Beaubier,
J.T.C.C.:—
This
appeal
was
heard
in
Calgary,
Alberta
on
October
25,1993
pursuant
to
the
general
procedure
of
this
Court.
The
appeal
is
in
respect
to
a
penalty
imposed
upon
the
appellant
by
the
Minister
of
National
Revenue
pursuant
to
subsection
163(2)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
R.S.C.
1952,
c.
(am.
S.C.
1970-71-72,
c.
63)
(the"Act")
for
the
appellant's
taxation
year.
On
the
appellant's
motion
at
the
opening
of
trial,
the
Court
ordered
the
respondent
to
proceed
with
its
case
first.
This
Court
takes
its
jurisdiction
pursuant
to
provisions
of
the
Tax
Court
of
Canada
Act
and
the
Income
Tax
Act.
Subsection
163(3)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
reads:
Burden
of
proof
in
respect
of
penalties
(3)
Where,
in
any
appeal
under
this
Act,
any
penalty
assessed
by
the
Minister
under
this
section
is
in
issue,
the
burden
of
establishing
the
facts
justifying
the
assessment
of
the
penalty
is
on
the
Minister.
[Emphasis
added.]
Section
of
the
Interpretation
Act,
R.S.C.
1985,
c.
1-21,
reads:
Marginal
notes
and
historical
references
Marginal
notes
and
references
to
former
enactments
that
appear
after
the
end
of
a
section
or
other
division
in
an
enactment
form
no
part
of
the
enactment,
but
are
inserted
for
convenience
of
reference
only.
There
is
no
procedural
obstacle
in
this
Court
to
prevent
the
Crown
from
establishing
the
facts
justifying
the
assessment
of
a
penalty.
Under
the
general
procedure
it
has
a
right
to
examine
the
appellant
for
discovery.
Under
the
informal
procedure
it
has
a
right
under
section
18.11
of
the
Tax
Court
of
Canada
Act
to
apply
to
transfer
an
appeal
from
the
informal
procedure
to
the
general
procedure
if
it
is
of
the
opinion
that
an
examination
for
discovery
of
the
appellant
is
necessary
to
establish
the
facts
justifying
the
assessment
of
a
penalty.
The
Oxford
English
Dictionary
defines
the
word
“
establish”
as
"to
render
stable
or
firm".
To
establish
facts
in
Court
is
to
prove
those
facts,
not
merely
to
assume
them.
Thus,
once
the
appellant
has
launched
an
appeal,
it
is
necessary
for
the
Crown
to
prove
the
facts
justifying
the
assessment
of
a
penalty.
In
these
circumstances,
it
is
the
view
of
the
Court
that
the
Crown
should
proceed
first
in
an
appeal
when
a
penalty
is
the
sole
issue.
Counsel
for
the
Minister
read
in
parts
of
the
examination
for
discovery
of
the
appellant
pursuant
to
common
law
procedure
and
closed
his
case.
Counsel
for
the
appellant
called
the
appellant's
chartered
accountant
(the
"CA")
who
was
examined
and
cross-examined.
At
all
material
times
the
appellant
was
a
dentist
practising
in
Alberta
as
an
employee
of
Roger
Johnson
Professional
Corporation
("RJPC").
He
was
also
a
shareholder
of
which
is
a
taxable
Canadian
corporation
with
a
fiscal
year
end
of
January
31.
Its
only
business
is
the
practice
of
dentistry.
During
fiscal
year,
which
spanned
the
appellant's
and
taxation
years,
$181,211.48
was
withdrawn
from
by
the
appellant.
This
sum
was
recorded
by
as
a
dividend
to
the
appellant;
however
no
T5s
were
prepared
or
filed
and
the
dividend
was
not
reported
by
the
appellant
as
income.
The
Minister
reassessed,
included
the
sum
in
the
appellant's
income
as
a
dividend
and
assessed
the
penalty
in
question
pursuant
to
subsection
163(2)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
on
account
of
this
omission
to
report.
Dr.
Johnson
is
a
shareholder
in
"a
lot
of
corporations".
He
also
owns
another
corporation
("Ken-Rar")
that
invests
in
oil
and
gas.
