Simonds
This
appeal
from
a
judgment
of
the
Supreme
Court
of
Canada
which
dismissed
an
appeal
from
a
judgment
of
the
President
of
the
Exchequer
Court
of
Canada
raises
a
question
of
novelty
and
importance.
The
appellant
is
the
Minister
of
National
Revenue,
the
respondent
a
limited
company,
Anaconda
American
Brass
Limited.
The
Minister
on
the
assessment
of
the
respondent
company
to
income
tax
and
excess
profits
tax
for
the
year
increased
the
amount
of
taxable
income
declared
by
the
company
by
the
sum
of
$1,611,756.43
with
the
result
that
its
excess
profits
tax
for
that
year
was
increased
by
about
$241,000
and
its
income
tax
by
about
$483,000.
Against
this
assessment
the
company
appealed
to
the
Exchequer
Court:
the
learned
President
of
the
Court
allowed
the
appeal
and,
as
already
stated,
the
Supreme
Court
dismissed
the
Minister’s
appeal
from
his
judgment.
It
is
only
the
excess
profits
tax
with
which
this
appeal
is
concerned.
The
excess
profits
tax
is
levied
under
the
provisions
of
the
Excess
Profits
Tax
Act,
1940,
which
by
Section
provides
that
in
addition
to
any
other
tax
or
duty
payable
under
any
Act
there
shall
be
assessed,
levied
and
paid
a
tax
in
accordance
with
the
rate
set
out
in
the
Second
Schedule
thereto
upon
the
excess
profits
of
every
corporation
or
joint
stock
company
residing
or
ordinarily
resident
in
Canada
or
carrying
on
business
in
Canada.
The
rate
set
out
in
the
Second
Schedule
is
per
cent
of
the
excess
profits
in
the
case
of
corporations
or
joint
stock
companies.
“Profits”
in
their
case
is
by
the
same
Act
defined
to
mean
for
any
taxation
period
the
amount
of
net
taxable
income
for
the
same
period
as
determined
under
the
provision
of
the
Income
War
Tax
Act.
Under
the
latter
Act
income
is,
so
far
as
is
relevant,
defined
as
meaning
the
annual
net
profit
or
gain
ascertained
and
capable
of
computation
as
being
the
profits
from
a
trade
or
commercial
or
financial
or
other
business.
The
question
then
is
whether
the
Minister
correctly
assessed
the
annual
net
profit
or
gain
of
the
company
for
the
year
or,
to
state
the
question
more
accurately,
whether
the
company
has
established
that
his
assessment
was
incorrect.
The
material
facts
of
the
case
are
not
in
dispute.
The
company
carries
on
the
business
of
purchasing
metals,
manufacturing
them
into
sheets,
rods
and
tubes
and
selling
the
manufactured
metals.
About
per
cent
of
the
metals
purchased
by
the
company
consist
of
copper
(over
per
cent)
and
zine
(about
per
cent).
The
other
principal
metals
are
lead,
tin
and
nickel.
The
prices
which
the
company
charges
for
its
products
are
closely
related
to
the
prices
paid
by
it
to
replace
the
metals
used
in
manufacturing
its
products,
and,
when
market
prices
of
purchased
metals
are
increased,
it
at
once
correspondingly
increases
the
prices
of
its
products.
The
company
is
constantly
purchasing
metals
to
replace
those
that
are
being
used.
Its
practice
is
to
make
an
estimate
at
the
beginning
of
each
month
of
the
quantity
of
metals
which
will
be
used
during
the
next
month
and
to
order
from
its
suppliers
the
same
quantity
to
replace
such
metals.
It
maintains
an
inventory
or
stock
of
metals
at
all
times
of
about
one-third
to
one-
quarter
of
its
annual
requirements
so
that
it
turns
over
its
inventory
three
or
four
times
a
year.
About
two-thirds
of
the
copper
and
zine
inventory
is
continuously
in
process
in
the
plant:
this
indicates
that
the
average
time
in
process
is
about
eight
weeks.
The
company
did
not
keep
records
from
which
the
actual
metals
used
during
the
year
could
be
identified
or
the
amounts
paid
for
those
metals
determined.
But
it
kept
records
of
the
quantities
of
metals
(a)
in
its
inventory
at
the
beginning
of
the
year,
(b)
purchased
during
the
year
and
(c)
in
its
inventory
at
the
end
of
the
year.
