CRA notes that employee meal reimbursements other than in connection with travel are not taxable benefits if made principally to enhance employee efficiency
20 September 2016 - 11:55pm
In response to an inquiry on the taxability of the reimbursement of meal expenses to employees, CRA indicated that although normally it only accepts that meal reimbursements are not taxable benefits where made in connection with travel outside the metropolitan area of the employer’s establishment, “where the principal objective of the reimbursement of meal expenses is to ensure that the employee's duties are undertaken in a more efficient manner during the course of a work shift, then the employer could be the one who principally benefits,” in which case there is no taxable benefit.
Neal Armstrong. Summary of 10 June 2016 External T.I. 2015-0587131E5 Tr under s. 6(1)(a).