MacGuigan,
J.A.:—This
is
a
case
of
statutory
interpretation
where
a
technological
change
has
occurred
after
the
passage
of
a
statute.
The
statute
in
question
is
the
Income
Tax
Act,
R.S.C.
1952,
c.
(am.
S.C.
1970-71-72,
c.
63)
(the
"Act"),
and
the
technological
change
the
development
of
fibre
optic
transmission
systems
for
telecommunication
in
place
of
copper-based
and
microwave
systems.
The
taxation
year
in
question
is
1983.
Prior
to
the
appellant
employed
only
copper-based
and
microwave
systems
for
signal
transmission.
The
capital
cost
allowance
system
in
the
Act
was
changed
as
of
the
budget
of
May
25,
1976,
in
the
context
of
a
thorough
review,
the
rationale
for
which
is
outlined
in
Budget
Paper
C,
Capital
Cost
Allowances
(Appeal
Book,
Appendix
at
pages
ff.).
Paragraph
20(1)(a)
of
the
Act
provides
for
the
deduction
of
"such
part
of
the
capital
cost
to
the
taxpayer
of
property,
or
such
amount
in
respect
of
the
capital
cost
to
the
taxpayer
of
property,
if
any,
as
is
allowed
by
regulation.”
Regulation
1100(1)(a)
establishes
various
rates
of
capital
cost
allowance
("CCA"),
which
are
matched
with
various
categories
of
property
in
Schedule
which
covers
all
property
used
in
earning
income.
Class
of
Schedule
is
fixed
at
five
per
cent
The
relevant
part
is
as
follows:
Property
not
included
in
any
other
class
that
is
.
.
.
(j)
telephone,
telegraph
or
data
communication
equipment,
acquired
after
May
25,
1976,
that
is
(i)
a
wire
or
cable,
or
(ii)
supporting
equipment
such
as
a
pole,
mast,
tower,
conduit,
brace,
crossarm,
guy
or
insulator
that
is
ancillary
to
a
wire
or
cable
referred
to
in
subparagraph
(i).
.
.
The
argued
alternative
to
Class
3(j)
for
the
property
in
question
is
a
20%
according
to
the
basket
clause,”
Class
8,
the
relevant
part
of
which
reads
as
follows:
Property
not
included
in
Class
2,
7,
9,
or
that
is
.
.
.
(i)
a
tangible
capital
property
that
is
not
included
in
another
class
in
this
Schedule
.
.
.
It
was
common
ground
that
the
only
issue
in
this
case
is
whether
optical
fibres
are
to
be
included
in
Class
3(j)
as
telephone
equipment
that
is
a
wire
or
cable
,
or
in
Class
8(i)
as
property
that
is
a
tangible
capital
property
that
is
not
included
in
another
class
in
Schedule
Neither
"wire"
nor
"cable"
is
defined
in
the
Act.
At
trial,
Walsh,
J.
found
as
follows
(Appeal
Book
at
94-95):
As
is
clear
from
the
evidence,
use
of
fibre
optics
in
telecommunication
transmission
was
not
addressed
nor
even
thought
of
when
the
amendments
changing
the
capital
cost
allowance
schedules
were
adopted.
These
have
not
been
changed
since.
It
is
also
evident
that,
while
even
now
not
too
much
is
known
about
the
physical
deterioration
of
fibre
optics
equipment
in
the
past,
and
certainly
in
the
taxation
year,
relatively
high
obsolescence
due
to
constantly
evolving
research
and
improvements
in
the
product,
in
some
cases
the
earlier
installations
were
obsolete
before
they
were
even
installed.
It
is
also
evident,
and
defendant
itself
recognizes
that,
with
respect
to
capital
cost
allowance
rates,
they
must
take
into
account
not
only
physical
depreciation
on
assets
but
also
the
obsolescence
that
would
have
occurred
through
new
developments.
This
appears
from
one
of
the
items
in
the
budget
paper
referred
to
(supra)
dealing
with
computers
which
states:
As
indicated
by
the
survey,
technology
in
the
computer
field
continues
to
change
quickly,
and
the
present
general
equipment
rate
of
20%
is
inadequate.