It
also
kept
records
of
the
prices
paid
for
the
metals
purchased
from
time
to
time.
Thus
in
the
year
the
company
knew
what
stock
it
had
in
hand
at
the
beginning,
what
stock
it
had
purchased
during
the
year,
and
what
stock
it
had
in
hand
at
the
end
of
it.
It
also
knew
what
prices
it
had
paid
during
the
year
for
the
metals
it
purchased.
But
it
did
not
know
and
could
not
ascertain
either
in
respect
of
all
the
metals
which
it
used
during
the
year
what
price
had
been
paid
for
them
or
in
respect
of
all
the
metals
which
it
had
at
the
end
of
the
year
what
price
had
been
paid
for
them.
Yet
in
order
to
determine
its
annual
profit
or
gain
for
the
year
it
is
necessary
to
ascribe
the
proper
cost
of
the
metals
used
and
the
proper
cost
or
value
to
the
metals
remaining
in
stock.
In
the
absence
of
knowledge
an
assumption
or
estimate
must
be
made
and
it
is
at
this
stage
that
the
difference
between
the
parties
arises.
It
is
convenient
first
to
explain
the
manner
in
which
the
company
made
up
its
return
for
the
year
1947,
stating
only
by
way
of
premise
that,
whereas
the
prices
of
raw
materials
had
for
some
time
before
that
year
been
comparatively
stable,
in
that
year,
as
the
result
of
the
relaxation
and
then
the
removal
of
wartime
controls,
there
had
been
large
increases
of
price,
for
example
of
copper
on
the
22nd
January
from
11.5
cents
per
pound
to
16.625
cents
per
pound
and
on
the
10th
of
June
to
21.5
cents
per
pound.
It
was
under
these
circumstances
that
in
for
the
first
time
the
company
made
a
return
for
income
tax
purposes
in
which
a
system
known
as
or
last-in-first-out
was
adopted.
It
was
a
system
which
it
had
used
for
its
own
corporate
purposes
for
some
time
previously
in
respect
of
copper,
but
neither
it
nor
any
other
taxpayer
in
Canada
had
adopted
it
for
taxation
purposes.
It
must
now
be
briefly
explained.
It
must
in
the
first
place
be
explained
that
does
not
mean
that
the
metal
last
to
be
received
into
stock
is
in
fact
the
first
to
be
processed
and
sold.
On
the
contrary
the
actual
physical
flow
of
the
raw
material
is
regarded
as
irrelevant:
that
which
was
purchased
in
previous
years
and
was
in
stock
at
the
opening
of
the
relevant
financial
year
or
that
which
was
purchased
during
that
year
may
have
been
processed
and
the
products
sold
during
that
year
:
this
is
of
no
account.
It
is
to
cost
that
looks
and
in
the
simplest
terms
it
means
that
the
cost
per
pound
of
the
metal
most
recently
purchased
and
added
to
stock
is
the
cost
per
pound
of
metal
content
to
be
charged
against
the
next
sale
of
processed
metal
products.
It
is
the
necessary
corollary
of
this
that
to
the
stock
which
is
in
fact
in
hand
at
the
end
of
the
year
there
must
be
attributed
the
cost
of
metal
which
has
not
yet
been
exhausted
by
the
cost
attributed
to
metal
consumed;
this
has
been
called
the
unabsorbed
residue
of
cost.
Thus
in
the
ease
under
appeal
the
stock
of
copper
in
hand
at
the
close
of
the
year
(the
“closing
inventory’’
as
it
is
conveniently
called)
consisted
of
14,291,007
pounds
:
and
under
the
system
it
was
treated
as
follows:
(A)
6,500,000
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
7.5
cents
per
pound
(the
average
cost
of
the
copper
in
the
inventory
when
was
adopted
in
1936)
amounting
to
$487,500
;
(B)
802,697
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
9.466
cents
per
pound
(the
average
price
paid
in
1936)
amounting
to
$75,983.30;
(C)
17,577
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
11.191
cents
per
pound
(the
average
price
paid
in
1937)
amounting
to
$1,967.04;
(D)
639,807
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
10.443
cents
per
pound
(the
average
price
paid
in
1938)
amounting
to
$66,847.04
;
(E)
973,477
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
11.036
cents
per
pound
(the
average
price
paid
in
1939)
amounting
to
$107,482.92;
(F)
3,151,684
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
11.5
cents
per
pound
(the
price
paid
in
1945)
amounting
to
$362,443.66
;
(G)
2,205,765
pounds
were
regarded
as
having
a
cost
of
11.5
cents
per
pound
(the
price
paid
in
1946)
amounting
to
$253,662.97.
