5.3 When investment fund units are sold through dealers, they can be issued in the name of the beneficial owner (client-name) or recorded in the name of the dealer (nominee-name).
Funds not responsible re nominee names
5.4 If a dealer holds legal title to units of an investment fund on behalf of a client (the ultimate investor), the dealer maintains the account of the client, and the dealer is an account holder of the fund. In this circumstance, the issuance of the fund units in nominee-name separates the ultimate investors from the fund in the sense of not creating an account holder relationship between the two. Therefore, the fund has to understand only the status of the dealer that is its direct account holder. It can determine the dealer’s status by verifying the dealer has a GIIN (by referring to the IRS FFI list). The fund has no obligation to ascertain information or perform reporting in connection with the ultimate investors.
Mutual fund dealers whose clients invest with other FIs
6.2 … Subsection 263(3) of the ITA makes clear that a financial account includes a client-name account maintained by a person or entity that is authorized under provincial law to engage in the business of dealing in securities or any other financial instrument or to provide portfolio management or investment advising services.
RRSPs and other excluded accounts
6.5 [C[ertain accounts are excluded… . For example, accounts… held by, an RRSP, a RRIF, or a tax-free savings account (TFSA) are not treated as financial accounts (and are not subject to any reporting) under the Agreement (see paragraph 6.6 for the list of excluded accounts).
Execution of trading instructions does not create financial account
6.4 When a financial institution is acting as a broker and simply executing trading instructions, or is receiving and transmitting such instructions to another person, the financial institution is not required to treat the facilities established for the purposes of executing a trading instruction, or of receiving and transmitting such instructions, as a financial account under Part XVIII (for example, so-called delivery versus payment (DVP) accounts benefit from this understanding). The financial institution acting as custodian will be responsible for performing due diligence procedures and reporting where necessary.
6.18 In Canada, an entity designated under federal legislation to provide centralized facilities for the clearing, settlement and deposit of securities, commonly referred to as a CSD, will not be treated as maintaining financial accounts. ...
6.43 If an investment dealer or other financial institution intermediates the purchase for a client of a unit in an exchange traded fund or a closed-end fund (…"ETF"…), that regularly trades on an established securities market and the unit is registered in nominee-name on the books of the ETF, the ETF would not be considered to maintain a financial account. If, however, a purchase results in a unit being first registered in client-name on the books of an ETF on or after July 1, 2014, the ETF would be considered to maintain a financial account held by the unit holder (but only in respect of the 2016 reporting year and subsequent years). Since an ETF will have outcomes similar to a traditional mutual fund beginning in 2016 in connection with units held in client-name, the guidance on coordination between funds and the fund dealers set out in paragraphs 5.7 to 5.15 may be of interest.
"Regularly traded"
6.46 The definition of "financial account" treats equity or debt interests in a financial institution as a financial account unless the interest is ‘regularly traded on an established securities market'. An interest is considered ‘regularly traded' if there is a meaningful volume of trading on an ongoing basis. (see paragraph 4.18)
Partnership accounts
6.51 When a financial account is held in the name of the partnership, it will be the partnership that is the account holder rather than the partners in the partnership.
Estate accounts
6.52 When an estate is listed as the holder of a financial account, it is to be treated as the account holder, rather than any beneficiary or other person.