Income Tax Severed Letters - 1999-02-19


30 November 1997 Ruling 9732433 F - UTILISATION DE PERTES LOSS UTILIZATION

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Principales Questions:

Intérês déductibles sur argent emprunté pour rachat d’actions privilégiées émises en 1985 qui permet d’utiliser des pertes à l’intérieur d’un groupe.

Position Adoptée:

30 November 1997 Ruling 9722003 - REORGANIZATION, ATTRIBUTION

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55(3)(a), 74.4

Principal Issues: Whether there is a disposition of the trust assets and whether section 74.4 applies.

Position: No disposition. Section 74.4 does not apply.

Reasons: No changes resulting from creation of new trusts. Exclusion by virtue of 74.4(4) - no designated person will receive any trust income or property until the actual trust wind-up.

30 November 1997 Ruling 9804853 F - FARM - BUTTERFLY

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Principal Issues: Transaction papillon, partage de biens agricoles

Position: Confirmation de l'application de 55(3)b) de la Loi

Reasons: Respecte les conditions énoncées à 55(3)b), 55(3.1) et (3.2) ainsi que les positions et directives du Ministère.

30 November 1997 Ruling 9733883 - LOSS CONSOLIDATION

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20(1)(C) 112(1) 190(1) 186(1) 245

Principal Issues:
Is a Loss Consolidation Arrangement Among Affiliated Companies using loans and dividends acceptable ?

Position: YES

Rulings position per Tax Executive Institute of Dec 9, 1997

30 November 1997 Ruling 9808553 F - AUGMENTATION DU CAPITAL VERSÉ

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85(1)(g) 245(2)

Principal Issues: Voir énoncé des principales questions.

Position: Voir énoncé des principales questions.


30 November 1997 Ruling 9804043 - TRIANGULAR AMALGAMATION

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Principal Issues:

Triangular Amalgamation


See statement of principal issues.


30 November 1997 Ruling 9805493 - RCA

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Principal Issues:

Confirmation that Plan is an RCA, that contributions to the RCA trust are deductible to the employer and that there will be no income inclusion for the employees until payments are made to them under the Plan.


Provided confirmation that Plan is an RCA, that contributions to the RCA trust by the employer are deductible and that employees would not be taxable until they receive payments from the Plan.


30 November 1997 Ruling 9808013 - LOSS UTILIZATION

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Principal Issues:
loss consolidation using loans

interest deductible per ATR 44

ATR 44

30 November 1997 Ruling 9822043 - XXXXXXXXXX - CARRYING ON BUSINESS IN CANADA

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Principal Issues: Whether the fact that a non-resident corporation has a related Canadian company perform certain accounting and clerical services for it under a sub-contract would, in and of itself, cause the non-resident company or its non-resident clients with which it has an administrative service contract to be carrying on business in Canada.

Position: No.

Reasons: Based on the specific facts and proposed transactions the Canadian company is not acting in a capacity of an agent for the non-residents and is not simply an extension of the non-residents.

Ministerial Correspondence

16 December 1998 Ministerial Correspondence 9827264 - REPLACEMENT PROPERTY - LARGER IN SIZE.

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Principal Issues: Whether 3,000 acres of new farmland can be considered replacement property for 200 acres of farmland.

Position: Only a small portion of the 3,000 acres likely qualifies as replacement property.

Reasons: It is our longstanding position that the replacement property rules do not encompass business expansions.

Technical Interpretation - External

17 February 1999 External T.I. 9832275 - RRSP, WRITE-OFF MORTGAGE

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Principal Issues: Will we provide his RRSP carrier with the authority to write-off a mortgage within an RRSP?

Position: No

Reasons: There is no provision allowing for the write-off of the mortgage.

17 February 1999 External T.I. 9819405 F - OSBL - ACTIFS UTILISÉS DANS UNE ENTREPRISE

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248(1) 4900(12) 110.6(1)

Position Adoptée:
Probablement pas.

16 February 1999 External T.I. 9902105 - MEDICAL EXPENSES - RENOVATIONS

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Principal Issues: Whether or not the addition of a “sitting area” in a bedroom could qualify as a medical expense under 118.2(2)(l.2) of the Act?
Would the cost of removing a deck and replacing such a deck qualify as a medical expense?

Position: No.
The removal cost could qualify while the replacement would not qualify.

Reasons: The addition of a “sitting area” within a bedroom does not make the bedroom more mobile or functional.
The removal cost was necessary in order to expand the living room. However, the new deck does not make the patient mobile or functional within the dwelling.

16 February 1999 External T.I. 9900485 - REPLACEMENT PROPERTIES

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Principal Issues: What are the dates for purchasing replacement properties in the two scenarios submitted

Position: The end of the first taxation year following the taxation year in which the former business property was disposed of.

Reasons: Paragraph 44 (1)(d)

16 February 1999 External T.I. 9900535 - RESERVES

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Principal Issues: Are reserves required to be set-up by provincial legislation deductible?

Position: No.

