Most commonly-used lease securitization structure: drop-down to LP (pp. 12:4)
In the most commonly used lease securitization structure in the last...
Non-application of half-year rule on drop-down from lease originator to LP if not inventory (p.12:10)
This exception to the half-year rule may...
Co-ownership structure for mortgage securitizations (p. 12:14)
The securitization of mortgages has often been structured as the sale by an SPE...
Carve-out re interest coupons received (or reversal of PDO overaccrual) in a mortgage securitization structure (p. 12:17)
The application of...
Quiescence of CRA post-Canada Trustco (p. 12:21)
No significant assessments have come to light in connection with the treatment of the servicing...
Typical structure of a trade receivables securitization (pp. 12:21)
[In] [t]he typical structure of a trade receivable securitization…the seller...
Potential liability of securitization trust for vendor’s unremitted GST (p. 12:23)
[A]ny tax owing that is not remitted by the seller may become...
Advantages of sale to securitization trust on recourse basis (p. 12:25)
P-029R [states]:
...It is the Department's position that where a person...
Potential application to Canadian debtors under cross-border securitization (p. 12:26-12:27)
[W]hen trade receivables that arise from services...