He
has
been
an
investor
in
or
oil
and
gas
partnerships
and
in
joint
ventures.
He
has
also
owned
real
estate
from
time
to
time.
At
the
times
in
question
the
appellant
had
a
part-time
bookkeeper
who
came
in
twice
a
month
and
entered
all
accounts
in
the
records
and
made
and
handed
out
most
of
the
cheques.
The
appellant
stated
that
he
personally
wrote
cheques
for
investment
purposes
"probably
per
cent
of
the
time”.
The
appellant
had
the
only
signing
authority
on
the
cheques.
The
appellant
described
his
personal
attendance
and
record
keeping
and
his
relationship
with
his
CA,"David",
as
follows:
A.
Well,
the
way
that
worked
it
was
all
kept
in
the
basket
in
my
back
room.
Everything
was
sort
of
stacked
in
the
basket.
Anything
that
came
in
thought
was
pertinent
to
the
tax
year
threw
them
on
the
basket.
And
then
just,
don’t
know,
anywheres
from
three
weeks
to
four
weeks
before
the
tax
year-end
David
would
come
up
to
my
office
and
we
would
go
through
this
basket.
And
he
would
have
a
box
and
put
it
all
in
a
box,
and
he
would
look
at
it.
And
he
would
take
it
to
his
office.
He
never
did
in
my
office.
He
took
all
the
stuff
to
his
office
and
then
he
separated
it
all.
David
separated
it
all
himself,
what
went
to
Ken-Par,
what
went
to
the
professional
corporation.
And
he
did
my
personal.
He
did
all
my
Ken-Par,
you
know.
So
he
did
the
whole
thing,
and
he
separated
it
all.
He
might
make
the
odd
phone
call
because
he
wasn't
maybe
sure
of
something,
you
know,
or
he
would
even
phone
my
broker
and
say
what
about
this?
What
about
that?
Because
couldn't
answer
the
questions,
and
would
say
well,
phone.
Phone
the
broker,
and
he
would
do
that.
Q.
And
the
net
result
of
all
of
that
work
by
him
was
that
he
would
produce
financial
statements
for
each
of
your
corporations
and
from
that
produce
corporate
tax
returns?
A.
The
whole
—
yeah,
he
did
the
whole
thing.
Q.
Okay.
And
then
he
would
also
in
April
of
each
year,
or
whenever,
in
the
spring
of
each
year
he
would
produce
your
personal
tax
return
showing
your
income
for
that
year?
A.
H'mm.
Q.
Okay.
Did
you
have
a
meeting
after
he
prepared
those
documents
to
discuss
them
with
him,
or
how
did
he
then
deal
with
them?
A.
No,
no,
never
any
meeting.
The
fact
was
the
way
it
almost
routinely
worked
every
year
is
he
came
in
4:30,
5:00
at
the
end
of
my
day.
And
you
know
basically
trusted
him.
He
got
all
the
information
to
make
sure
—
did
a
lot
of
investments,
that
he
would
have
everything,
you
know,
to
put
in
its
proper
place.
He
came
up
and
he
even
had
the
little
pages
tagged
with
something
like
that
so
he
would
know
where
my
signature
goes,
and
he
would
just
lift
it
up
and
say
sign
here,
and
would
sign,
sign
here.
It
would
—
basically
look
sort
of
at
the
bottom
line,
you
know,
just
in
a
cursory
sort
of
way.
And
that
was
basically
it.
And
he
would
often
say
to
me
will
mail
them
if
you
want
because
we
were
often
on
a
deadline,
had
to
go
out
that
night,
and
he
offered
me
that
service
rather
than
—
make
sure
wasn't
late
filing.
And
so
would
say
well,
you
go
ahead,
David,
you
know,
because
he
had
other
clients
that
he
was
doing
the
same
service
for,
so
guess
he
took
them
all
down.
That's
basically
it.
There
wasn't
much
more.
Q.
Okay.
You
said
that
the
cursory
examination
was
directed
primarily
at
the
bottom
line?
A.
Yeah,
would
say
that.
And
it
wasn't
maybe
much
of
an
investigation
or
a
discussion.
He
said
this
is
what
you
owe.
