Reed,
J.:—The
plaintiff
appeals
from
a
decision
of
the
Minister
of
National
Revenue
which
restricted
the
farm
losses
the
plaintiff
can
deduct
from
his
income
for
the
1979,
1980,
and
taxation
years
to
$5,000
per
year.
For
the
years
in
question
the
plaintiff
had
deducted
losses
of
$49,153.84,
$45,296.69,
$87,273.58
and
$58,787,
respectively.
The
plaintiff
grew
up
on
his
parents'
farm
in
Alberta.
This
was
a
mixed-
farming
operation
involving
beef
cattle,
dairy
cattle,
and
the
cultivation
of
grain.
He
worked
on
that
farm,
as
many
children
of
farmers
do,
having
significant
responsibilities
therefor
during
a
two-year
period
when
his
father
worked
off
the
farm.
In
he
left
the
family
farm.
He
had
at
that
time
been
working
in
construction,
off
the
farm,
for
the
previous
five
years.
This
work
was
initially
as
a
labourer
in
pipeline
construction.
He
had,
by
become
specialized
as
a
pipefitter
and
by
that
time
had
also
obtained
jobs
with
supervisory
responsibilities
as
foreman.
His
pattern
of
work
involved
employment
by
different
employers
(construction
companies)
on
a
job
by
job
basis.
The
jobs
were
of
varying
lengths:
three
weeks,
six
weeks,
three
months.
In
between
jobs
he
collected
unemployment
insurance.
The
pattern
of
employment
was
irregular.
On
the
average,
as
a
total
during
a
year
he
would
spend
five
to
seven
months
working.
(I
would
indicate
this
was
the
pattern
of
work
in
the
industry;
it
was
not
particular
to
the
plaintiff).
The
construction
jobs
were
located
at
various
places
in
Alberta,
Saskatchewan,
British
Columbia,
one
or
more
at
least
in
Ontario
and
on
one
occasion
he
had
a
job
in
India
for
six
months.
In
he
decided
to
buy
a
farm.
In
that
year
his
employment
income
was
$35,682.
While
referred
to
as
modest,
it
was,
for
1978,
a
reasonably
handsome
salary.
He
purchased
a
162-acre
farm,
miles
north
of
Kamloops.
The
price
was
$120,000.
down
payment
of
$40,000
was
made,
the
rest
of
the
price
was
financed
by
two
mortgages,
one
from
the
bank,
the
other
taken
back
by
the
vendor.
The
down
payment
came
from
the
plaintiffs
savings,
a
loan
from
his
father-in-law
and
a
loan
(?)
using
his
then
present
home
in
Kamloops
as
collateral.
The
Kamloops
home
was
eventually
sold
and
the
family
moved
onto
the
farm.
The
plaintiff
gave
as
his
reasons
for
purchasing
the
farm:
the
instability
of
his
employment
income;
a
desire
to
develop
a
second
source
of
income
especially
for
the
future;
a
desire
to
be
closer
to
his
family.
At
the
time
of
the
purchase,
he
had
just
returned
from
the
six-month
job
in
India.
He
stated
that
he
contemplated
leaving
the
construction
industry
if,
in
order
to
obtain
employment,
he
was
forced
to
be
so
far
away
from
his
family
again.
treat
the
last
explanation
with
some
degree
of
skepticism
the
nature
of
his
job
was
such
that
it
took
him
away
from
his
family
for
long
periods
of
time;
the
salary
was
handsome.
accept,
however,
that
in
purchasing
the
farm
he
was
not
merely
seeking
a
way
to
create
tax
losses.
The
nature
of
his
employment
was
such
that
he
had
time
which
could
be
devoted
to
the
development
of
a
second
source
of
income.
His
farm
background
obviously
made
his
choice
a
natural
one.
The
acquisition
and
development
of
a
farm,
as
he
indicated,
would
create
“something
for
the
future”.
It
would
create
an
option
for
him
should
the
construction
employment
"dry
up”.
Pipeline
construction
did
not
"dry
up”.
Wage
rates
in
the
industry
increased
remarkably
and
the
plaintiff
found
himself
during
1979,
1980,
and
(the
taxation
years
in
question)
earning
$67,479,
$60,426,
$129,287
and
$169,560
respectively.
Since
that
time
his
salary
has
levelled
off
to
approximately
$100,000
a
year.