The
total
cost
of
the
14,291,007
pounds
of
copper
in
the
closing
inventory
was
thus
assumed
to
have
been
$1,355,836.93
and
this
was
the
figure
attributed
to
the
closing
inventory
in
the
return
for
income
tax.
It
is
to
be
observed
that
the
price
attributed
by
the
company
to
nearly
half
its
inventory
was
7.5
cents
per
pound,
a
price
less
than
any
price
prevailing
since
1935.
The
result
is
obvious.
By
attributing
the
higher
cost
to
the
metals
processed
and
the
lower
cost
to
those
retained
in
stock
the
company
was
able
to
show
far
lower
profits
than
if
it
had
followed
the
accustomed
and
traditional
method
of
return.
The
question
is
whether
the
new
method
is
permissible
for
income
tax
purposes.
It
is
necessary
to
emphasize
the
words
“for
income
tax
purposes”.
For
a
large
part
of
the
argument
upon
this
appeal
and
throughout
the
proceedings
has
been
devoted
to
showing
that
in
Canada
the
method
is
in
certain
conditions
a
proper
and
generally
accepted
method
of
accountancy
and
that
those
conditions
are
conspicuously
present
in
the
case
of
the
appellant
company.
This
was
the
view
accepted
by
the
learned
President
of
the
Exchequer
Court
of
Canada
and
by
the
Supreme
Court.
It
is
accepted
unreservedly
also
by
their
Lordships.
The
appellant
Minister
took
the
view
that,
however
appropriate
the
method
might
be
for
the
corporate
purposes
of
the
company,
it
did
not
truly
reflect
its
profit
for
income
tax
purposes.
He
accordingly
increased
the
assessable
income
by
the
sum
of
$1,611,756.43.
In
doing
so
he
adopted
the
method
known
as
the
or
first-in-first-out
method
which
assumes
that
the
metal
first
purchased
is
the
metal
first
used.
Upon
this
assumption
the
metal
in
stock
at
the
end
of
the
year
was
the
metal
most
recently
purchased,
and
inasmuch
as
it
appeared
that
during
the
year
the
company
purchased
no
less
than
63,268,555
pounds
of
copper
and
more
than
14,291,007
pounds
(the
quantity
in
the
closing
inventory)
had
been
purchased
at
the
price
of
21.5
cents
per
pound
in
the
last
three
months
of
the
year,
he
determined
the
cost
of
the
copper
in
the
closing
inventory
at
$3,072,566.50.
This
figure
may
be
contrasted
with
the
$1,355,-
836.93
appearing
in
the
company’s
return.
At
this
point
it
is
possible
to
define
more
closely
the
position
of
the
parties.
The
Minister
concedes
that
in
the
absence
of
physical
identification
some
assumption
about
the
material
in
fact
used
during
the
financial
year
must
be
made.
He
does
not
dispute
that
there
may
be
in
the
closing
inventory
some
metal
which
had
been
purchased
in
previous
years.
But
he
contends
that
the
method
which
he
has
adopted
attains
more
nearly
the
result
postulated
by
Lord
Loreburn
in
Sun
Insurance
Office
v.
Clark,
[1912]
A.C.
“that
the
true
gains
are
to
be
ascertained
as
nearly
as
can
be
done’’.
He
urges
that
it
is
a
principle
of
income
tax
law
which
has
been
adopted
from
commercial
accounting
practice
that
the
values
of
the
stock-in-trade
at
the
beginning
and
end
of
the
period
covered
by
the
account
should
be
entered
at
cost
or
market
value
whichever
is
the
lower
and
he
says
that
for
this
purpose
the
actual
stock
in
hand
must
be
regarded
and
its
actual
cost
so
far
as
possible
ascertained
and
that
an
assumption
or
estimate
is
necessary
only
so
far
as
ascertainment
is
not
possible.
