Dubois - Tax Court of Canada finds that if it’s over 100, it’s “antique”

Reg. 1102(1)(e)(iv) applied to deny CCA claims for 18th and 19th century violins, on the basis that each violin, although not "antique furniture," was "any other antique object, produced more than 100 years before [acquisition]." Jorré J found that "antique" does not suggest any "limitation other than objects that are more than 100 years old."  Accordingly, "antique" was redundant.

This reminds me of office items of a former partner which were very old, or mature for their years.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of Robert Dubois Inc. v. The Queen, 2013 TCC 409 under Reg. 1102(1)(e)(iv), and Statutory Interpretation – Noscitur a sociis and Interpretation Provisions.