
cent
(8%)
per
annum
on
the
amount
of
the
late
payment,
if
any.
C.
Upon
any
default
by
Subfranchisor
other
than
failure
to
maintain
the
minimum
required
number
of
open
and
operating
franchised
real
estate
offices,
Century
may
in
addition
to
any
other
remedy
herein
granted
or
granted
by
law
elect
to
terminate
this
Agreement.
If
Century
elects
to
terminate,
it
shall
notify
Subfranchisor
by
registered
mail
at
its
place
of
business
and
upon
the
failure
of
Subfranchisor
to
correct
the
default
within
thirty
(30)
working
days
this
contract
shall
be
terminated.
18.
Upon
the
termination
of
this
Agreement,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
change
its
corporate
name
within
thirty
(30)
days
to
eliminate
the
words
“Century
21”
therefrom.
In
addition,
any
and
all
franchise
agreements
entered
into
by
Subfranchisor
with
real
estate
brokers
or
others
involving
the
use
of
the
Century
name
or
service
marks
shall
within
thirty
(30)
days
be
assigned
to
Century
and
the
gross
receipts
from
franchises
from
and
after
the
date
of
said
termination
shall
be
paid
over
by
Subfranchisor
to
Century
21.
Immediately
upon
termination
Subfranchisor
shall
cease
to
use
the
trade
name
“Century
Real
Estate”
or
any
of
the
service
marks
or
trade
secrets
of
Century
21.
19.
Except
as
specifically
provided
in
Article
hereof,
Subfranchisor,
its
officers,
directors
and
any
shareholders
holding
more
than
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
its
stock
shall
not
engage
in
the
sale
of
other
real
estate
franchises,
title
insurance,
mortgage
insurance,
brokerage
or
any
business
providing
goods
or
services
to
real
estate
brokers
or
their
customers,
either
directly
or
indirectly
as
a
partner,
shareholder
or
otherwise,
without
the
written
consent
of
Century
21.
In
addition,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
obtain
a
written
agreement
in
form
satisfactory
to
Century
from
its
officers,
directors
and
shareholders
holding
more
than
ten
per
cent
(10%)
of
its
stock
for
the
benefit
of
itself
and
Century
21,
that
they
shall
not
use
or
allow
the
use
of
Century
trade
secrets
by
others
without
the
written
consent
of
Century
21.
20.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
maintain
a
complete
set
of
books
and
records
at
its
principal
place
of
business
at
all
times,
and
provide
Century
with
a
certified
audit
of
its
books
at
least
annually.
Subfranchisor
shall
allow
Century
to
make
inspections
of
Subfranchisor’s
business,
including
its
books
and
records,
at
any
reasonable
time
during
normal
working
hours
provided
an
officer,
manager,
or
principal
of
Subfranchisor
or
a
representative
of
Subfranchisor’s
accounting
firm
shall
be
present
at
the
commencement
of
any
audit.
If
any
audit
of
Subfranchisor’s
books
and
records
discloses
that
Century
has
been
underpaid
by
more
than
ten
per
cent
(10%)
during
any
twelve
(12)
month
period,
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
reimburse
Century
for
the
cost
of
said
audit
plus
three
(3)
times
the
amount
of
the
deficiency
with
the
next
regular
monthly
payment.
21.
No
waiver
of
any
breach
of
any
condition
or
covenant
herein
shall
constitute
a
waiver
of
any
subsequent
breach.
22.
Any
reference
in
this
Agreement
to
Century
21’s
“Orange
County
Operations”
or
to
Orange
County,
California,
as
a
standard
to
be
met
by
Subfranchisor
with
respect
to
production,
services,
or
any
other
matter
referred
to
herein
where
the
Century
“Orange
County
Operations"
are
to
be
used
as
a
standard
of
comparison,
shall
be
binding
upon
Subfranchisor
only
so
long
as
Century
shall
be
attempting
to
maintain
the
same
or
similar
standards
of
production,
services,
prices
and
other
matters
throughout
the
areas
in
which
it
has
direct
real
estate
franchises,
including
Orange
County,
California,
23.
No
corporation,
firm
or
person
other
than
Subfranchisor
shall
have
or
acquire
any
right
or
rights
sold
to
Subfranchisor
hereunder
by
virtue
of
any
bankruptcy,
insolvency
or
assignment
for
the
benefit
of
creditors
or
reorganization
proceedings,
or
any
receivership
or
other
legal
process,
either
under
attachment,
execution
or
otherwise,
or
in
any
manner
whatsoever
growing
out
of
any
proceeding
or
suit
in
law
or
in
equity.
In
the
event
of
any
such
proceeding
being
had
or
taken
by
or
against
Subfranchisor,
or
any
assignee
or
successor
in
interest
of
Subfranchisor
or
against
any
interest
of
Subfranchisor
in
this
Agreement,
or
in
the
event
of
any
proceedings
by
or
against
Subfranchisor,
or
any
assignee
or
successor
in
interest
of
Subfranchisor,
under
any
provisions
of
the
law,
including
the
various
chapters
of
the
bankruptcy
act,
or
for
the
involuntary
winding
up
of
Subfranchisor
or
any
assignee
or
successor
in
interest
of
Subfranchisor,
without
such
proceedings
being
dismissed
or
such
levies
released
within
five
(5)
days
therefrom,
Century
shall
have
the
option
of
terminating
this
Agreement
immediately.
