CRA confirms that there can be multiple operators for a JV for purposes of the GST JV election

Can a joint venture made under a single written agreement have multiple operators for different elements of the joint venture, for example a development manager and a property manager, with the phases (in a multi-phase development project) overlapping, for purposes of the ETA s. 273 election? CRA responded:

It is possible for participants in a joint venture to elect to have multiple operators with each operator having responsibility for a distinct element of the joint venture. Further, it is possible for such elections to overlap and run concurrently.

[However] it may be possible to have multiple participants elected as operators at the same time under the same agreement for GST/HST purposes if and only if the duties and obligations of each operator deal with discrete parts of the joint venture in the agreement or are distinct and clearly delineated in the agreement, without any overlapping parts or duties and obligations.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 7 April 2022 CBA Roundtable, Q.11 under ETA s. 273(1).