Mogan,
T.C.J.:—The
appellant
was
the
director
of
an
Ontario
Corporation
which,
in
1983,
failed
to
remit
to
the
Receiver
General
of
Canada
certain
amounts
of
tax
deducted
from
salaries
and
wages
under
section
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
R.S.C.
1952,
c.
(am.
S.C.
1970-71-72,
c.
63)
(the
"Act").
The
issue
in
this
appeal
is
whether
the
appellant,
in
his
capacity
as
a
director,
is
liable
under
section
227.1
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
for
the
amounts
which
the
corporation
failed
to
remit.
From
to
June
1981,
the
appellant
owned
all
of
the
issued
shares
of
Ontario
Ltd.,
carrying
on
business
under
the
“Ajax
Tool
&
Die”
and
referred
to
herein
as
"Ajax".
At
all
relevant
times,
Ajax
did
tool
and
die
work
making
jigs
and
fixtures
for
use
in
the
manufacture
of
tractors
and
other
farm
equipment.
In
June
1981,
the
appellant
sold
all
the
issued
shares
of
Ajax
to
three
individuals:
Messrs.
Ast
ury,
Babister
and
Bell.
The
sale
price
was
$400,000
but
the
purchasers
made
no
payment
when
the
shares
changed
hands.
The
appellant
as
vendor
received
only
a
promise
to
pay
the
$400,000
at
some
future
time
secured
by
a
debenture
issued
by
Ajax
pledging
its
machinery
and
equipment.
There
was
no
interest
payable
on
the
$400,000
for
the
first
year
(to
June
30,
1982)
and
thereafter
the
selling
price
bore
interest
at
the
rate
of
ten
per
cent
per
annum.
The
appellant
was
required
to
sell
his
shares
in
Ajax
for
health
reasons;
he
had
developed
a
serious
heart
condition
in
1981.
Acting
on
the
advice
of
his
lawyer,
the
appellant
stayed
on
as
a
director
of
Ajax
so
that
he
could
monitor
the
company's
business
until
his
debenture
was
paid
down.
The
only
other
directors
were
the
three
new
shareholders:
Messrs.
Astbury,
Babister
and
Bell.
The
appellant
was
given
the
title
of
"Chairman
of
the
Board"
but
he
had
no
prescribed
duties;
he
received
no
salary
or
director's
fee;
there
were
no
fixed
dates
for
directors
meetings
which
he
was
expected
to
attend;
and
he
was
not
involved
in
the
management
of
Ajax.
Following
the
appellant's
retirement
from
Ajax,
he
and
his
wife
purchased
a
boat
which
they
took
south
for
six
to
eight
months
each
winter.
They
would
come
back
to
Canada
from
time
to
time
for
family
matters
but
he
had
very
little
contact
with
the
new
owners
of
Ajax
after
June
1981.
Whenever
he
enquired
about
the
Ajax
business,
he
was
told
that
sales
had
increased
and
that
business
was
good.
He
did,
however,
receive
some
negative
signals.
He
was
told
that
Ajax
could
not
pay
the
interest
which
began
to
accrue
on
his
debenture
after
June
1982.
He
was
told
that
Mr.
Bell
had
resigned
as
a
director
in
January
following
a
dispute
with
Messrs.
Astbury
and
Babister.
And
he
learned
in
early
that
Mr.
Astbury
had
resigned
as
a
director
in
January
1983.
When
he
discussed
with
Mr.
Babister
the
Astbury
departure
and
how
the
business
was
going,
he
heard
for
the
first
time
that
"things
had
slowed
down”.
Around
April
12,
1983,
the
appellant
spoke
with
Mr.
Babister
and
offered
to
come
into
the
Ajax
office
to
help
with
the
administrative
work
while
Babister
would
go
out
to
increase
sales.
Mr.
Babister
appeared
to
agree
because
the
appellant
went
to
the
Ajax
office
on
April
or
and
tried
to
determine
the
state
of
the
business.
He
issued
an
Ajax
cheque
on
April
14,
to
the
Receiver
General
of
Canada
for
$5,612.48
with
respect
to
March
source
deductions.
He
did
not
compute
the
amount
of
the
cheque
but
was
given
it
from
the
March
payroll
records.
This
was
the
first
Ajax
cheque
that
he
had
signed
after
selling
the
company
in
June
1981.
He
did
not
know
when
issuing
the
cheque
that
the
Ajax
line
of
credit
was
exhausted
and
that
the
Bank
would
not
honour
it.
Mr.
Babister
had
resigned
as
a
director
of
Ajax
on
April
13,
1983.
On
April
22,
1983,
Ajax
was
put
into
bankruptcy.