In
the
event
of
any
proceedings
to
wind
up
or
dissolve
Subfranchisor,
or
any
corporate
assignee
or
successor
in
interest
of
Subfranchisor,
Century
shall
have
the
option
of
terminating
this
Agreement
immediately.
24.
This
entire
Agreement
shall
be
subject
to:
A.
Century
21’s
obtaining
a
permit
or
other
applicable
authority,
if
necessary
under
federal
law
or
the
law
of
any
province
in
the
described
territory,
authorizing
Century
to
sell
this
subfranchise.
B.
Subfranchisor
agrees
to
use
due
diligence
and
do
all
things
reasonably
necessary
to
obtain
such
licenses
and/or
permits
as
are
necessary
to
sell
real
estate
franchises
within
the
stated
territory.
In
the
event
that
Subfranchisor
has
not
obtained
such
necessary
licenses
and/or
permits
within
five
(5)
months
from
the
date
hereof,
this
Agreement
shall
be
null
and
void
and
of
no
further
force
or
effect.
25.
Any
modification
or
change
in
this
Agreement
must
be
in
writing.
26.
If
any
action
shall
be
instituted
to
interpret
or
enforce
the
terms
and
conditions
of
this
Agreement,
the
prevailing
party
shall
be
entitled
to
recover
reasonable
attorney's
fees.
27.
This
Agreement
shall
be
construed
according
to
the
laws
of
the
State
of
California,
If
any
provisions
of
this
Agreement
are
or
shall
become
in
conflict
with
laws,
ordinances
or
regulations
of
any
governmental
entity
or
body
having
jurisdiction
over
all
or
a
substantial
portion
of
the
described
territory,
said
provisions
shall
be
automatically
deleted
and
the
remaining
terms
and
conditions
of
this
Agreement
shall
remain
in
full
force
and
effect,
provided,
in
the
opinion
of
each
party
hereto,
such
deletions
can
be
made
without
materially
affecting
the
basic
agreement
and
relationship
between
the
parties
hereto.
If,
in
the
opinion
of
either
party
hereto,
such
deletions
cannot
be
made
without
materially
affecting
the
basic
agreement
and/or
relationship
between
the
parties
hereto,
this
Agreement
may
be
terminated
by
either
party
hereto
and
in
such
event
the
parties
agree
to
negotiate
in
good
faith
to
establish
a
new
agreement
which
is
not
in
conflict
with
such
laws,
ordinances
or
regulations.
28.
Any
notice
to
be
given
to
or
served
on
either
of
the
parties
hereto
shall
be
deemed
given
or
served
forty-eight
(48)
hours
after
deposit
thereof
in
the
United
States
mail,
postage
prepaid,
certified
or
registered
mail,
to
Century
21,
at
North
Broadway,
Santa
Ana,
California,
92706,
to
Subfranchisor
c/o
Eli
Shtabsky,
Cambridge
Building,
Edmonton,
Alberta,
Canada,
or
to
either
of
them
at
such
address
or
addresses
as
they
may
designate
in
writing
from
time
to
time.
29.
This
Agreement
is
binding
on
and
shall
inure
to
the
benefit
of
the
parties
hereto,
their
heirs,
successors
and
assigns.
Century
reserves
the
right
to
assign,
pledge,
hypothecate
or
transfer
this
Agreement
provided
that
such
assignment,
pledge,
hypothecation
or
transfer
shall
not
affect
the
rights
and
privileges
granted
to
Subfranchisor
herein.
the
parties
hereto
have
executed
this
Agreement
the
day
and
year
first
above
written.
|
|
|
|
a
Canadian
Corporation
|
a
corporation
|
|
|
|
|
(Subfranchisor)
|
(Franchisor)
|
division
of
Samoth
Corporation
Limited
made
this
day
of
,
,
by
and
between
a
division
of
a
corporation,
and
a
licensed
real
estate
broker,
with
registered
offices
in
the
Province
of
—
hereinafter
called
“Century
21”,
and
——
of
—
,
hereinafter
called
“franchisee”.
1.
Century
has
developed
a
system
for
the
promotion
and
operation
of
individual
real
estate
brokerage
offices,
and
has
devised
policies,
procedures
and
techniques
designed
to
enable
such
offices
to
compete
more
effectively
in
the
real
estate
sales
market.
The
system
includes,
but
is
not
limited
to,
common
use
and
promotion
of
the
name
“Century
21”,
centralized
advertising
programs,
recruiting
and
sales
training
programs,
and
inter-office
referral
program.
Century
is
constantly
working
to
revise
and
improve
upon
the
system.
2.
Century
franchises
real
estate
brokerage
offices
to
use
the
system
and
operate
under
the
name
“Century
21”,
and
Franchisee
desires
to
obtain
a
franchise
to
operate
a
real
estate
brokerage
office
under
the
terms
and
conditions
hereinafter
set
forth.
3.
Franchisee
is
a
licensed
real
estate
broker
under
the
laws
of
the
Province
of
and
is
familiar
with
Century
and
its
operation.
Based
upon
the
information
supplied
by
Franchisee,
Century
believes
that
Franchisee
possesses
the
necessary
skill,
experience
and
financial
ability
to
successfully
operate
a
franchised
real
estate
brokerage
office.
4.
Century
has
been
granted
the
right
to
use
the
Century
name,
logo,
and
other
identifying
marks
used
in
the
"system”
by
Century
Real
Estate
Corporation
(California)
for
certain
regional
territory
which
includes
Franchisee’s
location.
