Income Tax Severed Letters - 2016-11-23

Technical Interpretation - External

8 November 2016 External T.I. 2016-0673361E5 - Section 230 of the Regulations

Unedited CRA Tags
230(3); 230(6)
only investment dealer or fund manager generally expected to report MFT fund unit redemptions on T5008s

Principal Issues: Where mutual fund securities are held in nominee form by the dealer, on behalf of the client, when the client disposes of the units, who is required to issue an information return (T5008 slip) to the client under section 230 of the Regulations? If both the dealer and mutual fund are required to issue T5008 slips to the investor under section 230 of the Regulations, are there duplicate T5008 slips being issued to the investor?

Position: Adoption of an administrative position by Assessing to avoid the duplication of T5008 slips being issued by the mutual fund and the dealer to the investor.

Reasons: See memo.

4 November 2016 External T.I. 2016-0666901E5 - New Class 14.1 and replacement property rules

Unedited CRA Tags
14(6), 13(4), 44(1), 13(38)(d)
rollover lost on transition from ECP to Class 14.1 property

Principal Issues: What are the replacement property rules for former ECP disposed of after January 1, 2017?

Position: The replacement property rules in 13(4) and 44(1) will be applicable to certain disposition where all requirements are met.

Reasons: See reasons.

29 September 2016 External T.I. 2016-0625061E5 - RDSP Rollover - 60.02

Unedited CRA Tags
60.02, 60(m)

Principal Issues: Will the hypothetical scenario presented involving a deceased RPP member's pension benefit, the RPP member's financially dependent infirm child and the child's RDSP fall within the parameters of the RDSP rollover provisions in section 60.02 of the Act?

Position: No, based on the scenario described in the letter.

Reasons: Where an RPP lump sum death benefit is paid from the RPP to the deceased RPP member's financially dependent infirm child, the RPP lump sum death benefit will be eligible for a section 60.02 rollover, provided certain conditions therein are satisfied. A section 60.02 rollover is not available where the RPP death benefit is paid to the deceased's estate and subsequently paid from the estate to the deceased's financially dependent infirm child.

14 December 2015 External T.I. 2013-0499501E5 - RCA advantages-Life insurance policy held by an RCA

Unedited CRA Tags
207.5(1) "advantage"; 207.62
protection component of universal life policy far exceeds specified beneficiary's reasonable survivor benefits

Principal Issues: Whether the RCA advantage tax rules apply in respect of a universal life insurance policy owned by an RCA trust on the life of a beneficiary under the RCA.

Position: The RCA advantage tax rules could apply.

Reasons: The legislation.

14 December 2015 External T.I. 2014-0544211E5 - RCA advs - Life insurance policy held by an RCA

Unedited CRA Tags
207.5(1) "advantage"; 207.62
use of life insurance policies for key man insurance would be an advantage

Principal Issues: Whether the RCA advantage tax rules apply in respect of a universal life insurance policy owned by an RCA trust on the life of a beneficiary under the RCA

Position: The RCA advantage tax rules could apply.

Reasons: The legislation.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

16 September 2016 Internal T.I. 2013-0500581I7 - RCA advantage tax rules

Unedited CRA Tags
207.5(1) “advantage”, 207.01(1) “advantage”
advantage tax applies where a specified beneficiary of an RCA assigns her rights to receive distributions from the RCA to secure a personal loan
FMV of pledging benefit equal to PV of interest savings

Principal Issues: Whether the RCA advantage tax would apply if a specified beneficiary of an RCA were to assign their rights to receive distributions from the RCA to secure a personal loan or other debt, with concurrence of the RCA custodian.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The assignment constitutes an advantage on the basis that it is a benefit conditional on the existence of the RCA. The exception for arm’s length loans does not apply. The advantage is the benefit derived from the security (i.e., the more favourable loan terms), not the loan itself.

12 December 2014 Internal T.I. 2014-0524751I7 F - Redevances perçues d'avance

Unedited CRA Tags
9(1), 12(1)a)

Principales Questions: 1. Est-ce que le paiement se qualifie comme étant des redevances perçues d'avance? / Does the payment qualify as a royalty prepayment ? 2. Est-ce que le paiement doit être inclus au revenu en vertu de l'alinéa 12(1)a) ou du paragraphe 9(1)? / Should the payment be included into income as per paragraph 12(1)(a) or subsection 9(1) ?

Position Adoptée: 1. Question de fait / Question of fact. 2. Le paiement pourrait être visé par l'alinéa 12(1)a) ou le paragraphe 9(1) de la Loi./ Both provisions (whether 12(1)(a) or 9(1)) could apply.

Raisons: 1.Le paiement n'est pas établi en fonction de ventes futures ou d'autres éventualités/évènements à venir, ce qui ne semble pas correspondre avec la définition du terme « redevance » émise par les tribunaux./ The payment is not determined based on future sales or other contingency, which does not seem consistent with the definition of "royalty" as enunciated by the courts. 2. Puisque le contribuable ne désire pas bénéficier d'une déduction en vertu de l'alinéa 20(1)m), il n'était pas nécessaire d'établir si une disposition avait préséance sur l'autre. / Since the taxpayer did not want to claim a deduction under paragraph 20(1)(m), it was not necessary to establish whether a provision took precedence over the other.