Potential for deemed loan JV provisions to constitute borrowing ((p. 29-4)
Many joint venture agreements contain a clause providing that if one of...
Allocated LP income is income derived from an investment (pp. 29:7-9)
[T]he technical notes to section 253.1 implicitly contemplate that a...
Trade payables not bonds etc. (p. 29:10)
[T]he CRA has accepted that intercompany payables and trade payables that are not evidenced in writing...
Issues where co-investing in real estate (pp. 29:18-19)
[A] pension plan may want to co-invest…[and] might establish a real estate...
Limitations on borrowing (pp. 29:20-21)
[B]orrowing to fund a tenant inducement payment… should generally satisfy the borrowing restrictions,...
10% rule (pp. 29:26-28)
“[T]he 10 percent rule” … is found in section 9 of the PBSA investment rules, and it requires the diversification of...