5.
For
and
in
consideration
of
the
initial
franchise
fee
to
be
paid
by
Franchisee
to
Century
and
the
execution
of
this
Agreement,
Century
hereby
grants
to
Franchisee,
and
Franchisee
hereby
accepts
a
franchise
to
operate
a
Century
Real
Estate
Brokerage
Office.
The
initial
franchise
fee
payable
concurrently
with
the
execution
of
this
Agree
ment
is
$
The
term
of
the
franchise
is
ten
(10)
years
commencing
,
,
and
ending,
6.
Franchisee
is
hereby
granted
the
right
to
operate
a
Century
Real
Estate
Bro-
kerage
Office
at
the
following
described
location:
Franchisee
may
move
the
office
to
a
new
location
in
the
same
general
vicinity
with
the
written
approval
of
Century
21,
which
approval
will
not
be
unreasonably
withheld.
With
the
written
consent
of
Century
21,
Franchisee
may
open
a
temporary
tract
sales
office
within
or
immediately
adjacent
to
a
new
subdivision
or
development
for
the
sole
purpose
of
selling
property
in
the
subdivision
or
development.
Century
may
impose
such
conditions
as
it
deems
necessary
to
insure
that
such
temporary
tract
sales
offices
are,
in
fact,
temporary
and
are
used
only
in
conjunction
with
the
initial
sales
program
for
a
particular
subdivision
or
development.
7.
In
consideration
of
this
Agreement
and
the
services
to
be
rendered
by
Century
as
herein
described,
Franchisee
agrees
to
pay,
in
addition
to
the
“initial
franchise
fee”
set
forth
in
paragraph
above,
a
"service
fee”
equal
to
6%
of
Franchisee’s
gross
income
derived
from
all
transactions
for
which
a
real
estate
license
or
securities
license
is
required
except
income
from
leases
or
rentals
for
a
term
of
less
than
one
(1)
year.
Income
from
property
management
services
shall
also
be
excluded
from
Franchisee’s
income
for
the
purpose
of
computing
service
fees
unless
more
than
25%
of
Franchisee’s
income
derived
from
all
transactions
for
which
a
real
estate
license
or
securities
license
is
required
is
income
from
property
management
services.
Said
fees
shall
be
paid
to
Century
by
Franchisee
forthwith
upon
receipt
thereof,
or
at
the
close
of
the
subject
transaction.
Century
has
the
right
to
establish
procedures
from
time
to
time
for
verifying
and
processing
said
fees.
The
“initial
fee”
is
fully
earned
by
Century
upon
execution
of
this
Agreement,
and
the
“service
fee”
is
earned
upon
receipt
of
income
by
Franchisee
except
as
may
be
provided
elsewhere
in
this
Agreement.
Franchisee
agrees
to
direct
the
escrow
company,
attorney
or
other
party
handling
the
closing
of
any
transaction
in
which
a
commission
is
to
be
paid
to
pay
the
service
fee
directly
to
Century
21;
in
other
transactions,
it
shall
be
paid
on
receipt
of
income
by
Franchisee.
Service
fees
more
than
ten
(10)
days
late
shall
bear
interest
at
the
rate
of
/2%
per
month.
Commencing
four
months
from
the
date
of
this
Agreement,
Franchisee
agrees
to
pay
to
Century
on
the
first
day
of
each
calendar
month
for
the
month
immediately
preceding
said
payment
date
a
“minimum
service
fee”
of
$100.00.
Any
service
fees
paid
to
Century
during
the
preceding
month
shall
be
credited
against
said
minimum
service
fee.
8.
The
franchise
granted
hereby
authorizes
Franchisee
to
use
Century
21's
trade
name,
trademarks,
goodwill
and
trade
secrets
in
the
operation
of
a
real
estate
brokerage
business
at
the
location
set
forth
above.
Nothing
herein
contained
shall
be
construed
as
authorizing
or
permitting
Franchisee
to
use
such
trade
name,
trademarks,
goodwill
or
trade
secrets
at
any
other
location
or
for
any
other
purpose.
It
is
expressly
agreed
that
the
ownership
of
all
right,
title
and
interest
in
and
to
said
trade
name,
trademarks,
goodwill
and
trade
secrets
is
and
shall
remain
solely
in
Century
21,
and
that
the
material
and
information
now
and
hereafter
provided
or
revealed
to
Franchisee
under
and
pursuant
to
this
Agreement
are
revealed
in
confidence,
and
Franchisee
expressly
agrees
to
keep
and
respect
the
confidence
so
reposed.
Upon
termination
of
this
franchise
for
any
reason,
all
manuals,
bulletins,
instruction
sheets,
forms,
marks
designs
and
other
material
furnished
to
Franchisee
under
and
pursuant
to
this
Agreement,
shall
be
returned
to
Century
21,
and
Franchisee
shall
cease
to
use
any
materials
bearing
the
name
“Century
21”.
So
long
as
this
Franchise
Agreement
shall
remain
in
effect,
Franchisee
agrees
to
maintain
a
clean
and
attractive
office,
give
prompt,
courteous
and
efficient
service
to
the
public,
comply
with
the
Office
Procedure
Manual
(as
it
may
be
changed
from
time
to
time),
and
generally
operate
the
franchised
real
estate
brokerage
office
in
compliance
with
the
Century
system
so
as
to
preserve,
maintain
and
enhance
the
reputation
and
goodwill
built
up
by
Century
and
its
Franchisees
and
the
value
of
Century
21’s
trade
name
and
trademarks.
