CRA accepts Applewood (re GST/HST exemption for car dealers who promote, sell and process credit insurance provided to their customers)

The car dealer in Applewood entered into a “Dealer Agreement” with a distributor of credit insurance products under which it was agreed that it would “up sell” the insurance products and assist the car customers in explaining the coverage and in applying for the insurance in consideration for a commission of over 50% of the insurance premium. Pizzitelli J applied the single supply doctrine in finding that the predominant element of what was being supplied by the dealer was an exempt supply of arranging for the insurance – and that the exclusion in (r.4) of the definition of an exempt financial services for promotional and various administrative services did not apply.

CRA has stated that it will apply Applewood “in the same fact situation” as well as where the car dealer deals directly with the insurer (rather than with the distributor), if “the car dealer performs the activities referred to in the Applewood decision.” CRA went on to state:

Within the context of the insurance industry, the Applewood decision does not have an impact on the CRA’s position with respect to the services provided by managing general agents and similar entities performing management and administrative services for insurers. Supplies of these management and administrative services are taxable.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of Excise and GST/HST News - No. 106 June 2019 under ETA – s. 123(1) – financial service – para. (l).