Words and Phrases - "solely"


21 July 2003 External T.I. 2002-0180465 F - CATEGORIES 8 ET 43

“solely” has a narrow meaning and might not be satisfied where the improvement was to comply with health standards regulation

Improvements were made to the portion of the building where the manufacturing operations of the plant will be carried out in order to comply with government standards of the applicable Health Products and Food Branch. In addressing whether such improvements could qualify under Class 8(b) (so that they could then qualify under Class 43), CCRA indicated that the word “solely” had a more restrictive meaning than that of a dominant purpose, and then stated:

[Y]our argument that improvements, having been acquired to meet various government requirements, are necessarily acquired for manufacturing and processing purposes, is not conclusive on its own. … [W]e cannot conclude in the situation presented that the improvements meet the criteria for inclusion in Class 8 … .

Words and Phrases

18 May 2022 Internal T.I. 2018-0788761I7 F - Amortissement – Travaux sur un bien loué et F&T

property does not satisfy the “solely” test in Class 8(b) where it was necessary for the proper functioning of the building

The taxpayer, which subleased premises containing “Shells” consisting essentially of foundations, walls and roofs, installed wall and floor coverings and performed electrical, ventilation and plumbing work to make the premises suitable for use in its manufacturing and processing (“M&P”) operations. It took the position that the costs of the property added to the Shells for this work should be included in Class 29 rather than Class 13.

Among other requirements, in order to be a Class 29 property, the above property needed to qualify as a Class 8(b) property (i.e., "tangible property attached to a building and acquired solely for the purpose of (i) servicing, supporting, or providing access to or egress from, machinery or equipment [or] (ii) manufacturing or processing") and not a Class 1(q) property (a building or other structure including component parts). Although the Directorate agreed with the taxpayer that a property which otherwise was a Class 13 (leasehold) property (because at common law the improvements became part of the property of the landlord) could qualify as a Class 8 property (before then being potentially assimilated to Class 29), the Directorate went on to indicate that the above alterations to the Shells would not qualify under Class 8(b) as being “solely” for the purposes specified in para. (b), stating:

Generally, property is not acquired solely for supporting machinery or equipment and/or to manufacturing or processing for the purposes of paragraph (b) of Class 8 if it is necessary for the proper functioning of the building, such as the walls, roof and electricity of or for a building.

Words and Phrases
Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1102 - Subsection 1102(5) - Paragraph 1102(5)(a) - Subparagraph 1102(5)(a)(iii) rendering of an empty shell suitable for manufacturing constituted substantially changing its nature 288
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 13 - Subsection 13(21) - Undepreciated Capital Cost - A cost of installing property part of that property’s cost 357
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1102 - Subsection 1102(4) to be improvements or alterations to leasehold interest, property acquisitions must be assimilated to landlord’s property 225
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Ownership leasehold improvements are assimilated to the landlord’s property unless the lease specifies otherwise 101
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 1102 - Subsection 1102(5) building shell was a building or structure/ addition refers to extension of structure 294