It
is
proposed
therefore
that
the
rates
for
computer
hardware
and
related
software
be
increased
from
20%
to
30%.
What
applies
to
computers
would
certainly
apply
to
fibre
optics
which
are
a
very
rapidly
developing
field.
Certainly,
capital
cost
allowance
would
be
greater
than
that
allowed
for
copper
cable,
for
which
the
durability
technology
was
well
established.
While
it
would
certainly
be
desirable
and
presumably
fair
if
a
study
were
made
determining
on
the
basis
of
what
is
now
known
what
rate
of
capital
cost
allowance
should
be
allocated
to
fibre
optic
transmission
systems,
defendant
cannot
be
blamed
for
not
having
done
this
in
when
the
commercial
use
of
them
was
not
even
contemplated,
nor
most
likely
even
in
at
which
time
there
was
very
little
knowledge
which
was
not
speculative
as
to
what
the
rate
of
obsolescence
should
be.
It
is
not
for
the
Court
to
tell
defendant
what
steps,
if
any,
it
should
take
to
remedy
this
situation.
The
present
case
must
be
decided
on
the
basis
of
the
capital
cost
allowance
schedule
provided
in
the
budget.
The
trial
judge
held
that
"with
the
invention
of
fibre
optics,
a
glass
fibre
could
be
considered
as
a'wire'"
(Appeal
Book
at
page
99).
He
also
concluded
that
such
fibre
optic
wires
taken
together
were
a
cable
(Appeal
Book
at
pages
102-103):
In
conclusion,
find
that
defendant
succeeds
in
both
arguments.
The
fibre
optic
wires,
although
of
silicon
or
glass,
enclosed
in
a
protective
covering
and
used
in
the
transmission
of
signals
normally
transmitted
by
a
copper
cable
are
themselves
a
cable
within
the
ordinary
meaning
of
the
term,
and
furthermore,
even
if
what
was
known
about
them
did
not
lead
to
their
being
considered
for
inclusion
in
the
words
"wire
or
cable”
as
known
at
that
time,
an
open
structured
interpretation
should
be
given
to
the
words
so
as
to
include
them
as
they
were
known
in
1983,
the
taxation
year
in
question.
find
no
ambiguity
in
the
words
or
any
justification
for
concluding
that
this
was
not
Parliament's
intention
in
the
said
Capital
cost
allowance
schedule
as
amended
in
1976.
As
previously
indicated,
find
no
merit
in
plaintiff's
argument
that
because
this
type
of
transmission
was
not
specifically
included
in
section
3(j),
it
must
be
deemed
to
have
been
excluded
or
as
falling
into
another
category,
in
which
it
clearly
does
not
belong.
On
the
contrary,
it
might
be
more
accurate
to
say
that
since
it
was
not
specifically
excluded
and
put
into
another
or
separate
category,
it
must
be
deemed
to
have
been
included.
The
fact
is,
however,
that
quite
properly
the
question
was
not
even
considered
nor
was
it
included
or
excluded.
The
technology
of
an
optical
fibre
telecommunications
system
was
succinctly
and
clearly
described
by
Strayer,
J.
in
Corning
Glass
Works
v.
Canada
Wire
&
Cable
Ltd.
(1984),
C.P.R.
(2d)
at
45:
Optical
waveguides
are
used
for
the
transmission
of
light
waves.
The
particular
application
of
optical
waveguides
.
.
.
involves
their
use
for
telecommunications,
specifically
telephone
communications.
Simply
put,
sound
waves
are
converted
into
light
waves,
are
carried
through
the
optical
waveguide
in
the
form
of
light,
and
then
are
transformed
back
into
sound
waves
at
the
destination.
The
waveguides
being
used
by
the
defendant
are
tiny
glass
fibres.
major
advantage
of
such
fibre
waveguides
is
that
they
can
transmit
simultaneously
a
large
number
of
voice
circuits.
According
to
evidence
presented
to
me,
a
single
optical
waveguide
of
this
sort
with
a
diameter
of
microns
(125
millionths
of
a
metre)
can
replace
a
conventional
copper
cable
of
a
diameter
of
greater
than
five
centimetres
in
terms
of
carrying
capacity.