This
is
the
taxes
you
owe,
and
often
didn't
know
how
a
lot
of
these
things
worked.
just
trusted
him
that
there
are
different
vehicles
within
the
tax
things
that
are
available
to
me,
and
trusted
his
judgment
to
work
those
out
for
me
because
don't
know.
That's
why
hire
him,
and
trust
his
judgment.
And
he
would
do
that.
And
figure
however
he
does
it
he
is
trying
to
reduce
my
bottom
line
however
can
within
the
law,
and
that's
the
way
approached
it
every
year.
Q.
Okay.
Would
you
at
that
time
have
been
expected
or
do
you
recall
being
expected
that
at
that
meeting
you
would
also
write
a
cheque
for
whatever
balance
was
left
owing?
A.
To
be
frank
don’t
really
remember,
but
if
was
to
guess
think
would
have
raised
a
cheque
at
those
times,
and
he
would
send
it
with
it
because
think
they
always
—
the
regulations,
they
want
the
money
with
it,
and
think
if
owed
money
he
would
say—
think
he
did
say
that,
that
would
send
a
cheque
with
it.
The
essentially
agreed
with
the
appellant's
testimony
and
added
that
his
firm
would
have
mailed
the
appellant's
income
tax
return
for
and
that
declaration
of
dividend
would
have
been
prepared
by
the
lawyers.
income
tax
return
for
fiscal
would
show
approximately
$400,000
being
paid
to
the
appellant.
This
in
turn
should
have
been
reported
by
the
appellant
in
his
income
tax
return
filed
in
April
of
1987.
That
return
left
out
the
$181,211.48.
The
appellant's
income
tax
return
reported
about
the
same
income
in
as
in
1985.
The
admitted
that
the
appellant
expected
him
to
prepare
the
TS’s
for
the
unreported
dividend.
For
1986,
subsection
163(2)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
reads:
False
statements
or
omissions.
—
Every
person
who,
knowingly,
or
under
circumstances
amounting
to
gross
negligence
in
the
carrying
out
of
any
duty
or
obligation
imposed
by
or
under
this
Act,
has
made
or
has
participated
in,
assented
to
or
acquiesced
in
the
making
of,
a
false
statement
or
omission
in
a
return,
form,
certificate,
statement
or
answer
(in
this
section
referred
to
as
a
"return")
filed
or
made
in
respect
of
a
taxation
year
as
required
by
or
under
this
Act
or
a
regulation,
is
liable
to
a
penalty
of
The
question
before
the
Court
is
whether,
the
appellant
.
.
.knowingly,
or
under
circumstances
amounting
to
gross
negligence.
.
.has
made
or
has
participated
in,
assented
to
or
acquiesced
in
the
making
of,
a
false
statement
or
omission
in
a
return.
.
.
.
In
Venne
v.
The
Queen,
[1984]
C.T.C.
223,
D.T.C.
(F.C.T.D.)
at
page
(D.T.C.
6249),
Strayer,
J.
said:
It
will
be
noted
that
for
the
penalty
to
be
applicable
there
appears
to
be
a
higher
degree
of
culpability
required,
involving
either
actual
knowledge
or
gross
negligence,
than
is
the
case
under
subsection
152(4)
for
reopening
assessments
more
than
four
years
old
where
mere
negligence
seems
to
be
sufficient.
At
page
(D.T.C.
6252)
he
reviewed
various
criteria
particular
to
the
case
before
him,
and
said:
First,
there
is
ample
evidence
that
the
taxpayer
did
not
read
his
returns
before
signing
them.
.
.
in
my
view
he
cannot
absolve
himself
from
all
responsibility
by
hiring
what
he
now
says
to
be
a
patently
inadequate
bookkeeper
and
leaving
matters
entirely
in
the
latter's
hands.
.
.
.
Secondly,
the
errors
in
the
income
tax
returns
should
have
been
sufficiently
obvious
that
a
reasonable
man
of
even
limited
education
and
experience,
especially
one
who
was
apparently
a
very
successful
business
man
and
investor,
should
have
noticed.
On
page
(D.T.C.
6256)
Strayer,
J.
quoted
Cattanach,
J.
in
Udell
v.