9.
Franchisee
shall
operate
under
the
trade
name
“Century
21”
and
shall
use
no
other
name
in
conducting
business
for
which
a
real
estate
license
is
required,
except
that
Franchisee
shall
incorporate
in
the
logo
his
own
name,
or
other
identifying
words
approved
by
Century
21,
immediately
following
the
trade
name
“Century
21”,
provided,
however,
(1)
Franchisee's
name
or
other
approved
words,
shall
not
exceed
20%
of
the
surface
area
of
the
entire
name
and
logo,
and
(2)
the
total
appearance
of
the
trade
name
and
logo
incorporating
Franchisee’s
name
or
other
identifying
words
shall
be
approved
in
advance
by
Century
21.
Century
shall
not
withhold
such
approval
unreasonably.
If
applicable,
Franchisee
will
file
for
and
maintain
a
“Certificate
of
Fictitious
Name”
in
the
county
where
Franchisee's
office
is
located
in
a
manner
approved
by
Century
with
evidence
of
such
filing.
Franchisee
shall
include
a
statement
on
his
letterhead,
deposit
receipt
forms
and
other
printed
materials
that
each
Century
Real
Estate
Brokerage
Office
is
independently
owned
and
operated
and
display
a
notice
to
this
effect
in
a
prominent
place
near
the
main
entrance
to
Franchisee's
office.
10.
Franchisee
is
and
shall
be
an
independent
contractor
and
nothing
herein
contained
shall
be
construed
so
as
to
create
a
partnership
or
joint
venture
between
the
parties.
Neither
Century
nor
Franchisee
shall
act
as
agent
for
the
other,
and
neither
Franchisee
not
Century
shall
guarantee
the
obligations
of
the
other
or
in
any
way
become
obligated
for
the
debts
or
expenses
of
the
other
unless
mutually
agreed
in
writing.
The
conduct
of
Franchisee’s
business
and
the
time
and
manner
in
which
Franchisee
shall
obtain
listings
and
sell
properties
shall
be
determined
by
its
own
judgment
and
discretion,
subject
only
to
the
provisions
of
this
Franchise
Agreement
and
the
Office
Procedure
Manual,
as
it
shall
be
adopted
or
revised
from
time
to
time.
11.
21:
A.
Century
will
impart
to
Franchisee
all
of
its
selling,
promotional
and
merchandising
methods
and
techniques,
and
shall
maintain
a
staff
to
give
assistance
and
service
to
Franchisee.
B.
Century
will
publish
from
time
to
time
supply
manuals
suggesting
sources
of
supply
for
all
forms,
contracts,
signs,
cards,
stationery
and
other
items
necessary
to
operate
a
modern
real
estate
business.
The
suggested
source
of
supply
for
an
individual
item
may
be
either
Century
or
an
independent
ontractor.
Franchisee
may
purchase
supplies
either
from
a
source
of
supply
recommended
by
Century
or
from
any
other
supplier
who
can
first
demonstrate
to
Century
21’s
satisfaction
that
it
can
supply
the
items
upon
the
same
specifications
as
those
presently
being
supplied
by
approved
sources
of
supply.
C.
The
Regional
Offices
by
Century
will
furnish
sample
referral
forms
to
all
Franchisees
for
use
in
referring
business
between
Century
franchisees.
Century
will
also
establish
procedures
for
referrals
between
Franchisee
and
other
Century
offices.
D.
Century
will
operate
a
sales
training
program
for
Franchisees
and
their
sales
personnel.
This
program
will
include
seminars
and
conferences
of
special
interest,
to
be
held
as
Century
deems
necessary
or
advisable,
as
well
as
educational
and
informational
bulletins
relating
to
such
topics
as
market
conditions,
sales
motivation,
sales
aids,
advertising
and
financing.
Conferences
and
seminars
may
be
held
on
a
fee
or
no-fee
basis,
depending
on
the
range
of
interest
and
location.
12.
A.
Franchisee
shall
pay
promptly
to
Century
any
fees
due
hereunder,
as
well
as
any
additional
fees
or
charges
incurred
for
any
products,
supplies,
or
services
to
be
furnished
by
Century
at
Franchisee’s
request.
Terms
on
products,
supplies
and
services
purchased
shall
be
“net
15-days”,
with
interest
at
the
highest
legal
rate
after
fifteen
(15)
days.
B.
Franchisee
agrees
to
maintain
and
keep
such
records
and
reports
as
are
prescribed
by
Century
21,
and
shall
mail
copies
of
such
reports
and
records
to
the
designated
Century
address
in
accordance
with
schedules
required
by
Century
21.
report
of
each
brokerage
transaction
in
which
a
service
fee
is
payable
shall
be
filed
with
the
Century
Regional
Office
within
seven
(7)
days
of
the
execution
of
initial
documents
by
the
parties
thereto.
Franchisee
shall
allow
Century
to
make
inspections
of
Franchisee’s
business
and
premises
at
any
reasonably
time,
and
will
make
its
books
and
records
available
for
inspection
and
audit,
by
Century
during
normal
working
hours.