His
evidence
was
that
during
the
whole
time
his
pattern
of
work
was
not
different
from
the
earlier
years,
i.e.
he
continued
to
be
employed
on
a
job
by
job
basis
with
significant
periods
of
"down”
time
between
jobs.
The
total
time
on
the
job
was
still
five
to
seven
months
per
year.
He
moved
from
being
foreman
to
the
position
of
assistant
superintendent
and
eventually
superintendent.
Since
he
has
been
a
permanent
employee
of
one
of
the
construction
firms
receiving
a
base
salary
whether
or
not
he
is
called
upon
to
work
on
a
constuction
job.
When
working
on
a
construction
job
an
amount
additional
to
the
base
salary
is
paid.
The
time
demands
of
this
job
are
still
no
different
than
previously.
The
plaintiff's
farming
operation
is
a
cow-calf
operation.
This
involves
keeping
a
herd
of
cows,
breeding
them,
raising
the
calves
from
the
spring
in
which
they
are
born
through
to
the
fall
and
then
selling
them.
More
attention
to
the
farm
is
required,
obviously,
at
certain
times
of
year
(e.g.
for
two
months
in
the
spring
during
calving
time
and
then
later
when
the
hay
is
harvested;
a
week
in
June,
another
in
August
and
a
third
in
September).
There
appeared
to
be
some
flexibility
whereby
the
plaintiff
could
"work”
his
construction
jobs
around
these
busy
farm
periods.
If
forced
to
choose,
however,
it
is
obvious
the
plaintiff
would
give
priority
to
the
construction
work
and
arrange
for
someone
else
to
take
responsibility
for
the
farm.
The
plaintiff
has,
since
purchasing
the
farm
in
1978,
made
improvements
to
it:
cross
fencing,
new
corrals,
garages,
workshops;
more
land
has
been
cleared
doubling
the
amount
of
pasture
land
available
and
increasing
by
ten
acres
that
available
for
hay;
some
extra
land
in
recent
years
has
been
leased
to
provide
additional
pasture
and
hay.
The
plaintiff
in
purchased
head
of
cattle.
The
size
of
the
basic
herd
has
increased
somewhat
over
the
years
(in
it
numbered
51;
in
it
numbered
56).
While
starting
in
with
grade
cattle
and
a
Hereford
bull,
the
plaintiff
in
decided
to
work
towards
the
development
of
a
purebred
Charolais
herd.
He
purchased
a
Charolais
bull
in
that
year
and
subsequently
some
Charolais
cows.
He
states
that
he
hopes
to
have
converted
his
herd
to
purebred
Charolais
in
another
couple
of
years.
The
capital
requirements
of
any
farming
operation,
as
is
well
known,
are
considerable.
schedule
indicates
that
the
total
funds
invested
in
the
farm
operations
as
a
percentage
of
the
plaintiff’s
total
cash
receipts
over
the
to
period
is
per
cent.
The
“total
funds
invested”
figure
set
out
in
the
schedule
is
composed
of
the
$120,000
cost
of
the
farm
(consequently
the
annual
mortgage
costs
are
not
included),
annual
farm
expenses,
capital
additions
and
livestock
purchases.
Counsel
for
the
plaintiff
notes
that
this
constitutes
a
significant
capital
commitment
by
the
taxpayer.
The
farm,
of
course,
is
also
the
family’s
home.
Subsection
31(1)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
provides:
Where
a
taxpayer's
chief
source
of
income
for
a
taxation
year
is
neither
farming
nor
a
combination
of
farming
and
some
other
source
of
income,
for
the
purposes
of
sections
and
his
loss,
if
any,
for
the
year
from
all
farming
businesses
carried
on
by
him
shall
be
deemed
to
be
the
aggregate
of
(a)
the
lesser
of
(i)
the
amount
by
which
the
aggregate
of
his
losses
for
the
year,
determined
without
reference
to
this
section
and
before
making
any
deduction
under
section
or
37.1,
from
all
farming
businesses
carried
on
by
him
exceeds
the
aggregate
of
his
incomes
for
the
year,
so
determined
from
all
such
businesses,
and
(ii)
$2,500
plus
the
lesser
of
(A)
/2
of
the
amount
by
which
the
amount
determined
under
subparagraph
(i)
exceeds
$2,500,
and
(B)
$2,500,
and
(b)
the
amount,
if
any,
by
which
(i)
the
amount
that
would
be
determined
under
subparagraph
(a)(i)
if
it
were
read
as
though
the
words
“and
before
making
any
deduction
under
section
or
37.1”
were
deleted,
exceeds
(ii)
the
amount
determined
under
subparagraph
(a)(i);
and
for
the
purposes
of
this
Act
the
amount,
if
any,
by
which
the
amount
determined
under
the
subparagraph
(a)(i)
exceeds
the
amount
determined
under
subparagraph
(a)(ii)
is
the
taxpayer's
“restricted
farm
loss”
for
the
year.