Upon
this
basis
he
says
that
the
method
more
nearly
than
the
method
represents
the
facts
and
supports
that
contention
by
reference
not
only
to
the
large
purchases
of
metal
during
the
last
months
of
which
can
hardly
have
been
processed
during
that
year
but
also
to
the
fact
that
the
method
involves
the
assumption
of
6,500,000
pounds
of
copper
purchased
in
or
before
being
still
in
stock
at
the
end
of
1947.
He
says
therefore
that
his
assessment
has
not
been
displaced
by
any
evidence
that
the
method
more
nearly
represents
the
true
income
of
the
company.
He
is
not
concerned
to
contend
that
the
company
(or
some
other
taxpayer)
may
not
be
able
to
establish
that
some
other
method
than
more
accurately
represents
the
income
for
tax
purposes
where
the
raw
material
used
is
homogeneous
and
no
substantial
part
of
it
can
be
identified.
Nor
is
it
necessary
for
their
Lordships
to
determine
whether
some
other
method,
as
for
instance
the
‘‘average
cost’’
method,
may
not
in
some
circumstances
be
properly
adopted
for
tax
purposes.
What
the
Minister
urges
is
that
the
method
does
not
more
nearly
than
produce
the
true
income
in
the
present
case
and
that
is
the
question
for
their
Lordships’
decision.
The
company
on
the
other
hand
contends
that,
inasmuch
as
the
Income
War
Tax
Act
does
not
contain
any
definition
of
“annual
net
profit
or
gain’’
nor
any
directions
how
profits
or
cost
of
sales
are
to
be
ascertained,
these
matters
can
only
be
determined
by
the
application
of
ordinary
commercial
principles
except
where
such
principles
are
expressly
excluded
by
the
Act.
It
then
says
that
it
is
a
question
of
fact
what
are
ordinary
commercial
principles
and
that
the
learned
President
of
the
Exchequer
Court
has
found
as
a
fact,
and
the
majority
of
the
Supreme
Court
has
concurred
in
his
finding,
that
the
company’s
return
had
been
made
in
accordance
with
those
principles.
The
contention
in
short
is
that
annual
income
for
income
tax
purposes
is
determined
by
accepted
accountancy
practice
unless
the
Act
otherwise
provides,
and
that
in
the
present
case
the
learned
President
has
found
not
only
that
was
an
acceptable
accounting
method
but
that
it
was
the
most
acceptable
method
and
that
the
method
adopted
by
the
Minister
was
not
a
proper
one.
These
contentions
of
the
company
have
been
in
their
Lordships’
opinion
rightly
rejected
by
the
minority
of
the
Supreme
Court
(Kerwin,
C.J.,
and
Estey,
J.).
The
income
tax
law
of
Canada
as
of
the
United
Kingdom
is
built
upon
the
foundations
described
by
Lord
Clyde
in
Whims
ter
and
Co.
v.
C.I.R.,
T.C.
in
a
passage
cited
by
the
Chief
Justice
which
may
be
here
repeated.
‘‘In
the
first
place,
the
profits
of
any
particular
year
or
accounting
period
must
be
taken
to
consist
of
the
difference
between
the
receipts
from
the
trade
or
business
during
such
year
or
accounting
period
and
the
expenditure
laid
out
to
earn
those
receipts.
In
the
second
place
the
account
of
profit
and
loss
to
be
made
up
for
the
ascertaining
that
difference
must
be
framed
consistently
with
ordinary
principles
of
commercial
accounting
so
far
as
applicable
and
in
conformity
with
the
rules
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
or
of
that
Act
as
modified
by
the
provisions
and
Schedules
of
the
Acts
regulating
Excess
Profits
duty
as
the
case
may
be.
For
example
the
ordinary
principles
of
commercial
accounting
require
that
in
the
profit
and
loss
account
of
a
merchant’s
or
manufacturer’s
business
the
values
of
the
stock-in-trade
at
the
beginning
and
at
the
end
of
the
period
covered
by
the
account
should
be
entered
at
cost
or
market
price
whichever
is
the
lower,
although
there
is
nothing
about
this
in
the
taxing
statutes.’’
For
many
years
before
and
ever
since
this
decision
what
is
to
be
valued
at
the
beginning
and
end
of
the
accounting
period
has
for
tax
purposes
been
taken
to
be
the
actual
stock
so
far
as
it
can
be
ascertained.
