Rip,
T.C.C.J.:—By
notice
dated
April
29,
1987,
bearing
number
536592,
the
Minister
of
National
Revenue,
the
respondent,
assessed
Robert
B.
Roll
("Roll"),
the
appellant,
"under
subsection
227.1(1)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
R.S.C.
1952,
c.
(am.
S.C.
1970-71-72,
c.
63)
(the
"Act")
for
$25,876.02”.
The
respondent
advised
Roll
in
the
notice
that
the
liability
represented
“unpaid
deductions,
interest
and
penalties
payable
by
in
respect
of
Notices
of
Assessment
dated:
August
2,
1983,
May
24,
and
May
27,
for
period
[sic]
while
you
were
a
director
of
the
company".
The
appellant
appealed
the
assessment.
At
the
culmination
of
the
trial
the
appellant's
counsel
conceded
that
his
client
did
not
exercise
the
degree
of
care,
diligence
and
skill
to
prevent
Perspectra
Inc.
(”
Perspectra")
from
failing
to
remit
to
the
Receiver
General
of
Canada
the
amounts
withheld
pursuant
to
subsection
153(1)
of
the
Act
so
as
to
come
within
the
exculpatory
provisions
of
subsection
227.1(3).
However,
at
the
beginning
of
the
trial
the
appellant's
counsel
had
submitted
that
a
portion
of
the
$25,876.02
was
with
respect
to
amounts
withheld
on
account
of
premiums
payable
under
the
Unemployment
Insurance
Act
and
not
remitted
to
the
Receiver
General;
counsel
for
the
respondent
admitted
that
$1,505.40
of
the
liability
was
on
account
of
Unemployment
Insurance
premiums
and
agreed
that
the
income
tax
liability
assessed
be
reduced
accordingly.
Roll
testified
that
he
is
a
chartered
accountant
and
his
responsibilities
at
Perspectra
included
internal
accounting,
preparation
of
financial
statements
and
remitting
the
source
deductions
withheld
to
the
Receiver
General.
Roll
confirmed
that
by
letter
dated
February
28,
1985,
enclosing
the
required
annual
withholding
forms,
he
advised
the
respondent
that
Perspectra
had
not
remitted
"all
required
moneys
for
deductions
at
source”
for
1984.
The
appellant
and
a
Mr.
Financial
were
the
two
directors
of
Perspectra.
In
early
the
relationship
between
the
appellant
and
Financial
was
strained
and
the
appellant
resigned
as
director
of
Perspectra
on
May
1,
1985.
However,
working
from
his
home—he
stated
he
had
been
locked
out
from
the
premises
of
Perspectra—he
assisted
in
the
preparation
of
the
corporation's
financial
statements
for
and
had
access
to
the
corporation's
books
and
records
“until
June
or
so,
1985”.
The
appellant
conceded
that
he
“
probably
would
have
seen
the
May
24th,
assessment
issued
against
Perspectra;
in
any
event
he
knew
an
assessment
would
be
forthcoming
due
to
a
shortfall
in
amounts
remitted
in
1984.
Roll
affirmed
that
in
remitting
the
source
deductions
to
the
Receiver
General
he
usually
would
allocate
amounts
as
to
unemployment
insurance
and
income
tax.
The
trial
was
adjourned
for
several
hours
to
permit
the
appellant,
Financial
and
a
representative
of
the
respondent
to
attend
at
a
storage
facility
in
Montreal,
where
records
of
Perspectra
were
stored,
to
search
for
documents
reflecting
such
allocations.
The
appellant
produced
in
Court
copies
of
Revenue
Canada,
Taxation
form
a
tax
deduction,
Canada
Pension
Plan
and
Unemployment
Insurance
Remittance
Return,
which
indicated
Perspectra
allocated
amounts
for
income
tax,
Canada
Pension
Plan
contributions
and
unemployment
insurance
premiums
when
remitting
cheques
to
the
Receiver
General.
Also
produced
were
copies
of
cheques
stubs
indicating
such
allocations.
As
a
result,
counsel
for
the
respondent
acknowledged
his
client
had
been
informed
by
Perspectra
of
such
allocations
and
that
his
client
was
prepared
to
reconcile
the
amounts
on
basis
of
the
allocations
reflected
in
documents
found
in
storage.
