CRA indicates that s. 39(1.1) mostly only applies to those euros and U.S. dollars in your wallet
19 October 2017 - 1:00am
S. 39(1.1) applies if, because of any FX fluctuation, an individual has made a gain or loss on capital account from the disposition of a foreign currency. CRA does not consider that s. 39(1.1) could apply to a sum of money in foreign currency held on deposit by an individual at a financial institution, and would instead regard this as a debt of that institution owing to the individual. Accordingly, the usual rules (e.g., ss. 39(1) and 70)) would apply if that debt were disposed of on capital account.
Neal Armstrong. Summary of 6 October 2017 APFF Financial Strategies and Instruments Roundtable, Q.8 under s. 39(1.1).