The
electromagnetic
signals
(photons)
in
an
optical
fibre
telecommunications
system
emanate
from
a
laser
and
are
guided
through
glass
core
optical
fibres.
microwave
system
also
makes
use
of
electromagnetic
signals
but
in
that
case
they
emanate
from
an
antenna
and
radiate
through
free
space.
In
a
copperbased
system
signals
are
conducted
as
a
flow
of
electrons.
Optical
fibres
now
in
use
in
the
telecommunications
industry
are
bundled
together
with
a
steel
core,
within
a
protective
coating.
This
process
is
now
called
"cabling",
and
the
product
is
now
called
“fibre
optic
cable”,
“fibre
cable”,
or
simply
"cable".
The
appellant
argued
that
the
general
rule
of
statutory
interpretation
is
that
words
in
a
statute
must
be
construed
as
they
would
have
been
the
day
after
the
statute
was
passed,
in
this
case,
as
of
May
26,
1976:
Sharpe
v.
Wakefield
(1888),
Q.B.D.
(C.A.),
aff'd
[1891]
A.C.
(H.L.);
Bogoch
Seed
Co.
Ltd.
v.
C.P.R.
and
C.N.R.,
[1963]
S.C.R.
at
pages
253-6.
The
appellant
acknowledged
that
there
are
a
number
of
exceptions
to
the
rule
in
Sharpe
v.
Wakefield,
and
that,
in
effect,
whether
words
in
a
statute
are
to
be
given
their
meaning
at
the
time
of
the
enactment
of
the
statute,
or
their
meaning
as
the
words
may
be
understood
from
time
to
time,
depends
on
the
purpose
of
the
statute.
This
brings
the
starting
point
for
analysis
very
close
to
E.A.
Driedger's
"modern
rule”
of
statutory
interpretation,
which
in
any
event
is
where
courts
are
now
required,
by
the
authority
of
the
Supreme
Court
of
Canada,
to
begin.
Driedger
stated
his
rule
as
follows,
Construction
of
Statutes,
2nd
ed.,
1983,
at
page
87:
Today
there
is
only
one
principle
or
approach,
namely,
the
words
of
an
Act
are
to
be
read
in
their
entire
context
and
in
their
grammatical
and
ordinary
sense
harmoniously
with
the
scheme
of
the
Act,
the
object
of
the
Act,
and
the
intention
of
Parliament.
This
principle
was
adopted
by
the
Supreme
Court
of
Canada
in
Stubart
Investments
Ltd.
v.
The
Queen,
[1984]
S.C.R.
536,
[1984]
C.T.C.
294,
D.T.C.
6305,
at
page
(D.T.C.
6323,
S.C.R.
578)
per
Estey,
J.,
and
by
this
Court
as
a
"words-in-total-context"
approach
in
the
following
decisions:
Lor-Wes
Contracting
Ltd.
v.
The
Queen,
[1985]
C.T.C.
79,85
D.T.C.
5310,
at
page
(D.T.C.
5313);
Canterra
Energy
Ltd.
v.
M.N.R.,
[1987]
C.T.C.
89,
D.T.C.
5019,
at
page
(D.T.C.
5023);
Cashin
v.
Canadian
Broadcasting
Corporation,
[1988]
F.C.
at
page
504;
Canada
Packers
Inc.
v.
Canada
(Minister
of
Agriculture),
[1989]
F.C.
at
page
60;
Nova,
an
Alberta
Corporation
v.
M.N.R.,
[1988]
C.T.C.
167,
D.T.C.
6386,
at
page
(D.T.C.
6389).
The
respondent
attempted
to
establish
that
it
is
only
where
statutory
language
is
ambiguous
that
it
is
necessary
to
go
beyond
the
meaning
of
the
words
themselves.
This
rule
was
also
stated
by
the
trial
judge
in
the
case
at
bar
(Appeal
Book
at
page
97),
and
in
Mersey
Seafoods
Ltd.
v.
M.N.R.,
[1985]
C.T.C.
2485,
D.T.C.
731,
at
page
(D.T.C.
740).