Century
reserves
the
right
to
establish
a
uniform
list
of
accounts
and/or
a
uniform
bookkeeping
system
for
all
of
its
Franchisees,
and
in
such
event,
Franchisee
agrees
to
maintain
its
books
and
records
in
the
manner
required
by
Century
21.
C.
Franchisee
shall
not,
during
the
term
hereof,
operate,
manage,
own,
or
have
an
interest,
direct
or
indirect
(as
an
officer,
director,
shareholder
or
otherwise),
in
any
real
estate
brokerage
business
other
than
the
business
to
be
operated
under
this
Agreement,
without
the
prior
written
consent
of
Century
21.
D.
Franchisee
shall
not
advertise,
publish
or
circulate
any
documents
or
other
matter
relating
to
the
sale
of
real
estate
or
the
business
to
be
transacted
under
this
Agreement,
except
in
compliance
with
the
latest
edition
of
the
Century
policy
manual.
Any
exception
must
receive
prior
written
approval
from
Century
21.
E.
All
of
the
activities
of
Franchisee
and
its
assistants,
associates,
salesmen,
partners,
co-venturers
and
employees
in
connection
with
the
listing
and
sale
of
real
estate
and
any
other
business
or
transactions
conducted
or
entered
into
by
said
parties
under
the
terms
of
this
Agreement
shall
be
exercised
exclusively
and
solely
in
accordance
with
this
contract,
the
latest
Century
policy
and
procedure
manuals
and
the
laws
of
the
State
or
District
in
which
Franchisee's
office
is
located.
Franchisee
shall
comply
with
all
laws,
ordinances
and
regulations
whether
Federal,
State,
County,
City
or
otherwise
which
in
any
way
affect
the
operation
of
Franchisee's
business.
Franchisee
agrees
to
comply
with
the
Code
of
Ethics
of
all
governing
and
applicable
bodies
and
governments,
including
the
Bylaws
of
any
local
Board
of
Realtors
and
any
future
amendments
thereto.
Franchisee
shall
not
engage
in
any
activity
or
practice
which
results
or
may
be
reasonably
anticipated
to
result
in
litigation
or
in
public
criticism
of
Century
or
the
real
estate
brokerage
profession
generally
F.
Franchisee
shall
indemnify
and
hold
harmless
Century
21,
Century
Real
Estate
Corporation,
a
California
corporation,
and
all
other
Century
Franchisees
from
all
fines,
suits,
proceedings,
claims,
liabilities
or
actions
of
any
kind
or
nature
(including,
but
not
limited
to
costs
and
reasonable
attorney's
fees)
arising
or
growing
out
of
or
in
any
way
connected
to
Franchisee’s
operation
of
a
real
estate
brokerage
business.
Franchisee
shall,
prior
to
the
opening
of
his
Century
office
and
thereafter
for
the
entire
term
of
this
Agreement,
maintain
at
his
expense
general
liability
insurance
in
an
amount
not
less
than
$200,000.00
covering
one
(1)
person
and
an
amount
of
not
less
than
$500,000.00
covering
more
than
one
(1)
person
arising
out
of
a
single
accident
or
transaction
and
for
property
damage
of
not
less
than
$50,000.00.
Said
insurance
shall
insure
Franchisee
against
any
liability
which
may
arise
in
connection
with
the
operation
of
his
real
estate
brokerage
business.
Franchisee
shall
also
carry
Workers'
Compensation
Insurance.
All
policies
of
insurance
to
be
maintained
by
Franchisee
shall
contain
a
separate
endorsement
naming
Century
and
Century
Real
Estate
Corporation
as
additional
insureds
and
shall
not
be
subject
to
cancellation,
except
on
ten
(10)
days
written
notice
to
Century
21.
Franchisee
shall
cause
certificates
of
insurance
with
a
copy
of
all
original
policies
attached,
showing
compliance
with
the
above
requirements
to
be
deposited
with
Century
21.
G.
Century
may
establish
a
local
council
of
Century
Franchisees
in
each
local
advertising
area
as
determined
by
Century
21.
In
the
event
such
a
council
is
established
in
Franchisee's
area,
Franchisee
agrees
to
join
and
participate
in
the
council.
The
local
council
may
make
recommendations
and
suggestions
concerning
the
expenditure
of
council
funds
available
for
promotional
purposes
in
the
local
area.
Such
local
council
may
adopt
its
own
rules
and
procedures,
but
such
rules
or
procedures
shall
not
restrict
Franchisee’s
rights
or
obligations
under
this
Agreement.
Except
as
otherwise
provided
herein,
and
subject
to
the
approval
of
Century
21,
any
action
of
such
council
at
a
meeting
attended
by
two-thirds
(2/3)
of
the
members,
including
assessments
for
local
promotion
and
advertising
purposes,
shall
be
binding
upon
Franchisee
if
approved
by
two-thirds
(2/3)
of
the
member
franchisees
present
with
each
member
office
having
one
vote,
no
franchisee
shall
have
more
than
25%
of
the
votes
in
a
local
council
regardless
of
the
number
of
offices
owned.
Century
may
also
establish
a
regional
council
of
Century
Franchisees
in
each
regional
area
as
determined
by
Century
and
a
national
council
of
Century
Franchisees
with
boundaries
as
established
by
Century
21.
Each
regional
council
and
the
national
council
shall
establish
its
own
bylaws
and
procedures.
