Zeifmans – Federal Court, in not granting an information disclosure order under s. 231.7, effectively reversed an earlier decision where the Court had been misled

Zeifmans, 2021 FC 363, aff’d 2022 FCA 160 concerned the application of the Zeifmans accounting firm for judicial review of a CRA issuance of a requirement letter pursuant to s. 231.2(1) respecting three named individual clients of the firm and all “entities owned, operated, controlled or otherwise connected to [such] individuals” (the “Unnamed Persons.”) The submission of Zeifmans - that judicial authorization should have been obtained pursuant to s. 231.2(3) given that the requirement extended to the Unnamed Persons – was rejected essentially because there was “no evidence in the record that the Unnamed Persons [we]re a current investigation target.”

In this subsequent proceeding, an application of the Minister for a compliance order pursuant to s. 231.7 was dismissed. Of crucial significance was the finding of Pallota J that Unnamed Persons were (and had been at the time of issuing the Requirement) an investigation target, i.e., the lead auditor had effectively admitted in cross examination in these proceedings that the requirement had been issued as part of the CRA audits of all the companies in the group.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Canada (National Revenue) v. Zeifmans LLP, 2023 FC 1000 under s. 231.7(1).