Reasons: Unless specifically excepted, a reserve is not deductible. See paragraph 7 of IT-215R concerning imposed reserves.

16 February 1999 External T.I. 9806665 F - 252(4) - CONJOINT NE VIVENT PAS ENSEMBLE

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Principales Questions:
Si deux personnes ne peuvent vivre ensemble sous le même toit, puisqu’ils ont chacun la garde des enfants issus de leur précédent mariage mais qu’ils se comportent comme de réels conjoints en passant tout leur temps libre, les fins de semaine, leurs périodes de vacances et le temps des fêtes ensemble, est-ce qu’on peut considérer que ces deux personnes sont des conjoints au sens du paragraphe 252(4) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:
Selon les informations présentées, probablement que non.

15 February 1999 External T.I. 9903635 - PART XI, RRSP TO RRIF TRANSFERS

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Principal Issues:
Are transfers of property from RRSPs to RRIFs at their fair market value?

Position: Yes.

Subsection 206(4) is clear. We have brought problem to the attention of the Department of Finance.

15 February 1999 External T.I. 9830275 - GROUP OR FOSTER HOMES

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Principal Issues: Are certain payments received for providing care for a needy person subject to tax?

Position: Insufficient information and completed or ongoing transaction.

Reasons: General information concerning the possible application of paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act.

11 February 1999 External T.I. 9831375 - GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues: Whether an amount paid to an employee by an employer under a grievance settlement Board is not a retiring allowance.

Position: General information provided.

Reasons: Amount received as damages arises from a loss of office or employment may be a retiring allowance unless the amount, or any portion thereof, is determined in accordance with human rights legislation which is a question of fact.

10 February 1999 External T.I. 9800905 F - IMPOT DE LA PARTIE IV

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Principal Issues:
(1) Est-ce qu'une société publique est une «société assujettie» pour les fins de l'impôt de la Partie IV si elle est contrôlée par un particulier par l'intermédiaire de deux sociétés de portefeuille?
(2) Est-ce que l'alinéa 186(1)d) permet l'utilisation de pertes si ces pertes sont assujetties aux restrictions prévues au paragraphe 111(5)?

(1) Oui
(2) Non

(1) Le particulier a le contrôle ultime de la société publique.
(2) Restrictions au paragraphe 111(5) s'appliquent pour les fins de 186(1)d). La présomption prévue à l'alinéa 186(1)d) pas assez spécifique.

10 February 1999 External T.I. 9829875 - WHETHER HUNGARIAN KFT IS A CORPORATION

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Principal Issues: Whether a Hungarian Korlatolt Feleossegu Tarsasag ("Kft") is a corporation for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.

Position: Yes it is.

Reasons: The Kft has legal personality and existence apart from its members.

10 February 1999 External T.I. 9826855 - PRIME METAL STAGE OR ITS EQUIVALENT

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66(15) production

Principal Issues: What is the "prime metal stage or its equivalent"?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Different for each type of metal. Generally, that point at which a marketable, saleable commodity exists.

9 February 1999 External T.I. 9808995 - LCT ON NON-RESIDENT CORPORATIONS

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Principal Issues: 1. Use of offshore drilling vessels in Canada by a non-resident corporation and the computation of tax under Part I.3 of the Act. Is the full carrying value included in the base without pro-ration?
2.Is Canadian GAAP required?

Position: General comments but yes to 1 and a qualified no for 2 based on facts.

Reasons: The law.

8 February 1999 External T.I. 9827525 - INSURED ANNUITIES & PART XI TAX

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Principal Issues: Whether cost amount of annuity contracts under pension plans of a pension trust is to be considered in the calculation of tax payable in 206(2)?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Wording of the Act.

8 February 1999 External T.I. 9820355 F - SOCIÉTÉS ASSOCIÉES

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256 89(1) 251(5)(b) 125(7)

Principal Issues: (1) Est-ce qu'il faut tenir compte du contrat de société en commandite pour déterminer le contrôle de droit?

Position: Oui

Reasons: La Cour suprême ne s'est pas prononcé de façon définitive dans la cause Duha concernant les contrats externes autres que les conventions de fiducie et les conventions unanimes entre actionnaires. Le Ministère a déjà pris la position (5-971006 et 5-960746) qu'il faut tenir compte du contrat de société.

8 February 1999 External T.I. 9902195 - MATERNITY LEAVE ALLOWANCE

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Principal Issues: Taxation of Foreign Service Directive - Maternity Leave

Position: Non-taxable.

Reasons: The maternity leave is based on other non-taxable foreign services allowances. (We looked at versions of the other allowances in 1996.) These allowances are not taxable pursuant to subparagraph 6(1)(b)(iii).

8 February 1999 External T.I. 9827045 - LOANS, MORTGAGES & RRSP

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Principal Issues:
1. What is the amount of a loan that a corporation may provide to its shareholders and when do the shareholders have to repay the loan?
2. Can a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation issue a RRSP slip as a result of the issuance of shares to a RRSP?
3. Can a corporation finance an individual’s RRSP contributions?
4. What are the conditions required under the Act that a corporation has to meet in order to be considered a Venture Capital Corporation for purposes of RRSP?
5. What are the requirements under the Act concerning RRSP investments in mortgages?