As
has
often
been
noted
this
section
is
frustratingly
convoluted
in
its
wording.
cannot
conceal
a
considerable
degree
of
rage
at
being
required
to
apply
this
section
to
the
circumstances
of
a
taxpayer.
How
can
a
taxpayer
be
expected
to
know
what
his
tax
liability
is
by
reference
to
subsection
31(1).
Surely,
there
is
an
obligation
to
frame
taxing
laws,
despite
all
their
complexity,
in
clearer
terms
than
this.
In
any
event,
other
Courts
have
had
less
difficulty
than
and
have
managed
to
apply
the
section.
take
as
the
starting
point
the
decision
of
the
Supreme
Court
in
Moldowan
v.
The
Queen,
[1977]
C.T.C.
310;
D.T.C.
5213.
In
that
case
it
was
noted
that
the
Income
Tax
Act
envisages
three
classes
of
farmers:
(1)
a
taxpayer,
from
whom
farming
may
reasonably
be
expected
to
provide
the
bulk
of
income
or
the
centre
of
work
routine
.
.
.
(2)
the
taxpayer
who
does
not
look
to
farming,
or
to
farming
and
some
subordinate
source
of
income,
for
his
livelihood
but
carried
on
farming
as
a
sideline
business
.
.
.
(3)
the
taxpayer
who
does
not
look
to
farming,
or
to
farming
and
some
subordinate
source
of
income,
for
his
livelihood
and
who
carried
on
some
farming
activities
as
a
hobby
.
.
.
The
third
category
is
not
relevant
for
the
purposes
of
this
case.
To
determine
whether
a
person
falls
within
the
full
loss
category
(category
1)
or
the
restricted
loss
category
(category
2),
the
Moldowan
decision
indicates
that
it
is
necessary
to
determine
whether
the
taxpayer's
“chief
source
of
income"
is
farming.
Thus
the
words
“nor
a
combination
of
farming
and
some
other
source"
in
subsection
31(1)
would
appear
to
be
superfluous;
one
looks
in
either
case
to
the
“chief
source
of
income".
At
(D.T.C.
5216)
of
the
Moldowan
decision
it
is
stated:
The
reference
in
subsection
13(1)
[now
s.
31(1)]
to
a
taxpayer
whose
source
of
income
is
a
combination
of
farming
and
some
other
source
of
income
is
a
reference
to
class
(1).
/t
contemplates
a
man
whose
major
preoccupation
is
farming,
but
it
recognizes
that
such
a
man
may
have
other
pecuniary
interests
as
well,
such
as
income
from
investments,
or
income
from
a
sideline
employment
or
business.
The
section
provides
that
these
subsidiary
interests
will
not
place
the
taxpayer
in
class
(2)
and
thereby
limit
the
deductibility
of
any
loss
which
may
be
suffered
to
$5,000.
[Emphasis
added.]
The
factors
to
be
considered
in
determining
chief
source
of
income
were
discussed
at
(D.T.C.
5215-16):
Whether
a
source
of
income
is
a
taxpayer's
“chief
source”
of
income
is
both
a
relative
and
objective
test.
It
is
decidedly
not
a
pure
quantum
measurement.
man
who
has
farmed
all
of
his
life
does
not
cease
to
have
his
chief
source
of
income
from
farming
because
he
unexpectedly
wins
a
lottery.
The
distinguishing
features
of
“chief
source”
are
the
taxpayer's
reasonable
expectation
of
income
from
his
various
revenue
sources
and
his
ordinary
mode
and
habit
of
work.