The
parties
agreed
the
reconciliation
of
the
amounts
would
take
place
after
the
trial
and
my
final
amount
so
determined
would
require
the
consent
of
the
appellant
and
counsel
would
advise
the
Court
of
the
agreed
allocation.
Counsel
for
the
respondent
has
advised
the
Court
that
his
client
has
now
determined
that
the
amounts
of
tax
not
remitted,
penalties
and
interest
for
which
Roll
is
liable
and
for
which
he
ought
to
have
been
assessed
on
April
29,
is
$12,743.63
and
that
his
client
is
prepared
to
consent
to
judgment
accordingly.
(It
is,
of
course,
too
late
for
the
respondent
to
assess
the
appellant
for
failure
of
Perspectra
to
remit
amounts
of
unemployment
insurance
premiums
while
he
was
director.)
Subsequent
to
trial
the
appellants
counsel,
Mr.
Aspler
("Aspler"),
informed
the
Court
that
he
wished
to
be
removed
as
counsel
of
record
in
accordance
with
Rule
of
the
Court
Rules
(General
Procedure)
since
"Irreconcilable
difference
have
arisen"
between
him
and
the
appellant
concerning
the
conduct
of
the
appeal
“at
this
stage”,
in
particular,
according
to
Aspler,
the
appellant
“has
opposed
advice
from
[Aspler],
with
respect
to
the
issue
of
representations
to
[the]
Court”.
The
appeal
at
bar
was
filed
on
August
9,
and
is
not
subject
to
the
Rules
of
the
Court
(General
Procedure).
Nevertheless
it
is
quite
clear
that
Aspler
no
longer
acts
for
Roll.
Roll
had
forwarded
written
representations
to
the
Court
before
and
after
his
erstwhile
counsel
indicated
he
no
longer
wished
to
represent
the
appellant;
refused
to
consider
the
former
submissions
at
the
time
and
am
unaware
of
their
contents
but
have
reviewed
the
latter
submissions.
The
appellant
argues,
amongst
other
things,
the
assessment
in
issue
is
illegal
since
the
amount
assessed
includes
amounts
of
unemployment
insurance
premiums
not
remitted.
He
also
raises
facts
not
adduced
at
trial.
The
trial
was
heard
over
a
three-day
period
and
when
the
trial
was
adjourned
it
was
to
give
time
to
the
parties
to
try
to
agree
on
an
amount
of
a
reduced
assessment,
based
on
the
documents
in
storage.
No
other
evidence
was
to
be
submitted.
No
party
has
suggested
evidence
be
reopened
or
that
there
is
a
good
reason
for
the
evidence
to
be
reopened.
Consequently,
have
proceeded
to
prepare
these
reasons
for
judgment.
The
appellant
has
not
advised
the
Court
whether
or
not
he
agrees
the
assessment
in
issue
ought
to
be
reduced
to
$12,743.63.
This
was
the
sole
reason
the
trial
was
adjourned.
Prior
to
advising
the
Court
he
wished
to
withdraw
as
counsel,
Aspler
wrote
to
the
Court
that
“the
Department's
view
of
the
assessment
as
having
been
$12,743.63
speaks
for
itself".
He
also
submitted
that
the
assessment
against
Perspectra,
notice
of
which
is
dated
May
24,
1985,
for
$34.24,
had
been
paid.
am
inclined
to
accept
calculations
of
the
respondent
and
reduce
the
assessment
in
issue
to
$12,743.63.
The
appellant
has
not
indicated
the
amount
is
wrong
or
to
what
extent
it
may
be
wrong.
This
amount
substantially
reduces
the
assessment
against
the
appellant
and
based
on
what
heard
at
trial
is
not
unreasonable.
The
amount,
Mr.
Laperrier
advised
Roll
and
the
Court,
does
not
include
any
of
the
amount
assessed
Perspectra
on
May
24,
nor
does
it
include
any
amount
withheld
by
Perspectra
in
April,
and
not
remitted
to
the
Receiver
General
the
following
month,
after
Roll
ceased
to
be
a
director.