Such
was
undoubtedly
the
burden
of
the
Sussex
Peerage
Case
(1844),
E.R.
at
page
1057,
where
the
House
of
Lords
said:
“If
the
words
of
the
statute
are
in
themselves
precise
and
unambiguous,
then
no
more
can
be
necessary
than
to
expound
those
words
in
their
natural
and
ordinary
sense."
After
Stubart,
supra,
however,
this
dictum
can
no
longer
be
considered
as
a
satisfactory
statement
of
the
law,
and,
contrary
to
the
contention
before
this
Court,
the
approach
proposed
by
the
respondent
is
not
supported
by
Canada
v.
Canadian
Marconi
Co.,
[1991]
C.T.C.
352,
D.T.C.
5626,
where
Mahoney,
J.A.
for
this
Court,
after
quoting
the
Sussex
Peerage
Case,
immediately
went
on
to
add:
“I
have
been
pointed
to
nothing
in
its
immediate
context
or
in
other
provisions
of
the
Act
that
would
suggest
it
should
be
interpreted
otherwise
than
in
its
plain
meaning"
(at
page
(D.T.C.
5629)).
Indeed,
even
apart
from
authority,
it
should
be
obvious
that
words
can
never
be
considered
apart
from
their
context,
since
context
imparts
meaning
to
that
which
it
surrounds.
The
respondent's
contention,
wrong
as
presented,
does,
however,
point
up
a
latent
ambiguity
which
might
otherwise
be
masked
by
the
sweep
of
the
words-in-total-context
approach.
Four
separate
elements,
in
fact,
may
be
distinguished
within
it:
the
words
themselves,
their
immediate
context,
the
purpose
of
the
statute
as
manifested
throughout
the
legislation,
and
extrinsic
evidence
of
parliamentary
intent
to
the
extent
admissible.
These
elements
are
not
always
concordant,
and
a
Court
has
the
obligation
of
weighing
them
against
each
other
in
order
to
arrive
at
a
proper
construction.
Sometimes
this
task
will
be
very
simple,
when,
as
in
the
Canadian
Marconi
case,
the
plain
meaning
of
the
words
is
obvious
and
there
is
nothing
else
to
be
taken
into
account.
In
other
cases,
as
in
the
case
at
bar,
it
is
a
somewhat
more
complex
process.
There
is,
in
my
opinion,
no
simple
rule
that
can
effectively
make
the
problem
disappear
or
resolve
a
court's
intellectual
difficulty.
The
issue
as
to
weight
must
be
squarely
faced
and
honestly
answered.
Nevertheless,
in
my
view
it
is
a
fair
conclusion
from
several
centuries
of
statutory
interpretation
in
England
and
Canada
that,
in
its
balancing
exercise,
a
court
should
give
greater
weight
to
clear
words
supported
by
their
immediate
context
than
to
larger
assertions
of
parliamentary
intention,
particularly
those
based
on
extrinsic
evidence,
which
our
courts
have
always
approached
with
extreme
caution.
In
the
case
at
bar,
find
no
substantiation
for
the
holding
of
the
trial
judge
that
a
glass
fibre
can
be
considered
to
be
a
wire,
and
indeed
his
conclusion
to
that
effect
was
not
defended
by
the
respondent.
On
the
other
hand,
there
is
strong
support
for
the
trial
judge's
conclusion
that
glass
fibre,
as
used
in
the
appellant's
telecommunications
system,
can
be
considered
to
be
a
cable.
The
presumption
is
that
statutory
language
is
to
be
construed
according
to
the
meaning
of
words
in
common
parlance
even
in
statutes
dealing
with
technical
scientific
matters:
Pfizer
Company
Ltd.
v.
D./M.N.R.,
C.&E.,
[1977]
S.C.R.
456,
D.L.R.
(3d)
9.
Webster's
Third
New
International
Dictionary,
in
1976,
defined
"cable",
inter
alia,
as:
“An
assembly
of
electrical
conductors
insulated
from
each
other
but
laid
up
together
usually
by
being
twisted
around
a
central
core."
How
well
such
a
definition
accommodates
glass
fibre
is
shown
by
the
fact
that
even
by
1983,
Webster's
Third
New
Collegiate
Dictionary
includes
the
following
in
its
definition
of
"cable":
“.
.
.
something
resembling
or
fashioned
like
a
cable'a
fibre-optic
[cable]'".