M.N.R.,
[1969]
C.T.C.
704,
D.T.C.
at
page
(D.T.C.
6025-26):
In
my
view
the
use
of
the
verb
"made"
in
the
context
in
which
it
is
used
also
involves
a
deliberate
and
intentional
consciousness
on
the
part
of
the
principal
to
the
act
done
which
on
the
facts
of
this
case
was
lacking
in
the
appellant.
He
was
not
privy
to
the
gross
negligence
of
his
accountant.
This
is
most
certainly
a
reasonable
interpretation.
take
it
to
be
a
clear
rule
of
construction
that
in
the
imposition
of
a
tax
or
a
duty,
and
still
more
of
a
penalty
if
there
be
any
fair
and
reasonable
doubt
the
statute
is
to
be
construed
so
as
to
give
the
party
sought
to
be
charged
the
benefit
of
the
doubt.
With
that
in
view,
Strayer,
J.
went
on
to
deal
with
the
ph
rase
"gross
negligence"
at
page
(D.T.C.
6256):
With
respect
to
the
possibility
of
gross
negligence,
have
with
some
difficulty
come
to
the
conclusion
that
this
has
not
been
established
either.
"Gross
negligence"
must
be
taken
to
involve
greater
neglect
than
simply
a
failure
to
use
reasonable
care.
It
must
involve
a
high
degree
of
negligence
tantamount
to
intentional
acting,
an
indifference
as
to
whether
the
law
is
complied
with
or
not.
do
not
find
that
high
degree
of
negligence
in
connection
with
the
misstatements
of
business
income.
To
be
sure,
the
plaintiff
did
not
exercise
the
care
of
a
reasonable
man
and,
as
have
noted
earlier,
should
have
at
least
reviewed
his
tax
returns
before
signing
them.
reasonable
man
in
doing
so,
having
regard
to
other
information
available
to
him,
would
have
been
led
to
believe
that
something
was
amiss
and
would
have
pursued
the
matter
further
with
his
bookkeeper.
The
appellant
retained
the
same
chartered
accountant
to
do
the
accounting,
preparation
and
income
tax
return
for
both
and
himself.
His
personal
method
of
record
keeping
is
quoted
from
his
Examination
for
Discovery.
On
the
evidence
it
is
clear
that
the
chartered
accountant
had
all
the
material,
knew
of
the
dividend
in
fiscal
1986,
recorded
it
in
records,
and
simply
missed
completing
the
T5
and
entering
it
in
the
appellant’s
income
tax
return
of
April
of
1987.
It
is
also
clear
that
the
appellant
relied
completely
on
his
chartered
accountant.
The
appellant
merely
sat
down
with
the
chartered
accountant
and
signed
the
income
tax
return
where
it
was
flagged
for
his
signature.
The
appellant
omitted
to
see
that
the
dividend
was
not
included
in
his
income
tax
return.
The
appellant's
evidence
is
that
he
simply
wrote
cheques
out
of
cash
flow.
Then,
to
quote
his
Examination
for
Discovery:
Q.
Okay.
You
don’t
recall
that
you
would
have
been
surprised
by
the
fact
that
you
were
only
reporting
some
$114,100,
$115,000
in
income?
A.
No,
don't
think
would
be
surprised
whatsoever.
go
back
to
David,
you
know,
sort
of
juggles
the
books,
looks
after
my
interest,
and
—
within
the
framework
as
set
by
Revenue
Canada
what
can
do
and
can’t
do.
And
left
it
to
his
discretion
—
he
is
the
expert,
and
that's
all
—
totally
trusted
his
judgment
on
these
things,
and
that’s
the
fact
of
it.
And
had
no
reason
to
believe
that
this
was
not
correct.
How
he
managed
it
really
don't
know.
sometimes
we
would,
you
know,
discuss
something
—
what
may
do.
For
instance,
asked
him
one
time
why
was
being
audited,
and
he
would
say
well,
you
know,
because
you
are
—
raise
and
raise
flags
sometimes
because
when
they
are
doing
these
things
they
see
them
coming
through
on
your
shareholders'
loans.
Well,
said
understood
you
can
—
don't
have
to
put
those
through
shareholders.
You
can
take
those
as
write-offs.