These
may
be
tested
by
considering,
inter
alia
in
relation
to
a
source
of
income,
the
time
spent,
the
capital
committed,
the
profitability
both
actual
and
potential.
change
in
the
taxpayer's
mode
and
habit
of
work
or
reasonable
expectations
may
signify
a
change
in
the
chief
source,
but
that
is
a
question
of
fact
in
the
circumstances.
[Emphasis
added.]
In
considering
these
factors
in
the
present
case,
discount
first
of
all
the
quantum
difference
between
the
plaintiffs
employment
income
and
his
farm
revenue
(there
was
of
course
no
net
farm
income).
The
comparison
of
time
spent
on
the
two
endeavours
in
this
case
is
somewhat
difficult
to
make,
since
the
farm
was
also
the
taxpayer's
home.
Not
all
the
time
spent
there
would
be
spent
on
farm
business.
While
the
winter
months
would
neither
require
nor
allow
extensive
farm
work,
at
other
periods
of
the
year
(calving,
haying)
more
than
an
eight-hour
day
would
be
put
in.
When
the
plaintiff
was
away
from
home
on
a
construction
job
he
would
not
be
available
for
farm
work
at
all,
although
he
gave
evidence
that
the
practice
was
to
return
home
on
long
weekends
when
possible.
In
so
far
as
time
spent
is
concerned
conclude
that
the
plaintiff
spent
almost
equal
amounts
of
time
in
the
two
endeavours.
Obviously,
there
was
a
much
greater
capital
commitment
to
the
farm
than
to
the
construction
work.
But
this
factor,
as
a
factor
of
comparison,
is
not
useful
in
the
present
case;
employment
income
by
its
nature
does
not
usually
require
much
capital
commitment.
The
capital
commitment
has
some
significance,
as
it
pertains
to
the
plaintiff's
intentions
or
expectations.
With
respect
to
profitability
both
actual
and
potential
there
is,
of
course,
no
actual
profitability.
Indeed
the
losses
have
been
more
or
less
consistent
over
an
eight-year
period.
One
cannot
see
a
steady
decline
as
one
would
expect
if
the
taxpayer
were
making
a
concerted
effort
to
make
the
farming
operation
profitable.
One
cannot
classify
a
significant
proportion
of
the
expenses
as
what
might
be
called
“start-up”
expenses
—
many
are
of
an
ongoing
nature.
Evidence
was
given
that
part
of
the
unprofitability
of
the
farming
operation
was
due
to
an
unexpected
decline
in
beef
prices
through
the
years
in
question.
cannot
accept
that
the
decline
in
beef
prices
between
and
was
something
that
should
have
been
totally
unexpected
and
unanticipated.
note
that
there
was
no
independent
evidence
called
concerning
the
state
of
the
market
in
1978.
There
was
no
independent
evidence
as
to
what
would
have
been
the
reasonable
expectations
of
a
farmer
with
respect
to
beef
prices
in
1978.
This
is
not
a
case
such
as
Hadley
v.
The
Queen,
[1985]
C.T.C.
62;
D.T.C.
(F.C.T.D.)
where
evidence
was
led
demonstrating
that
at
the
time
the
taxpayer
purchased
his
farm
(1972)
the
profitability
of
the
beef
market
was
buoyant
with
prices
having
risen
continually
during
the
previous
six
or
seven
years.
table
of
projected
profitability
was
prepared
by
the
plaintiff.
It
projects
a
profit
for
of
between
$13,936
to
$17,000.
continued
profit
is
projected
for
the
years
following
in
the
order
of
$30,000
for
each
year.
These
projections
are
based
on
three
modifications
to
the
plaintiff’s
existing
operation:
(1)
no
amount
is
included
in
the
computation
of
expenses,
for
depreciation;
(2)
it
is
assumed
that
the
mortgages
on
the
farm
will
be
paid
off
(the
plaintiff
asserts
that
this
could
be
accomplished
by
applying
the
tax
refunds
which
would
become
available
if
he
is
successful
in
this
case);
(3)
no
amount
is
deducted
as
management
fee
to
his
father-in-law
or
wife
(it
is
assumed
the
plaintiff
will
be
on
the
farm
full
time
and
not
need
to
make
those
expenditures).
cannot
give
this
projection
of
profitability
much
weight.