Actions
of
the
regional
and
national
councils
shall
be
binding
upon
Franchisee,
provided,
however,
no
council
action
shall
modify
the
terms
and
conditions
of
this
Agreement.
Regional
and
National
councils
shall
be
composed
of
Century
franchisees
who
are
elected
on
a
representative
basis
by
members
of
local
or
regional
councils.
Representatives
to
regional
and
national
councils
shall
have
voting
power
in
proportion
to
the
number
of
Century
franchisees
in
the
area
or
region
they
represent.
Century
shall
not
have
a
vote
in
any
franchisee’s
council.
Franchisee
agrees
that
from
time
to
time
Century
may
reasonably
change
or
modify
its
system
including,
but
not
limited
to,
the
modification
or
adop-
tion
of
new
or
modified
trade
names,
trade
marks,
service
marks
or
copyrighted
material,
and
Franchisee
agrees
to
adopt,
use
and
display
for
the
purposes
of
this
Agreement
any
such
changes
as
if
they
were
a
part
of
the
system
at
the
time
of
the
execution
of
this
Agreement.
H.
Any
use
of
Century
21’s
name,
service
mark,
trade
marks
or
copyrighted
material
by
Franchisee
shall
inure
to
the
benefit
of
Century
21.
13.
Upon
the
expiration
of
the
initial
term
hereof
and
upon
the
expiration
of
each
five
(5)
years
thereafter,
so
long
as
Franchisee
shall
not
then
be
in
default,
Franchisee
shall
have
the
option
to
renew
its
franchise
for
an
additional
five
(5)
year
term
on
such
terms
and
conditions
as
are
contained
in
new
franchises
then
being
granted
by
Century
21,
provided,
however,
there
shall
be
no
renewal
fee.
Franchisee
shall
give
Century
written
notice
of
its
intention
to
exercise
the
renewal
option
at
least
ninety
(90)
days
prior
to
the
expiration
of
the
initial
term
and
any
renewal
term
hereof.
Unless
expressly
altered
or
amended
by
the
parties
at
the
time
of
such
renewal,
all
applicable
terms
and
conditions
of
said
agreement
shall
remain
in
effect
during
the
renewal
period.
14.
This
agreement
is
exclusive
and
may
not
be
terminated
except
as
provided
herein.
Termination
of
this
Agreement
shall
not
relieve
Franchisee
of
any
unfulfilled
monetary
obligations
created
hereunder,
unless
agreed
to
in
writing
by
Century
21.
This
Agreement
may
be
terminated
for
one
or
more
of
the
following
reasons:
A.
Upon
mutual
written
consent
of
the
parties
hereto.
B.
At
the
option
of
Century
if
Franchisee
fails
to
perform
any
of
his
obligations
under
this
Agreement,
including,
but
not
limited
to,
obligations
created
by
the
local,
regional
or
national
franchisee's
councils,
as
more
particularly
set
forth
in
Article
17.
C.
Conviction
of
Franchisee
or
of
any
party
employed
by
or
working
in
Franchisee’s
office,
of
any
act
which
results
in
the
revocation
or
suspension
of
Franchisee’s
real
estate
license.
D.
At
the
option
of
Century
21,
nine
(9)
months
after
the
death,
insanity
or
appointment
of
a
conservator
or
guardian
of
the
person
or
estate
of
Franchisee,
if
Franchisee
is
an
individual;
nine
(9)
months
after
the
death,
insanity
or
appointment
of
a
conservator
or
guardian
of
the
person
or
estate
of
all
of
the
general
partners,
if
Franchisee
is
a
partnership;
or
nine
(9)
months
after
the
death,
insanity
or
appointment
of
a
conservator
or
guardian
of
the
person
or
estate
of
the
principal
officer
holding
a
real
estate
brokers
license
if
Franchisee
is
a
corporation;
provided,
however,
this
Agreement
shall
not
terminate
if
within
said
nine
(9)
months
period
(1)
this
Agreement
is
assigned
subject
to
paragraph
hereof
to
a
licensed
real
estate
broker
approved
by
Century
21,
or
(2)
if
Franchisee
is
a
partnership
or
corporation,
a
licensed
real
estate
broker
approved
by
Century
shall
become
a
general
partner
or
the
principal
corporate
officer
holding
a
real
estate
broker's
license.
E.
At
the
option
of
Century
if
Franchisee
fails
to
conduct
and
govern
its
business
according
to
applicable
and/or
governing
laws
and
ethics
of
any
government
or
other
body,
including
the
bylaws
of
the
local
Board
of
Realtors
or
the
laws,
ordinances
and
regulations
of
the
Federal,
Provincial
or
Municipal
Government.
F.
In
the
event
performance
of
a
Franchisee
falls
below
the
minimum
operating
standards
established
by
Century
21,
Franchisee
will
be
notified
in
writing
setting
forth
each
area
of
deficiency
and
at
the
option
of
Century
21,
Franchisee
shall
be
placed
on
probation
for
a
period
of
not
less
than
three
(3)
months
nor
more
than
six
(6)
months.
If
such
deficiencies
are
not
corrected
within
said
probationary
period,
Century
may
terminate
this
Agreement.
The
only
minimum
operating
standard
with
respect
to
the
volume
of
business
done
by
Franchisee
shall
be
30%
of
the
average
gross
income
per
Century
office
in
the
same
local
council
determined
over
the
previous
(6)
month
period.