Counsel
for
the
respondent
also
agreed
that
the
appellant
is
not
liable
for
amounts
of
tax
Perspectra
withheld
in
April,
and
failed
to
remit
by
May
15,
since
the
appellant
had
resigned
as
director
on
May
1,
1985.
The
submissions
of
Roll’s
counsel
and
Roll
himself
related
to
the
validity
of
the
assessment
in
issue.
They
both
argued,
among
other
things,
that
the
assessment
is
not
valid.
Counsel
argued
that
the
amount
assessed
of
$25,876.02
included
liabilities
under
both
the
Income
Tax
Act
and
the
Unemployment
Insurance
Act
and
the
appellant
was
unable
to
determine
from
the
notice
precise
liability
under
the
Income
Tax
Act.
Counsel
also
submitted
that
since
particulars
of
the
assessments
against
Perspectra
referred
to
in
the
notice
of
assessment
against
his
client
are
lacking,
the
latter
assessment
is
not
complete.
He
relies
on
Leung
v.
M.N.R.,
[1991]
C.T.C.
2268,
D.T.C.
where
wrote,
at
pages
2277-78,
(D.T.C.
1027)
the
following:
It
is
obvious,
to
me
at
least,
that
in
enacting
section
of
the
Act,
Parliament
aired
the
notice
of
assessment
to
inform
the
person
to
whom
it
is
sent
of
the
amount
of
the
tax
the
Minister
has
assessed
under
authority
of
that
statute.
That
is
the
purpose
of
a
notice
of
assessment,
to
inform.
An
assessment,
therefore,
is
not
complete
unless
the
notice
is
given
in
such
manner
that
the
taxpayer
knows
the
amount
of
tax
assessed
under
the
appropriate
statute.
The
notice
of
assessment
sent
to
Leung
also
refers
to
notices
of
assessment
previously
sent
to
Eastern.
Once
a
person
to
be
a
director
of
a
corporation
it
may
he
very
difficult,
if
not
impossible,
for
the
person
to
obtain
from
the
corporation
any
particulars
relating
to
assessments
issued
against
the
corporation
which
have
led
to
him
or
her
being
assessed.
Thus
the
respondent
on
his
own
initiative
must
provide
the
taxpayer
with
the
documentation
referred
to
in
the
notice
of
assessment
even
if
the
documentation
relates
to
assessments
of
other
taxpayers.
(See
M.N.R.
v.
Huron
Steel
Fabrication
(London)
Ltd.
and
Fratscko,
[1973]
C.T.C.
422,
D.T.C.
5347.)
Bonner,
T.C.J.
made
the
following
comments
in
Crossley
v.
M.N.R.,
[1991]
C.T.C.
2082,
D.T.C.
at
pages
2083-84
(D.T.C.
828-29):
will
observe
that
a
failure
by
the
respondent
to
disclose
the
precise
timing
of
each
of
the
failures
in
respect
of
which
he
seeks
to
impose
vicarious
liability
can
seriously
affect
the
fairness
of
the
appeal
process
in
cases
arising
under
section
227.1
in
which
an
appellant
seeks
to
rely
on
subsection
227.1(3).
obviously
the
exercise
by
a
director
of
care,
diligence
and
skill
to
prevent
a
failure
must
occur
before
the
failure
has
taken
place.
director
must
be
able
to
identity
the
period
of
time
during
which
due
diligence
will
entitle
him
to
relief
under
subsection
(3).
Accordingly
it
is
appropriate
to
remind
the
respondent
that
it
is
his
duty
to
fully
disclose".
.
.to
the
taxpayer
the
precise
findings
of
fact
and
rulings
of
law
which
have
given
rise
to
the
controversy".
In
this
case
the
notice
of
assessment
does
not
supply
the
missing
particulars.
Subsection
170(2)
of
the
Act
requires
the
respondent
after
receiving
notice
of
an
appeal
to
forward
to
the
Tax
Court
of
Canada
copies
of
all
Returns,
Notices
of
Assessment,
Notices
of
Objection
and
Notification,
if
any,
that
are
relevant
to
the
appeal".
The
respondent
forwarded
to
the
court
a
copy
of
notice
of
assessment
mailed
to
the
appellant
on
July
13,
1988.