In
the
first
place,
it
assumes
the
taxpayer
will
forfeit
an
employment
income
of
approximately
$100,000
a
year
for
a
farm
income
in
the
neighborhood
of
$30,000.
In
the
second
place,
there
is
no
independent
evidence
supporting
it.
There
is
no
independent
evidence
before
me
that
a
cow-calf
operation
of
the
size
and
nature
of
that
carried
on
by
the
plantiff
should
be
expected
to
be
economically
viable
or
profitable.
What
then
of
the
evidence
respecting
“a
change
in
mode
or
habit
of
work
or
reasonable
expectations”.
The
Moldowan
decision
indicates
that
these
may
demonstrate
a
change
in
the
taxpayer's
chief
source
of
income.
There
was
obviously
a
change
in
the
plaintiff’s
mode
and
habit
of
work
from
pre-farm
days
to
post-farm
days.
But,
this
is
not
one
of
those
cases
in
which
a
taxpayer
has
retained
his
employment
income
in
order
to
acquire
the
capital
to
build
up
a
farm*.
can
find
no
crystallized
intention
in
this
case
on
the
part
of
the
taxpayer
to
change
his
chief
source
of
income
from
employment
to
farming.
In
my
view,
the
plaintiff's
acquisition
and
subsequent
development
of
the
farm
was
in
the
nature
of
creating
an
option
for
the
future.
can
conclude
no
more
than
that
the
taxpayer
created
for
himself
the
possibility
of
moving
into
farming,
as
his
chief
source
of
income
“some
time
down
the
road”,
should
construction
employment
not
be
avail-
able,
or,
should
some
other
eventuality
occur
which
would
make
this
an
attractive
course
of
action.
Counsel
for
the
plaintiff
argues,
however,
that
it
is
not
the
change
from
one
chief
source
(employment)
to
another
chief
source
(farming)
that
is
required
in
order
to
be
entitled
to
full
farm
losses.
She
argues
that
in
this
case
the
change
evidenced
the
creation
of
a
second
chief
source
of
income
and
that
this
fits
within
the
holding
of
the
Moldowan
case
and
the
subsequent
jurisprudence.
It
is
argued
that
the
taxpayer
in
this
case
had
two
equal
chief
sources
of
income.
It
is
argued
that
this
is
evidenced
by
his
mode
and
habit
of
work
and
reasonable
expectations.
accept
the
argument
made
by
counsel
for
the
plaintiff
that
the
tests
set
out
in
the
Moldowan
case
were
not
expressed
to
be
exhaustive
(page
(D.T.C.
5215)
of
that
decision)
and
that
one
should
not
treat
the
text
of
the
Moldowan
decision
as
legislation.
refer,
in
this
regard,
to
the
comments
of
my
colleague,
Mr.
Justice
Joyal,
in
the
Hadley
case
(supra)
at
(D.T.C.
5064).
have
considered
the
recent
jurisprudence
on
the
issue
of
farm
losses
cited
to
me
by
counsel:
Graham
v.
The
Queen,
(supra)
confirmed
on
appeal
[1985]
C.T.C.
380;
D.T.C.
(F.C.A.);
Hadley
v.
The
Queen,
(supra);
Poirier
Estate
v.
The
Queen,
[1986]
C.T.C.
308;
D.T.C.
(F.C.T.D.);
McCambridge
v.
M.N.R.,
[1981]
C.T.C.
2314;
D.T.C.
(T.R.B.),
Auffrey
v.
M.N.R.,
[1984]
C.T.C.
3002;
D.T.C.
(T.C.C.);
Knaak
v.
M.N.R.,
[1984]
C.T.C.
2460;
D.T.C.
(T.C.C.);
Rivers
v.
M.N.R.,
[1984]
C.T.C.
2933;
D.T.C.
(T.C.C.);
Hunter
v.
M.N.R.,
[1985]
C.T.C.
2440;
D.T.C.
(T.C.C.);
Laufer
v.
M.N.R.,
[1984]
C.T.C.
3052;
D.T.C.
(T.C.C.);
and
Bender
v.
M.N.R.,
[1986]
C.T.C.
2437;
D.T.C.
(T.C.C.).
quote
from
some
of
them.
In
the
Graham
case
the
taxpayer
worked
full
time
for
Ontario
Hydro
but
he
also
worked
full
time
on
his
farm.
Mr.