“Gross
income”
for
the
purpose
of
this
paragraph
shall
mean
all
income
and
receipts
on
which
a
service
fee
is
payable
to
Century
21.
G.
At
the
option
of
Century
21,
if
Franchisee
becomes
bankrupt
or
insolvent,
or
if
a
receiver
is
appointed
to
take
possession
of
Franchisee’s
business
or
property
or
any
part
thereof,
or
if
Franchisee
shall
make
a
general
assignment
for
the
benefit
of
his
creditors.
On
termination
of
this
Agreement,
all
listings
produced
through
the
efforts
of
Franchisee
or
his
staff
shall
remain
the
property
of
Franchisee.
Upon
termination
of
this
Agreement
through
any
cause
whatsoever,
Franchisee
shall
be
entitled
to
94%
of
all
commissions
due
or
which
become
due
for
real
estate
brokerage
transactions
then
in
process
and
Century
shall
be
entitled
to
the
remaining
6%.
15.
This
Agreement
is
personal,
being
entered
into
in
reliance
upon
and
in
consideration
of
the
singular
skill,
qualifications
and
representations
of,
and
trust
and
confidence
reposed
in
Franchisee,
and
Franchisee’s
present
partners
or
officers
if
Franchisee
is
a
partnership
or
corporation,
who
will
actively
and
substantially
participate
in
the
ownership
and
operation
of
the
franchised
business.
Therefore,
neither
this
Agreement
nor
any
of
its
rights
or
privileges
shall
be
assigned,
transferred,
shared
or
divided,
by
operation
of
law
or
otherwise,
in
any
manner,
without
the
prior,
written
consent
of
Century
21.
Such
consent
shall
not
be
unreasonably
withheld
and
upon
receipt
of
such
consent
Franchisee
shall
pay
a
transfer
fee
to
Century
in
the
sum
of
$500.00.
A.
If
Franchisee
shall
desire
to
assign
his
franchise,
he
shall
serve
upon
Century
a
written
notice
setting
forth
all
of
the
terms
and
conditions
of
the
proposed
assignment,
a
financial
statement
prepared
by
the
proposed
assignee,
and
all
other
pertinent
information
concerning
the
proposed
assignee.
Within
thirty
(30)
days
after
receipt
of
such
notice,
(or
if
Century
requests
additional
information,
within
fifteen
(15)
days
after
receipt
of
such
additional
information),
Century
may
either
consent
to
the
assignment
or,
at
its
option,
accept
the
assignment
to
itself
upon
the
terms
and
conditions
specified
in
the
notice.
If
Century
shall
do
neither,
then
consent
to
the
assignment
shall
be
deemed
granted.
Consent
to
an
assignment
upon
the
specified
terms
and
conditions
shall
not
be
deemed
to
be
a
consent
to
an
assignment
upon
any
other
terms
or
conditions,
nor
to
any
other
person,
nor
to
any
other
or
subsequent
assignment.
B.
If
Franchisee
is
a
sole
proprietorship
or
partnership,
Century
expressly
consents
to
the
assignment
without
payment
of
a
transfer
fee
of
this
Franchise
Agreement
to
a
corporation
formed,
owned
and
controlled
solely
by
Franchisee
to
operate
the
franchise
business.
If
Franchisee
is
a
corporation
or
if
this
Agreement
shall
be
assigned
to
a
corporation
pursuant
to
the
preceding
sentence,
any
merger
or
sale
or
transfer
of
more
than
40%
of
any
one
class
of
stock
or
any
series
of
sales
or
transfers
totalling
in
the
aggregate
40%
or
more
of
any
one
class
of
stock
in
such
corporate
Franchisee,
whether
by
operation
of
law
or
otherwise,
shall
be
deemed
an
assignment
of
this
Agreement
requiring
the
prior
written
consent
of
Century
21.
16.
No
representations,
promises,
guarantees
or
warranties
of
any
kind
are
made
by
Century
to
induce
Franchisee
to
execute
this
Agreement
except
as
specifically
set
forth
in
writing
in
this
Agreement.
Franchisee
acknowledges
that
the
success
of
the
real
estate
brokerage
office
to
be
established
pursuant
to
this
Agreement
is
dependent
upon
the
personal
efforts
of
Franchisee
or
Franchisee’s
partners
or
officers,
if
Franchisee
is
a
partnership
or
corporation.
Unless
otherwise
approved
in
writing
by
Century
21,
Franchisee
(or
the
officers
or
partners
of
Franchisee,
if
Franchisee
is
a
corporation
or
partnership)
shall
devote
his
full
time
to
the
man-
agement
of
the
real
estate
brokerage
office
to
be
established.
Franchisee
acknowledges
that
neither
Century
nor
any
other
party
has
guaranteed
Franchisee
success.
Franchisee
represents
to
Century
that
this
franchise
is
not
being
acquired
on
speculation,
and
that
Franchisee
has
no
present
intention
to
attempt
to
sell
or
transfer
its
business.
17.
If
Franchisee
shall
violate
or
omit
to
perform
any
of
the
terms
and
conditions
contained
herein,
or
if
Franchisee’s
office
or
offices
shall
become
vacant,
abandoned
or
deserted,
Century
or
its
authorized
agent
may,
in
addition
to
any
other
remedies
it
may
have
under
this
Agreement,
at
law
or
in
equity,
remove
all
Century
identification
without
incurring
any
liability
therefor.
