CRA indicated that the s. 123(1) definition of tax “is interpreted by it to include only amounts of tax that are actually payable under Part IX, such as tax under subsections 165(1) and (2),” so that “an amount paid in error as or on account of tax is not tax for GST/HST purposes.” Thus, in its view, such tax paid in error does not go into elements A and F of the formula, nor is a refund of the tax paid in error deducted under G of the formula as a refund of “tax under” e.g. ETA s. 165(1). For example, respecting element A:
As an amount paid in error as or on account of tax is not tax, the amount should not be included in Element A of the SAM formula which includes all tax … that became payable under any of subsection 165(1) and sections 212, 218 and 218.01 by the financial institution during the particular reporting period or that was paid by the financial institution during the particular reporting period without having become payable. …
CRA concluded:
Consequently, if an SLFI has included an amount in Element A and Element F of the SAM formula in a particular reporting period and subsequently it is determined that the amount was paid in error by the SLFI as or on account of tax, as the amount is not tax payable under subsections 165(1), 165(2) or sections 212, 212.1, 218 or 218.01, the SLFI’s SAM formula calculation should be corrected to remove the amount from Element A and Element F for the reporting period in which that amount was included.