There
were
a
couple
of
small
orders
which
were
completed
but
Ajax
ceased
operations
a
few
days
later.
On
February
20,
1986,
the
respondent
issued
a
notice
of
assessment
to
the
appellant
under
section
227.1
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
for
$3,649.07
representing
the
following
amounts:
March
source
deductions
(Federal
Tax)
|
$2,075.19
|
April
source
deductions
(Federal
Tax)
|
1,052.35
|
10%
Penalty
|
312.75
|
Interest
to
September
20,
|
208.78
|
|
$3,649.07
|
The
appellant
was
not
represented
by
counsel
but
presented
his
own
appeal.
He
stated
more
than
once
that
he
had
no
knowledge
of
section
227.1
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
and
had
never
been
advised
that
he,
as
a
director
of
Ajax,
could
be
personally
liable
for
any
source
deductions
which
Ajax
failed
to
remit.
have
no
hesitation
in
believing
the
appellant
because
his
evidence
was
given
in
a
forthright
and
honest
manner.
It
is
a
well
established
principle,
however,
that
the
appellant's
lack
of
knowledge
concerning
a
director's
personal
liability
for
source
deductions
will
not
assist
him
if
he
has
failed
to
exercise
the
degree
of
care,
diligence
and
skill
referred
to
in
subsection
227.1(3)
of
the
Act.
In
Fraser,
H.
Estate
v.
M.N.R.,
[1987]
C.T.C.
2311;
D.T.C.
250,
Bonner,
J.
stated
at
page
(D.T.C.
252):
Mr.
Fraser
was
unaware
of
the
requirements
of
sections
and
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
and
that
is
why
he
did
nothing.
However,
subsection
227.1(1)
of
the
Act
imposes
liability
on”.
.
.
the
directors
of
the
corporation
.
.
.”
and
not
just
on
those
directors
of
the
corporation
who
are
aware
of
the
requirements
of
the
Act.
The
issue
in
this
case
does
not
concern
the
appellant's
knowledge
or
lack
of
knowledge
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
but
it
does
concern
whether
he
did
what
was
required
of
him
under
subsection
227.1(3)
which
states:
227.1(3)
director
is
not
liable
for
a
failure
under
subsection
(1)
where
he
exercised
the
degree
of
care,
diligence
and
skill
to
prevent
the
failure
that
a
reasonably
prudent
person
would
have
exercised
in
comparable
circumstances.
In
Robitaille
v.
Canada,
[1990]
C.T.C.
121;
D.T.C.
6059,
Addy,
J.
referred
to
the
duty
imposed
on
a
director
under
subsection
227.1(3)
and
stated
at
page
(D.T.C.
6062):
The
argument
is
based
on
the
common
law
principle
that
no
distinction
is
to
be
made
between
directors
whether
they
are
active
or
purely
nominal
directors.
.
.
.
There
exists,
as
was
decided
by
Chief
Judge
Couture,
of
the
Tax
Court
of
Canada
in
the
reported
case
of
Fancy
&
Fancy
v.
M.N.R.,
supra,
certain
exceptional
situations
where
a
distinction
can
and
should
be
made.
Be
that
as
it
may,
the"
circumstances”
referred
to
in
subsection
(3)
must
be
those
which,
either
directly
or
indirectly,
would
have
an
effect
on
the
actions
or
on
the
inaction
of
the
person
sought
to
be
held
liable
under
subsection
(1).
Guided
by
the
above
quoted
statement
in
Robitaille,
turn
to
the
circumstances
which
in
this
appeal
would
have
an
effect
on
the
actions
or
the
inaction
of
the
appellant.
It
must
be
remembered
that
the
assessment
under
appeal
is
based
on
the
failure
to
remit
source
deductions
for
the
months
of
March
and
April
1983.
An
employer
like
Ajax
was
not
required
to
remit
the
source
deductions
for
a
particular
month
until
the
15th
day
of
the
following
month.
The
source
deductions
for
April
did
not
have
to
be
remitted
until
May
15,
1983.
Ajax
was
put
into
bankruptcy
on
April
22,
1983.
From
and
after
that
date,
the
trustee-in-
bankruptcy
was
in
control
of
the
Ajax
assets.
In
Currie
v.
M.N.R.,
[1991]
C.T.C.
2099;
D.T.C.
197,
the
corporation
had
failed
to
remit
the
source
deductions
for
the
months
September,
October,
November
and
December
and
January
1988.
On
January
19,
1988,
a
creditor
of
the
corporation
appointed
an
agent
to
manage
the
corporation;
and
on
January
29,
the
corporation
made
an
assignment
in
bankruptcy.