Franchisee
expressly
consents
and
agrees
that
Century
may,
in
addition
to
any
other
remedies,
obtain
an
injunction
or
the
appointment
of
a
receiver
for
franchised
business
to
terminate
or
prevent
the
continuation
of
any
existing
default,
or
to
prevent
the
occurrence
of
any
threatened
default
by
Franchisee
of
this
or
any
related
agreement.
Upon
any
such
default
by
Franchisee,
Century
may
give
Franchisee
ten
(10)
days
notice
of
its
election
to
terminate
the
Franchise
Agreement
if
the
default
specified
in
the
notice
is
not
cured
within
that
time.
18.
If
any
legal
action
shall
be
instituted
to
interpret
or
enforce
the
terms
and
conditions
of
this
Agreement,
the
prevailing
party
shall
be
entitled
to
recover
reasonable
attorney's
fees.
19.
Any
modification
or
change
in
this
Agreement
must
be
in
writing,
executed
by
an
officer
of
Century
21.
No
field
representative
of
Century
has
the
right
or
authority
to
make
oral
or
written
modifications
of
this
Agreement,
and
any
such
representations
shall
not
be
binding
upon
either
party
hereto.
20.
No
waiver
of
any
breach
of
any
condition
herein
shall
constitute
a
waiver
of
any
subsequent
breach
of
the
same
or
any
other
condition.
21.
Each
of
the
undersigned
parties
warrants
that
he
has
full
authority
to
sign
and
execute
this
Agreement.
If
Franchisee
is
a
corporation
or
partnership,
the
individuals
executing
this
Agreement
in
behalf
of
such
corporation
or
partnership
warrant
to
Century
both
individually
and
in
their
capacities
as
partners
or
officers
that
all
of
the
partners
in
the
partnership
or
all
of
the
shareholders
of
the
corporation
have
read
and
approved
this
Agreement
including
any
restrictions
which
this
Agreement
places
upon
their
right
to
transfer
their
interests
in
the
partnership
or
corporation.
The
Agreement
shall
become
valid
on
the
date
it
is
accepted
by
Century
21.
Century
will
notify
Franchisee
of
such
acceptance
by
sending
Franchisee
a
copy
of
the
Agreement
executed
as
hereinabove
provided.
If
this
Agreement
is
not
accepted
by
Century
within
fifteen
(15)
days
of
receipt,
then
all
monies
paid
hereunder
shall
be
returned
to
Franchisee.
This
Agreement
can
only
be
accepted
and
be
binding
upon
Century
by
the
execution
hereof
by
Samoth
Corporation
Limited
under
seal.
22.
This
Agreement
shall
be
construed
according
to
the
laws
of
the
Province
of
If
any
provisions
of
this
Agreement
are
or
shall
become
in
conflict
with
laws,
ordinances
or
regulations
of
any
jurisdiction
in
which
the
franchised
location
is
situated,
said
provisions
shall
be
automatically
deleted
and
the
remaining
terms
and
conditions
of
this
Agreement
shall
remain
in
full
force
and
effect,
provided
such
deletions
can
be
made
without
materially
affecting
the
basic
agreement
and
relationship
between
the
parties
hereto.
If
such
deletions
cannot
be
made
without
materially
affecting
the
basic
agreement
and
relationship
between
the
parties
hereto,
this
Agreement
may
be
terminated
by
either
party
hereto
and
in
such
event
the
parties
agree
to
negotiate
in
good
faith
to
establish
a
new
agreement
which
is
not
in
conflict
with
any
applicable
laws,
ordinances
or
regulations.
Article
or
paragraph
headings
are
for
reference
purposes
only
and
shall
not
in
any
way
modify
or
limit
the
statements
contained
in
any
article
or
paragraph.
All
words
in
this
Agreement
shall
be
deemed
to
include
any
number
or
gender
as
the
context
or
sense
of
this
Agreement
requires.
23.
This
Agreement
is
binding
upon
and
shall
inure
to
the
benefit
of
the
parties
hereto,
their
heirs,
successors
and
assigns.
Century
reserves
the
right
to
assign,
pledge,
hypothecate
or
transfer
this
Agreement,
provided
that
such
assignment,
pledge,
hypothecation
or
transfer
shall
not
affect
the
rights
and
privileges
granted
to
Franchisee
herein.
24.
Any
notices
to
be
given
hereunder
shall
be
in
writing,
and
may
be
delivered
personally,
or
by
registered
mail,
with
postage
fully
prepaid.
Any
notice
delivered
to
Century
shall
be
addressed
to
Century
21,
at
The
address
specified
herein
for
service
of
notices
may
be
changed
at
any
time
for
any
party
by
giving
written
notice
to
the
other.
Any
notice
to
Franchisee
shall
be
delivered
to
the
address
set
forth
on
page
one
of
this
Agreement
or
to
the
address
of
Franchisee's
office.
25.
The
form
and
content
of
this
contract
are
the
exclusive
property
of
Century
Real
Estate
Corporation
and
may
not
be
reproduced
in
part
or
in
whole
by
Franchisee
or
others.
the
parties
hereto
have
caused
this
Agreement
to
be
executed
on
the
date
first
set
forth
above.
By:
(Corporate
Seal)
|
By:
|
—
|
on
this
|
day
of
|
,
|
|
|
|
|
a
division
of
|
|
|
|
|
|
By:
|
|
(Corporate
Seal)
|
By
:
|
|
Century
Representative
|
|