Even
in
1976,
as
seen
above,
it
was
referred
to
in
scientific
circles
as
"fibre
optic
cable.”
Its
purpose
and
function
is
the
same
as
that
of
all
telephone
cables,
and
like
copper
or
coaxial
cable,
it
can
be
strung
on
poles,
or
buried
underground
or
in
conduits.
An
open-textured
interpretation
is
more
in
keeping
with
section
of
the
Interpretation
Act,
R.S.C.
1985,
c.
1-21,
according
to
which
"the
law
shall
be
considered
as
always
speaking".
As
Hodgins,
J.A.
put
it
in
Re
McIntyre
Porcupine
Mines
Ltd.
(1921),
O.L.R.
at
218,
a
word
should
be
construed
"so
as
to
include
that
which,
in
the
march
of
progress,
falls
properly
within
its
ordinary
meaning."
In
general,
courts
have
found
that
new
technology
is
embraced
by
old
language:
Taylor
v.
Goodwin
(1879),
Q.B.D.
("bicycle"
within
"carriage");
Attorney
General
v.
The
Edison
Telephone
Company
of
London
Ltd.
(1880),
Q.B.D.
("telephone"
within
"telegraph");
Canadian
Pacific
Railway
Co.
v.
McCabe
Grain
Co.
(1968),
D.L.R.
(2d)
(B.C.C.A.)
("rape-seed"
within
"grain");
Lumberland
Inc.
v.
Nineteen
Hundred
Tower
Ltd.,
[1977]
S.C.R.
(“form
work"
within
"construction");
Case
X35
(1990),
A.T.C.
(A.A.T.)
("invertor"
within
"converter");
Deneault
v.
Monette
(1933),
B.R.
(Que.)
("truck"
within
horse
and
carriage").
The
absence
in
Class
3(j)
of
specifically
expansive
words
such
as
"or
similar"
or
"or
other’,
used
in
some
other
classes
of
Schedule
cannot
be
decisive.
Such
expansive
terms
are
expressly
open-textured,
but
many
other
words
may
be
implicitly
so.
There
is,
in
fine,
ample
support
for
the
trial
judge’s
conclusion,
already
quoted
above,
that"
the
fibre
optic
wires,
although
of
silicon
or
glass,
enclosed
in
a
protective
covering
and
used
in
the
transmission
of
signals
normally
transmitted
by
a
copper
cable
are
themselves
a
cable
within
the
ordinary
meaning
of
the
term”.
The
appellant
also
contended
that
the
word
"cable"
should
not
be
taken
in
its
ordinary
sense,
but
as
governed
by
its
association
with
"wire"
according
to
the
principle
noscitur
a
sociis
(“it
is
known
from
its
associates"),
as
set
out
in
Maxwell
on
The
Interpretation
of
Statutes,
ed.
by
P.
St.
J.
Langan
at
page
289:
Where
two
or
more
words
which
are
susceptible
of
analogous
meaning
are
coupled
together,
noscuntur
a
sociis.
They
are
understood
to
be
used
in
their
cognate
sense.
They
take,
as
it
were,
their
colour
from
each
other,
the
meaning
of
the
more
general
being
restricted
to
a
sense
analogous
to
that
of
the
less
general.
(One
application
of
this
general
principle
is
the
ejusdem
generis
rule.
.
.
.)
For
the
reason
given
by
Anglin,
J.
in
Attorney-General
for
British
Columbia
v.
The
King
(1922),
S.C.R.
at
638,
this
rule
should
not
be
lightly
applied:
share,
to
some
extent,
the
view
expressed
by
Rigby,
L.J.
in
Smelting
Co.
of
Australia
v.
Commissioners
of
Inland
Revenue
[[1897]
Q.B.
at
182]:
The
rule
of
construction
which
is
called
the
ejusdem
generis
doctrine
or
sometimes
the
doctrine
“
noscitur
a
sociis”
is
one
which,
think,
ought
to
be
applied
with
great
caution
because
it
implies
a
departure
from
the
natural
meaning
of
words
in
order
to
give
them
a
meaning
which
may
or
may
not
have
been
the
intention
of
the
legislature.