Justice
Urie,
writing
the
majority
decision,
stated,
at
(D.T.C.
5259):
.
.
.
It
seems
to
me,
therefore,
that
one
of
the
issues
with
which
the
Court
must
deal
in
this
appeal
is
whether
or
not
it
is
possible,
in
the
rather
unusual
circumstances
of
this
case,
for
a
person
to
have
employment
in
two
full-time
occupations
at
the
same
time,
.
.
.
[Emphasis
added]
Implicit
in
the
Court's
decision
is
an
affirmative
answer.
In
the
Hadley
decision,
at
(D.T.C.
5064),
Mr.
Justice
Joyal
noted
that
in
the
circumstances
of
that
case:
The
substantial
investment
made
by
the
Plaintiff
could
not
possible
have
been
made
with[out]
a
serious
intention
of
achieving
profitability.
[Emphasis
added]
In
the
Poirier
case,
the
Associate
Chief
Justice
said
at
(D.T.C.
6127):
The
facts
satisfy
me
that
Poirier’s
investment
of
time
and
money
was
of
such
a
magnitude
that
his
operation
was
stamped
from
the
start
as
a
business.
Furthermore,
a
business
not
only
with
a
reasonable
expectation
of
profit
in
the
near
future,
but
a
profit
that
would
compare
with
his
other
sources
of
income.
.
.
.
[Emphasis
added]
In
Auffrey
at
(D.T.C.
1810):
.
.
.
it
can
fairly
be
said
that
the
Appellant
has
established
that
his
cattle
farming
was
not
a
sideline
business
or
a
subsidiary
interest
for
1979.
.
.
.
In
the
Rivers
case
it
was
said,
at
(D.T.C.
1804):
The
appellant’s
planning,
statistical
and
evident
business-like
approach
to
his
sheep
farming
business
(Exhibits
A-3,
A-7
and
A-8)
are
indicative
of
his
keen
ana-
lytical
abilities
and
knowledge
in
relation
thereto
and
were
reflective
of
his
position
that
farming
was
not
just
a
sideline
or
subsidiary
business.
[Emphasis
added]
With
this
jurisprudence
in
mind,
have
come
to
the
conclusion
that
even
if
accept
counsel's
argument,
that
it
is
possible
for
a
taxpayer
to
have
two
chief
sources
of
income,
could
not
classify
the
plaintiff's
farming
activity
as
having
the
requisite
characteristics.
In
my
view,
the
plaintiff's
farming
activity
does
not
have
the
characteristics
which
would
allow
it
to
be
considered
anything
other
than
a
sideline
or
subsidiary
business.
In
response
to
may
request,
counsel
for
the
defendant
provided
me
with
the
following
sources
as
giving
some
indication
of
the
history
and
purpose
behind
the
restricted
loss
provision:
Bert
James
v.
M.N.R.,
[1973]
C.T.C.
at
465-70;
D.T.C.
at
5338-42;
the
Report
of
the
Royal
Commission
on
Taxation,
Vol.
(1966)
(Carter
Commission
Report)
with
respect
to
“hobby
farming"
at
pages
446-48
of
that
report;
Report
of
the
Royal
Commission
on
Taxation
of
Profits
and
Income,
Final
Report
(Cmnd.
9474,
1955)
(Radcliffe
Commission
Report)
at
pages
148-50.
What
emerges
from
those
sources
is
a
concern
that
taxpayers
(especially
those
who
enjoy
a
substantial
income
from
other
sources)
may
be
prepared
to
carry
on
a
farming
business
with
a
certain
degree
of
indifference
towards
the
losses
incurred.
This
indifference
arises
out
of,
for
example,
the
fact
that
the
farm
losses
may
be
carried
at
the
marginal
rate
of
tax
on
other
income;
the
recreational
and
personal
life
style
provided
by
the
farm
environment
is
attractive;
farm
land
often
carries
with
it
potential
for
future
land
development;
an
asset
is
often
created
out
of
what
would
otherwise
be
a
highly
taxed
income.
It
seems
to
me
a
significant
factor,
whether
one
be
talking
about
the
hobby
farmer
or
the
part-
time
farmer,
is
a
consideration
of
whether
or
not
the
business
is
being
carried
on
on
a
commercial
basis
with
a
determination
to
make
the
business
profitable
as
soon
as
possible.
return
to
the
Moldowan
case.