It
is
in
fact,
so
far
as
tax
law
is
concerned,
a
novel
and
even
revolutionary
proposal
that
the
physical
facts
should
even
where
they
can
wholly
or
partly
be
ascertained
be
disregarded
for
the
purpose
of
the
opening
and
closing
inventory
and
a
theoretical
assumption
made
which
is
based
on
a
supposed
‘‘flow
of
cost’?
and
an
‘‘unabsorbed
residue
of
cost’’.
An
expert
witness
called
for
the
company
observed
that
he
did
not
imagine
any
of
the
company’s
witnesses
would
claim
for
a
minute
that
there
was
a
quantity
of
metal
then
on
hand
acquired
in
the
year
equal
to
the
quantity
which
was
valued
at
the
then
cost.
Yet
there
was
no
less
than
six
and
a
half
million
pounds
of
copper
in
the
closing
inventory
to
which
the
cost
was
ascribed.
He
might
have
added
that
year
by
year
the
same
thing
would
happen
so
long
as
the
business
went
on
and
existing
stocks
were
not
seriously
diminished:
in
as
in
the
closing
inventory
would
carry
stock
to
which
costs
would
be
ascribed.
This
illustrates
clearly
the
method
and
shows
how
far
it
has
travelled
from
the
conception
which
has
prevailed
in
the
assessment
of
income
for
tax
purposes.
It
was
strongly
pressed
by
the
respondent
that
in
dealing
with
homogeneous
material
the
actual
user
test,
if
it
could
be
applied
by
identification
of
parcels
purchased
at
varying
prices,
would
lead
to
capricious
and
illogical
results.
Assuming
that
this
is
so
and
that
actual
user
should
not
in
some
cases
be
regarded
as
the
final
test,
this
does
not
in
their
Lordships’
opinion
establish
the
case
for
It
might
be
that
in
such
eases,
though
their
Lordships
do
not
decide
it,
the
average
cost
method
could
properly
be
adopted,
for
that
method
like
the
method
brings
in
to
the
account
the
cost
of
every
purchase
in
its
order.
But
the
present
case
shows
that
under
the
method,
if
the
business
continues
and
stock
is
carried
forward,
substantial
purchases
may
never
come
into
the
profit
account
at
all.
Their
Lordships
do
not
question
that
the
method
or
some
variant
of
it
may
be
appropriate
for
the
corporate
purposes
of
a
trading
company.
Business
men
and
their
accountant
advisers
must
have
in
mind
not
only
the
fiscal
year
with
which
alone
the
Minister
is
concerned.
It
may
well
be
prudent
for
them
to
carry
in
their
books
stock
valued
at
a
figure
which
represents
neither
market
value
nor
its
actual
cost
but
the
lower
cost
at
which
similar
stock
was
bought
long
ago.
hidden
reserve
is
thus
created
which
may
be
of
use
in
future
years.
But
the
Income
Tax
Act
is
not
in
the
year
concerned
with
the
years
or
:
by
that
time
the
company
may
have
gone
out
of
existence
and
its
assets
been
distributed.
Seventy
years
ago
Lord
Herschell
said
in
Russell
v.
Town
&
County
Bank,
App.
Cas.
at
p.
424,
‘‘the
profit
of
a
trade
or
business
is
the
surplus
by
which
the
receipts
from
the
trade
or
business
exceed
the
expenditure
necessary
for
the
purpose
of
earning
those
receipts’’.
This
is
only
one
of
many
judicial
observations
in
which
it
is
implicit
that
no
assumption
need
be
made
unless
the
facts
cannot
be
ascertained
and
then
only
to
the
extent
to
which
they
cannot
be
ascertained.
There
is
no
room
for
theories
as
to
flow
of
costs:
nor
is
it
legitimate
to
regard
the
closing
inventory
as
an
unabsorbed
residue
of
cost
rather
than
as
a
concrete
stock
of
metals
awaiting
the
day
of
process.
It
is
in
their
Lordships’
opinion
the
failure
to
observe,
or,
perhaps
it
should
be
said,
the
deliberate
disregard
of,
facts
which
can
be
ascertained
and
must
have
their
proper
weight
ascribed
to
them,
which
vitiates
the
application
of
the
method
to
the
present
case.
