CRA permits the consolidation of reclamation trusts
The definition in s. 211.6(1) of a "qualifying environmental trust" refers to a trust that is maintained solely for the purpose of funding the reclamation of "a" qualifying site. CRA has provided favourable rulings respecting the settlement of a single new reclamation trust with respect to multiple mining sites of the taxpayer.
For purposes of the related reclamation obligations of the taxpayer, each mining site will include "any land, water or watercourse used or disturbed by the construction or operation of the site." If the mine happened to be close to a river, this means that the "mining site" could extend for hundreds of miles beyond the mining shaft – see the post below.
Neal Armstrong. Summaries of 2013 Ruling 2012-0463471R3 under s. 211.6(1) - qualifying environmental trust, and Interpretation Act – s. 33(2).