It
mentions
a
balance
of
$97,445.42
and
states
that
it
is
a
notice
of
assessment
in
respect
of:
The
liability
under
Subsection
227.1(1)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
Section
40.1
of
the
British
Columbia
Income
Tax
Act,
Section
22.1
of
the
Canada
Pension
Plan
and
Section
68.1
of
the
Unemployment
Insurance
Act,
in
the
amount
of
$97,445.42
being
the
amount
of
the
unpaid
deductions,
interest
and
penalties
payable
by
Smallwood
Lumber
Ltd.
in
respect
of
Notices
of
Assessment
dated
December
16,
1985,
January
16,
1986,
August
19,
and
August
20,
1986.
The
notices
of
assessment
to
which
reference
was
made
were
assessments
made
against
Smallwood,
not
against
the
appellant.
assume
that
copies
of
the
notices
of
assessment
against
Smallwood
were
not
sent
to
the
appellant.
Certainly
they
were
not
transmitted
to
this
Court
under
subsection
170(2).
Where,
as
here,
a
notice
of
assessment
incorporates
by
reference
another
document
which
is
essential
to
complete
notice,
a
copy
of
that
document
should
be
attached
to
the
notice
of
assessment.
might
add
too
that
it
is
the
duty
of
the
respondent
to
include
in
the
material
transmitted
to
this
Court
copies
of
any
document
so
incorporated.
agree
with
the
obiter
in
Crossley,
supra.
In
the
appeal
at
bar
as
well
no
notice
of
assessment
against
Eastern
was
adduced
in
evidence
or
transmitted
to
this
Court.
In
the
appeal
at
bar,
copies
of
notices
of
assessment
issued
to
Perspectra,
dated
May
24,
and
May
27,
were
produced
by
the
respondent.
The
assessment,
notice
of
which
is
dated
August
2,
1983,
counsel
for
the
respondent
advised,
was
for
$33.24.
The
May
24,1985
notice
advised
of
assessments
for
income
tax
of
$13,999.80,
penalty
of
$1,399.98
and
interest
of
$540;
there
was
no
assessment
for
amounts
not
remitted
on
account
of
unemployment
insurance
premiums.
The
May
27,
notice
advised
of
assessments
of
income
tax
$7,293.44,
unemployment
insurance
premiums
$3,770.80,
penalty
$1,106.42
and
interest
$1,066;
the
latter
notice
related
to
source
deductions
not
remitted
by
Perspectra
during
the
period
March
to
August,
1985.
The
assessment
against
the
appellant
was
for
income
tax,
interest
and
penalties
not
remitted
by
Perspectra
up
to
and
including
May
15,
1985.
(As
previously
indicated
the
respondent
conceded
the
assessment
ought
to
have
been
for
amounts
not
remitted
up
to
and
including
April
15,
1985.)
wish
to
discuss
the
appellant's
first
submission,
that
since
the
amount
of
income
tax
assessed
also
includes
unemployment
insurance
premiums
not
remitted
he
was
confused
as
to
his
liability
under
the
Income
Tax
Act.
This
is
not
the
fact
situation
which
would
find
support
in
Leung.
The
notice
of
assessment
states
the
appellant
has
been
assessed
under
the
Income
Tax
Act.
The
appellant
knew,
from
reading
the
notice,
the
statute
under
which
he
has
been
assessed.
If
the
amount
assessed
included
a
liability
under
another
statute,
the
amount
assessed
is
in
error
and
the
court
would
allow
the
appeal
and
vary
the
assessment
reducing
the
quantum
to
the
extent
of
the
amount
included
under
the
other
statute.
It
is
under
the
provisions
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
only
that
the
appellant
is
to
challenge
the
assessment;
he
is
not
prejudiced
in
preparing
his
case
that
a
quantum
of
the
assessment
is
wrong.
Just
about
all
objections
and
appeals
are
from
assessments
for
tax
the
taxpayer
views
as
excessive.
The
assessment
against
Roll
is
not
incomplete;
the
appellant
knew
he
was
assessed
under
one
statute
only,
the
Income
Tax
Act.
do
not
accept
his
claim
he,
a
chartered
accountant,
was
confused
by
the
notice.
