CRA indicates that a trust declaration of an amount not yet received by it might be eligible for a separate “right or thing” return of a deceased beneficiary stating

A corporation held by a discretionary trust declares a dividend, with the trustees then resolving that the trust will pay the dividend, on receipt, to an individual beneficiary – who dies before the dividend is received by the trust. CRA indicated that it was possible that on death the trust declaration amount would be considered to be a "right or thing" of the individual for s. 70(2) purposes, stating, "an amount which a taxpayer has the right to receive at the moment of his or her death and whose value is determinable can constitute a right or thing…even if it is not payable at the moment of death because it is subject to a condition."

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 9 March 2015 T.I. 2012-0469761E5 F under s. 70(2).