It
is
the
same
consideration
which
makes
it
clear
that
the
evidence
of
expert
witnesses,
that
the
method
is
a
generally
acceptable,
and
in
this
case
the
most
appropriate,
method
of
accountancy,
is
not
conclusive
of
the
question
that
the
Court
has
to
decide.
That
may
be
found
as
a
fact
by
the
Exchequer
Court
and
affirmed
by
the
Supreme
Court.
The
question
remains
whether
it
conforms
to
the
prescription
of
the
Income
Tax
Act.
As
already
indicated,
in
their
Lordships’
opinion
it
does
not.
The
history
of
the
adoption
of
the
method
in
Canada
by
the
company
and
presumably
by
other
companies
is
of
some
interest.
The
method
appears
to
have
originated
in
the
U.S.A.
and
there
to
have
been
adopted
by
an
American
corporation
which
was
the
parent
of
the
respondent
company
some
time
before
1938.
But
it
was
only
by
an
amendment
of
the
existing
revenue
law
that
it
was
in
that
year
permitted
to
be
adopted
for
tax
purposes.
In
further
amendments
were
made
and
the
method
is
now
permitted
subject
to
statutory
conditions
which
are
summarized
in
the
judgment
of
Mr.
Justice
Estey
in
the
Supreme
Court.
The
many
differences
which
exist
between
the
revenue
laws
of
the
U.S.A.
and
Canada
do
not
permit
too
much
weight
to
be
given
to
the
fact
that
it
is
sought
to
do
in
Canada
without
legislation
what
in
the
U.S.A.
is
only
permissible
with
statutory
safeguards.
But
it
at
least
supports
the
view
that
new
theories
of
accountancy
though
they
may
be
accepted
and
put
into
practice
by
business
men,
do
not
finally
determine
a
trading
company’s
income
for
tax
purposes.
Again,
though
their
Lordships
recognize
that
this
appeal
must
be
determined
by
reference
to
Canadian
law,
they
notice
that
in
the
U.S.A.
in
a
case
in
which
the
so-called
‘‘base
stock’’
method
was
under
discussion
Mr.
Justice
Brandeis
used
words
which
are
apt
to
describe
the
method
also.
‘‘In
years
of
rising
prices
the
base
stock
method
causes
an
understatement
of
income:
for
it
disregards
the
gains
actually
realized
through
liquidation
of
low
price
stock
on
a
high
price
market.
.
.
This
method
may
like
many
reserves
which
business
men
set
up
in
their
books
for
their
own
purposes
serve
to
equalize
the
results
of
operations
during
a
series
of
years
...”
:
see
Lucas
v.
Kansas
City
Structural
Steel
Co.,
U.S.
S.C.R.
at
p.
265.
In
this
passage
the
distinction
is
nicely
made
between
what
is
permitted
for
tax
purposes
and
what
prudent
business
men
may
think
fit
to
do.
So
also
in
the
United
Kingdom,
an
attempt
has
been
vainly
made
to
uphold
the
base
stock
method
for
income
tax
purposes.
In
the
recent
case
of
Patrick
v.
Broadstone
Mills
Ltd.,
[1954]
W.L.R.
158,
Lord
Justice
Singleton
in
words
that
are
equally
apt,
if
applied
to
the
method,
declined
to
accept
the
base
stock
method
as
conformable
to
income
tax
law,
though
it
might
be
approved
by
accountancy
practice.
In
the
result
their
Lordships
are
of
opinion
that
this
appeal
must
be
allowed,
the
judgments
of
the
Supreme
Court
and
the
Exchequer
Court
set
aside
and
the
appeal
of
the
respondent
company
from
the
Minister’s
assessment
rejected
and
they
will
humbly
advise
Her
Majesty
accordingly.
They
repeat
that
they
have
reached
this
conclusion
not
because
they
dissent
from
any
finding
of
fact
by
the
learned
President
of
the
Exchequer
Court
of
whose
lucid
and
exhaustive
judgment
no
criticism
can
from
this
aspect
fairly
be
made
but
because
his
findings
of
fact
do
not
offer
a
complete
solution
of
the
question.
The
respondent
company
must
pay
the
costs
of
this
appeal
and
of
the
proceedings
in
the
Courts
of
Canada.
Appeal
allowed.