Income Tax Severed Letters - 2015-10-14


2015 Ruling 2015-0572541R3 - Foreign Tax Credit on Transfer of 401(k) to RRSP

CRA Tags
Canada-US Convention, US Internal Revenue Code, 56(1)(a)(i), 146(5), 126(1), 60(j)
s. 60(j) deduction does not reduce foreign source income for FTC purposes
additional 10% tax on withdrawal from 401(k) plan, as income tax

Principal Issues: 1) Can the taxpayer transfer an amount currently held in a 401(k) plan to an RRSP under paragraph 60(j) of the Act? 2) Can the taxpayer claim the US withholding taxes under subsection 126(1)? 3) Is the 10% additional US tax payable on the early withdrawal from a 401(k) plan considered a non-business-income tax as defined by subsection 126(7) of the Act?

Position: 1) Yes. 2) Yes 3) Yes

Reasons: 1) The payment meets the conditions of paragraph 60(j). 2) The amount withheld under Section 1441 of the Code is an income or profits tax. 3) The 10% additional US tax imposed under Section 72 of the Code is an income or profits tax.

Technical Interpretation - External

24 September 2015 External T.I. 2013-0495611E5 - Withholding on incentive payments to non-residents

CRA Tags
212(1)(d), ITR 101, ITR 100, ITR 103, ITR 102, ITR 105, ITR 104, 153(1)
no withholding on payments based on sales warranties sold by dealers
no withholding on payment to non-resident employee of 3rd party
T4A reporting of payments to non-resident employee of 3rd party

Principal Issues: Whether incentive payments made by Canco to non-resident individuals are subject to withholding or reporting.

Position: Likely not subject to withholding in this hypothetical fact pattern, but should be reported on T4A.

Reasons: Legislation.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

15 September 2015 Internal T.I. 2015-0572771I7 - T1135 - Normal Reassessment Period

CRA Tags
233.3(3), 152(4), 162(7), 152(3.1), 216(1)
unlike s. 216 returns, the assessment of s. 162(7) penalties is subject to the same normal reassessment period as for the Part I return
unlike s. 216 returns, the assessment of s. 162(7) penalties is subject to the same normal reassessment period as for the Part I return

Principal Issues: Whether the normal reassessment period for a T1135 return, required to be filed according to subsection 233.3(3), begins at the same date as the return of income under Part I.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Penalties assessed for the failure to file a T1135 are assessed under Part I and are subject to the normal reassessment period and other limitations in section 152.