CRA indicates that a discretionary family trust may be unable to establish that expenses reimbursed by it were for the children’s benefit
A father who is the trustee of a discretionary family trust reimburses himself out of the trust funds for itemized expense of restaurant meals of the children and issues T3 slips to them.
CRA quoted its somewhat general statements in ITTN 11 (respecting trustee payments to children), which might be construed as consistent with this practice, but then quoted as “helpful” the statement in Degrace Family Trust that “the expenditure by the trustee must clearly be made by the trustee in his or her capacity as trustee for a purpose which is unequivocally for the benefit of the beneficiary,” and also a statement in a 1999 technical interpretation that, where “the household expenditures [were] basically totaled and divided by the number of family members in order to determine the child’s share…it would be very difficult for the trustee to substantiate that the payments are unequivocally for the child’s benefit.”
Neal Armstrong. Summary of 13 June 2017 STEP Roundtable, Q.10 under s. 106(6)(b).