Mr.
Justice
Dickson
indicated
that
indicia
of
a
“chief
source”
were
the
taxpayer's
reasonable
expectations
and
his
ordinary
mode
and
habit
of
life.
The
plaintiff’s
mode
of
life,
in
this
case,
is
to
give
priority,
if
he
has
to,
to
his
employment
income.
However,
by
virtue
of
the
nature
of
that
employment
he
had
extensive
time
available
for
farming.
In
this
case
“mode
and
habit
of
life”
is
a
neutral
factor.
But,
cannot
find
that
his
“reasonable
expectations”
were
anything
other
than
to
treat
the
farming
business
as
a
sideline.
cannot
find,
in
the
words
of
the
Hadley
decision
“a
serious
intention
of
achieving
profitability”.
The
evidence
demonstrates
that
the
business
was
marking
time;
one
year's
losses
were
much
like
the
next.
There
is
no
independent
evidence
that
the
farm
in
its
conception
and
operation
was
economically
viable.
And,
a
crucial
fact,
to
which
have
not
heretofore
made
reference,
demonstrates,
in
my
view,
the
taxpayer's
reasonable
expectations.
This
fact
is
his
entry,
in
1982,
into
the
business
of
breeding
and
running
race
horses.
This
was
a
significant.
factor
in
the
farm
losses
claimed
for
that
year.
He
chose
to
embark
on
this
risky
business
endeavour
which,
as
is
well
known,
is
loss
prone.
He
indicated
in
evidence
that
he
did
so
because
he
had
some
extra
cash
available.
He
chose
not
to
pay
down
the
debt
load
on
his
cow-calf
operation.
This,
in
my
view,
demonstrates
an
intention
to
treat
the
farm
operation
as
a
sideline
business.
conclude,
from
the
size
and
scale
of
the
operation,
the
actual
profit
and
loss
experience,
the
projected
profit
and
loss
experience
and
the
intention
of
the
taxpayer
as
demonstrated
by
his
conduct
that
the
operation
was
a
sideline
business.
An
alternative
argument
is
put
forward
with
respect
to
the
plaintiffs
horse-race
breeding
and
racing
interests.
These
were
undertaken
in
partnership
with
a
Mr.
Bishop.
Counsel
argues
that:
the
sole
business
of
that
partnership
was
the
breeding
and
running
of
racehorses;
paragraph
96(1
)(a)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
provides
that
a
partner's
income
from
a
partnership
is
to
be
“computed
as
if
the
partnership
were
a
separate
person’;
thus
subsection
31(1)
of
the
Act
is
to
be
applied
in
computing
income
at
the
partnership
level;
since
the
only
business
of
the
partnership,
in
this
case,
was
the
racehorse
business
all
losses
arising
from
that
business
are
brought
into
the
computation
and
flow
through
to
the
plaintiff
(i.e.
the
plaintiffs
one-half
of
the
losses).
It
is
argued
that
if
it
had
been
intended
to
exclude
subsection
31(1)
from
the
computation
of
income
detailed
in
section
this
would
have
been
expressly
so
provided.
Express
exclusions
are
found,
for
example,
in
paragraphs
96(1
)(d)
and
(e)
and
subparagraph
53(2)(c)(i).
think
the
preferable
interpretation
is
that
argued
by
counsel
for
the
defendant.
The
partnership
loss
or
income
flows
through
to
the
individual,
retaining
its
characteristics
in
respect
of
its
sources.
The
total
income
of
each
partner
individually
then
determines
whether
or
not
subsection
31(1)
is
applicable
to
them.
The
partnership
is
not
a
taxpayer.
The
income
is
not
taxed
in
the
partnership's
hands;
it
is
taxed
in
the
hands
of
the
partners.
Subsection
31(1)
applies
to
a
“taxpayer".
It
is
obvious
from
the
foregoing
that
the
plaintiff's
action
must
be
dismissed.
come
to
this
conclusion
with
some
degree
of
regret.
If
did
not
have
the
Moldowan
decision
and
decisions
of
the
Federal
Court
of
Appeal
binding
upon
me,
would
be
tempted
to
interpret
subsection
31(1)
as
too
convoluted,
vague
and
imprecise
to
be
capable
of
application.
Action
dismissed.