The
appellant's
counsel
also
submitted
that
the
assessment
is
not
a
good
assessment
because
it
is
not
complete;
the
dates
of
failure
of
Perspectra
to
remit
are
not
specified
and
the
period
Roll
was
a
director
is
not
specified.
It
is
clear
that
Roll
knew
an
assessment
similar
to
that
sent
on
May
24,
would
be
issued
to
Perspectra,
he
also
testified
he
may
have
seen
the
notice
while
completing
his
work
for
Perspectra.
He
knew,
from
the
date
of
the
notice
of
assessment
sent
to
him,
that
the
failure
of
Perspectra
to
remit
took
place
while
he
was
a
director
of
the
corporation.
He
himself
informed
the
respondent
of
the
failures.
Roll
knew
the
particulars
relating
to
the
assessment
of
May
24,
which
in
turn
led
him
to
be
assessed.
The
same
may
be
said
for
the
assessment,
notice
of
which
is
dated
April
2,
1983.
The
assessment,
dated
May
27,
1986,
issued
to
Perspectra
was
issued
at
a
time
Roll
had
ceased
to
be
a
director
of
Perspectra
and
was
not
in
possession
of,
nor
did
he
have
the
right
to
view,
any
of
the
books
and
records
of
Perspectra.
The
question
then,
is
what
particulars
of
the
assessment
must
the
respondent
inform
the
individual
("taxpayer")
assessed
under
subsection
227.1(1)
of
the
Act
when
he
assesses
at
a
time
the
taxpayer
is
no
longer
a
director
of
the
particular
corporation?
The
taxpayer,
of
course,
must
be
in
a
position
when
he
reads
the
notice
of
assessment
to
know—or
to
be
capable
of
knowing—the
date
or
dates
the
corporation
failed
to
remit
so
that
he
may
consider
whether
he
was
a
director
at
the
time
of
the
failure
by
the
corporation.
He
may
then
determine
whether
he
exercised
the
degree
of
care,
diligence
and
skill
at
the
time
of
the
failure
so
as
not
to
be
jointly
and
severally
liable
with
the
corporation:
subsection
227.1(3).
The
appellant
is
in
fact
arguing
that
the
information
in
the
notice
of
assessment
sent
to
him
referring
to
the
dates
of
the
notices
of
assessment
against
Perspectra
"for
period
while
you
were
a
director
of
the
company"
is
not
sufficient.
The
notice
of
assessment
must
inform
the
taxpayer
the
precise
dates
of
the
failures
of
the
corporation
to
remit,
it
was
argued.
Whether
or
not
a
taxpayer
is
prejudiced
by
lack
of
information
contained
in
a
notice
of
assessment
will
depend
on
the
facts
surrounding
the
issuance
of
the
assessment.
In
the
appeal
at
bar
the
appellant
was
not
only
a
director
of
Perspectra
until
May
1,
but
was
the
person
at
Perspectra
who
was
responsible
for
remitting
source
deductions
to
the
Receiver
General.
He
knew
of
the
failures
to
remit
prior
to
that
date.
He
also
knew,
when
he
received
the
notice
of
the
assessment
in
appeal,
the
date
he
resigned
as
director.
If
the
respondent
disagreed
with
him
as
to
the
effective
date
of
his
resignation
as
director,
such
dispute
would
have
been
raised
in
the
pleadings
of
the
parties
and
there
would
have
been
no
prejudice
to
the
appellant
in
prosecuting
his
appeal.
This
is
not
the
situation
contemplated
by
Bonner,
T.C.J.
in
Crossley,
supra
and
with
which
agreed
in
Leung,
supra.
In
short,
Roll
has
been
assessed
for
a
specific
amount
under
the
provisions
of
the
Act.
Upon
receipt
of
the
notice
of
assessment
he
knew
that
if
he
did
not
agree
with
the
assessment
he
must
object
and
appeal
under
the
provisions
of
the
Act—and
he
did
so.
The
appeal
is
allowed,
without
costs,
and
the
assessment,
notice
of
which
is
dated
April
29,
1987,
is
varied
to
$12,743.63.
Appeal
allowed.