Here,
the
meaning
of“
cable”
is
not
clearly
more
general
than
the
meaning
of
"wire",
and
there
is
no
warrant
for
limiting
either
its
natural
meaning
or
the
natural
effect
of
the
disjunctive
"or".
The
appellant's
strongest
contention
was
based
upon
parliamentary
intention
as
revealed
in
Budget
Paper
C,
where
allegedly
both
the
mischief
sought
to
be
remedied
(misclassification
of
telephone
industry
assets)
and
the
remedy
to
such
mischief
were
clearly
articulated.
Class
3(j),
it
was
said,
was
a
remedial
measure
to
classify
lines
and
poles
so
that
rates
would
accord
with
historic
patterns
of
depreciation.
Given
the
trial
judge's
finding
that
the
for
optical
fibre
needed
to
be
higher
than
that
allowed
for
copper
cable,
the
argument
is
that
the
effect
of
including
optical
fibres
in
Class
3(j)
would
be
to
perpetuate
the
very
mischief
which
the
legislation
sought
to
cure.
Is
it
sufficiently
clear
from
Budget
Paper
that
the
object
of
the
system
is
only
to
classify
and
afford
different
rates
of
to
assets
according
to
actual
physical
depreciation
and
obsolescence?
It
is
common
ground
that
the
changes
proposed
moved
in
that
direction,
but
the
respondent
made
a
point
of
adding
that
the
proposal
also
provides
for
the
tax
treatment
of
assets
upon
disposition
through
a
system
of
terminal
losses
or
recapture
of
gains.
More
important,
it
seems
to
me,
the
thrust
of
the
principle
argued
for
by
the
appellant
is
blunted
by
surrounding
limitations.
The
most
relevant
part
of
the
Paper
is
as
follows
(Appeal
Book,
App.
at
pages
23-4):
Changes
in
Rate
System
As
noted
above,
assets
are
generally
classified
under
the
present
system
by
their
type
rather
than
by
the
industry
in
which
they
are
used,
and
it
has
been
concluded
that
this
general
emphasis
should
be
continued.
As
an
exception
to
this
general
approach
certain
assets
used
in
a
railway
system
or
in
a
telephone
system
have
been
grouped
together
and
entitled
to
a
composite
rate
of
per
cent
and
per
cent
respectively.
Experience
has
demonstrated
however
that
this
composite
rate
approach
does
not
adequately
reflect
the
changing
mix
of
assets
which
can
occur
over
the
years.
In
these
industries
the
proportion
of
shorter-lived
assets
has
tended
to
become
more
important.
Accordingly,
it
is
proposed
that
the
present
composite
rate
be
discontinued
and
that
future
asset
acquisitions
be
broken
into
the
more
usual
categories
which
apply
to
other
industries.
In
the
case
of
the
railways
.
.
.
In
the
case
of
a
telephone
system,
the
present
composite
rate
of
per
cent
would
be
replaced
by
per
cent
for
switching
equipment,
per
cent
for
poles
and
lines
and
the
usual
rates
for
other
categories
of
buildings,
equipment,
etc.
These
various
rates
would
also
apply
to
the
categories
of
assets
in
a
telegraph
system,
which
are
presently
within
the
composite
railway
rate
of
per
cent.
[Emphasis
added].
This
is
indeed
a
proposed
change
in
the
pre-existing
law,
but
a
change
of
a
highly
qualified
kind,
which
is
by
no
means
clearly
intended
to
go
beyond
what
it
actually
specifies.
It
is,
in
my
opinion,
not
so
much
a
clarion
call
to
a
logically-defined
new
system,
as
an
uncertain
trumpet
whose
invitation
does
not
pass
beyond
the
words
themselves.
cannot
think,
that
therefore
in
the
weighing
process
necessary
for
interpretation,
the
vague
and
limited
language
of
the
Budget
Paper
could
have
been
intended
to
outweigh
the
much
clearer
ordinary
language
employed
by
Parliament
in
Class
3(j),
which
must
be
considered
to
be
open-textured
so
as
to
include
fibre
optic
transmission
systems
for
telecommunication.
The
appeal
must
accordingly
be
dismissed
with
costs.
Appeal
dismissed.