Taylor,
J.
allowed
the
Currie
appeal
with
respect
to
the
month
of
January
because
the
directors
of
the
corporation
were
no
longer
in
control
of
its
operations
and
finances
on
February
15,
when
the
source
deductions
for
January
were
required
to
be
remitted;
and
he
dismissed
the
Currie
appeal
with
respect
to
the
last
four
months
of
1987.
Following
the
decision
in
Currie,
supra,
allow
the
appeal
herein
with
respect
to
the
April
source
deductions
of
Ajax
because,
when
those
source
deductions
were
required
to
be
remitted
on
May
15,
1983,
the
directors
of
Ajax
were
no
longer
in
control
of
its
assets.
The
trustee-in-bankruptcy
had
assumed
control
of
all
Ajax
assets
from
and
after
April
22,
1983.
am
still
left
to
consider
the
March
source
deductions
of
Ajax.
The
appellant
testified
that
while
he
controlled
and
managed
the
Ajax
business
to
the
end
of
June
1981,
all
source
deductions
were
remitted
on
time.
Having
regard
to
the
amounts
in
dispute,
assume
that
all
of
the
Ajax
source
deductions
were
remitted
for
the
period
July
to
February
1983.
Therefore,
conclude
that
Ajax
as
a
corporation
had
a
system
in
place
for
the
timely
remittance
of
source
deductions
and
the
system
worked
effectively.
The
source
deductions
for
March
were
not
required
to
be
remitted
until
April
15,
1983.
It
was
not
until
April
or
13,
that
the
appellant
had
discussions
with
Mr.
Babister
and
learned
that
the
Ajax
business
had
“slowed
down".
At
that
time,
the
appellant
was
not
a
shareholder
of
Ajax;
he
had
not
been
involved
in
the
management
or
operations
of
Ajax;
but
he
did
hold
its
debenture
for
$400,000.
It
is
necessary
to
examine
what
the
appellant
did
as
of
April
12,1983.
He
could
have
relied
on
his
debenture
as
a
secured
creditor
of
Ajax
and
done
nothing,
remembering
that
he
had
no
knowledge
of
his
risk
or
exposure
under
subsection
227.1(1).
He
could
have
pressed
for
payment
of
the
interest
on
his
debenture
which
was
in
arrears
from
July
1982.
He
did
not
rely
on
his
debenture
and
remain
passive;
neither
did
he
press
for
payment
of
the
interest
which
was
in
arrears.
Instead,
he
volunteered
his
services
to
help
administer
Ajax
so
that
Mr.
Babister
could
go
out
and
promote
more
sales.
He
went
to
the
Ajax
office
on
April
or
and
one
of
his
first
acts
was
to
issue
the
cheque
of
$5,612.48
to
the
Receiver
General
of
Canada
for
the
March
source
deductions.
According
to
the
appellant's
sworn
testimony,
he
did
not
know
when
issuing
the
cheque
to
the
Receiver
General
that
the
Toronto-Dominion
Bank
had
cut
off
Ajax's
credit.
He
had
no
contact
with
the
Bank
until
Ajax
received
a
letter
around
April
20,
demanding
immediate
payment
of
all
amounts
owed
by
Ajax
to
the
Bank
and
seizing
the
receivables
of
Ajax.
As
stated
above,
Ajax
was
put
into
bankruptcy
on
April
22,
1983.
In
my
view,
the
appellant
took
positive
action
on
or
about
April
12-15,
and
he
did
exercise
the
degree
of
care,
diligence
and
skill
that
a
reasonably
prudent
person
would
have
exercised
in
comparable
circumstances.
In
this
appeal,
the
important
words
are
“comparable
circumstances".
The
appellant
was
a
director
but
not
a
shareholder
and
not
involved
in
management.
He
knew
from
his
earlier
period
of
control
and
management
(before
June
1981)
that
there
was
a
system
in
place
for
remitting
source
deductions;
and
the
system
worked
up
to
and
including
March
15,
1983.
According
to
the
evidence,
April
15,
was
the
first
time
the
system
failed
and
the
appellant,
freshly
on
the
scene
from
retirement,
did
what
was
reasonably
prudent
in
volunteering
his
services
and
issuing
the
Ajax
cheque
on
April
14.
What
more
could
he
have
done?
would
impose
a
higher
due
diligence
standard
on
the
appellant
if
he
had
been
a
shareholder
of
Ajax;
had
been
involved
in
the
management
of
this
small
business;
and
had
known
from
late
March
that
the
remittance
of
the
March
source
deductions
was
in
jeopardy.
Although
the
appellant
was
a
director
of
Ajax,
none
of
these
latter
three
conditions
applied
to
him.
The
appeal
is
allowed
with
costs
and
the
assessment
of
February
20,
is
vacated.
Appeal
allowed.