You
don't
have
to
go
through
shareholders.
didn't
quite
understand
that
when
you
put
through
shareholders
you
are
supposed
to
be
withholding
taxes
or
sending
withholding
taxes.
He
said
that's
what
is
raising
these
flags.
And
never
picked
some
of
that
up.
said
well,
if
you
are
writing
it
off
why
do
you
have
to
write
taxes?
It’s
all
there.
It’s
all
included.
You
do
the
juggling,
and.
.
.
.
He
stated:
Q.
So
as
understand
you
for
and
indeed
for
any
of
your
years
you
really
wouldn't
have
any
idea
what
you
made
out
of
your
dentist
practice
or
what
you
took
out
of
the
A.
At
the
end
of
the
year.
Q.
At
the
end
of
the
year.
A.
At
the
end
of
the
year.
That's
when
knew.
Q.
Okay.
But
in
knowing
what
that
amount
was
you
were
relying
on
him
to
tell
you
what
it
was.
You
didn't
personally
have
any
idea
what
you
made,
is
that
correct?
A.
That's
correct.
Q.
And
when
he
told
you
an
amount
you
relied
on
the
amount
that
you
got
from
him
without
having
anything
to,
any
sort
of
base
mark
that
you
personally
kept
track
of
out
of
your
operations
over
the
course
of
the
year?
A.
don’t
really
think
that
ever
knew
in
my
own
head
that
was
earmarking
myself
for
$10,000
a
month.
had
no
idea
like
that
at
all.
Complete
records
were
kept
by
the
appellant
and
his
staff
and
he
relied
on
his
chartered
accountant,
his
professional
adviser
whom
he
paid
for
this
service,
to
deal
with
tax
matters.
The
respondent
argued
that
the
appellant
was
sophisticated.
The
evidence
is
that
the
appellant
was
involved
in
sophisticated
financial
and
tax
matters,
but
there
is
no
clear
evidence
that
the
appellant
was,
himself,
knowledgeable
or
sophisticated
either
in
his
investments
or
his
tax
affairs.
Rather
it
appears
to
the
Court
that
he
practised
dentistry
and,
for
tax
and
financial
matters,
relied
on
the
professional
advice
of
others.
In
essence
the
appellant
dealt
with
the
the
same
way
that
a
patient
deals
with
a
dentist.
The
CA's
professional
reputation
was
not
questioned
at
any
time.
In
circumstances
where
the
appellant's
chartered
accountant,
with
full
knowledge
of
the
appellant's
financial
affairs,
missed
the
substantial
dividend
in
question
and
where
the
appellant
relied
completely
on
that
chartered
accountant
to
do
all
the
adjustments
of
his
financial
and
tax
affairs
and
had
no
reason
not
to
place
such
reliance
on
his
chartered
accountant,
the
Court
is
asked
to
find
the
omission
in
the
appellant's
income
tax
return
to
constitute
gross
negligence
by
him.
The
appellant
had
a
system.
His
employee
recorded
the
cash
flow
in
records.
The
appellant
personally
went
through
the
documents
with
the
chartered
accountant
with
respect
to
income
tax
matters
and
his
income
tax
return
and
gave
the
documents
to
the
chartered
accountant.
When
asked
by
the
chartered
accountant,
insofar
as
he
had
knowledge,
the
appellant
reviewed
them
with
his
chartered
accountant
who
was
a
qualified
and
reputable
professional.
If
he
did
not
have
knowledge,
the
appellant
referred
the
chartered
accountant
to
his
broker.
This
was
the
appellant's
examination
and
review
of
his
income
tax
affairs.
After
that
the
appellant
relied
on
the
chartered
accountant
completely
and
did
what
the
chartered
accountant
told
him
to
do
respecting
his
income
tax
return.
The
chartered
accountant
was
negligent.
The
appellant
may
have
been
negligent
when
he
did
not
review
his
income
tax
return
prepared
by
his
chartered
accountant.
But
in
these
circumstances
the
omission
in
the
income
tax
return
does
not
make
the
appellant
grossly
negligent.
The
appeal
is
allowed
with
costs
in
favour
of
the
appellant.
Appeal
allowed.