1. Question of fact.
2. No.
3. Question of fact.
4. Reg 6700
5. Reg 4900(1)(j) & 4900(4).

1-3 See IT-119R4
5 See IT- 320R2

5 February 1999 External T.I. 9829265 - BONDS FOR QUALIFIED INVESTMENT-NO RULING

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Principal Issues: Can a mortgage bond issued by a school be a qualified investment for a RRSP?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Mortgage bond must qualify under 4900(4) or 4900(1)(j) of the Regulations.

5 February 1999 External T.I. 9819795 - TAX EQUALIZATION= WAGES IN CANADA (8913-1)

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115(1)(a)(i) Art 15

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 						Greg Middleton
(613) 957-2122
Attention:  XXXXXXXXXX 

February 5, 1999

Dear Sirs:

Re: Tax Equalization Payments

5 February 1999 External T.I. 9821195 - EQUITY SHARES AS QUALIFIED INVESTMENT

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Principal Issues:
1. Can equity shares of the capital stock of a corporation held by a DPSP be issued by the corporation as a contributor to the DPSP?
2. Are equity shares held by a quasi-pooled fund trust restricted to those issued by any contributor to any DPSP that hold units of the quasi-pooled fund trust?

1. We do not know.
2. No.

Reasons: Question of fact and wording of the Act.

3 February 1999 External T.I. 9826835 - XXXXXXXXXX

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Principal Issues:

Eligibility for the paragraph 8(1)(c) deduction.

2 February 1999 External T.I. 9833805 - FOSTER CHILDREN CARE

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Principal Issues:

Are certain payments received under a provincial foster parenting program exempt from taxation?


Insufficient information and completed or ongoing transaction.


2 February 1999 External T.I. 9900885 - CHILD CARE EXPENSES

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Principal Issues:

Taxpayer’s mother, who was visiting from XXXXXXXXXX stayed in Canada with her from XXXXXXXXXX . Taxpayer’s mother has not lived in Canada before this time. From XXXXXXXXXX , the mother looked after the taxpayer’s son and was paid a total of $XXXXXXXXXX for child care services for 1998. The taxpayer’s mother returned to XXXXXXXXXX at the end of XXXXXXXXXX .
1. Is the taxpayer’s mother a resident or deemed resident of Canada?
2. Is the taxpayer’s mother an employee of the taxpayer or self employed?


1. Question of fact. 2. Question of fact.


2 February 1999 External T.I. 9901935 - ANIMAL FOOD

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Principal Issues:

Is the cost of purchasing animal food for cats used to control mice in a barn and guard dogs used to protect farm property deductible in computing the income from the farming business?

Position: Yes.


1 February 1999 External T.I. 9823715 - PERSONAL SERVICES BUSINESS

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125(7) 256(1)

Principal Issues:

Mr. A owns 100% of A Co. , a CCPC, and A Co. owns 100% of B Co., a non-resident corporation that does not carry on business in Canada. A Co. provides management services and sells the product manufactured by B Co. These activities are carried out from its Canadian office. B Co. pays management fees and commissions to A Co. A Co. has four full-time employees. Mr. A is the President and Chief Executive Officer of B Co. and is responsible for the operation of the business. There are two exceptions to the definition of “personal services business” in subsection 125(7) of the Act. The second exception is that the amount paid or payable to the corporation in the year for the services is received or receivable by it from a corporation with which it was associated in the year. The issue is whether A Co., a CCPC, is “associated” with B Co., a non-resident corporation, for purposes of the rules set out in section 256.


A Co. and B Co. would be considered to be “associated” pursuant to paragraph 256(1)(a) of the Act.


29 January 1999 External T.I. 9833555 - SPECIALIZED FAMILY CARE

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Principal Issues: Are certain payments received for providing regular family care for children who cannot remain in their own homes?

Position: Insufficient information and completed or ongoing transaction.

Reasons: General information concerning the possible application of paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Act.

28 January 1999 External T.I. 9818515 - 89(1) CAPITAL DIVIDEND ACCOUNT

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Principal Issues:
Whether the definition of "capital dividend account" in subsection 89(1) contains an upward adjustment to its allowable capital loss component which is similar to the adjustment made to a corporation's net capital loss in subparagraph 111(1.1)(a)(ii) of the Act.

Position: No.

The existing wording in the definition of "capital dividend account" does not contain such upward adjustment to its allowable capital loss component.

26 January 1999 External T.I. 9831605 - RRSP MGMT FEES, 20(1)(BB)

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Principal Issues: Are management fees paid in respect of RRSPs deductible?

Position: No

Reasons: 20(1)(bb) does not provide for the deduction unless certain conditions are satisfied.

22 January 1999 External T.I. 9829365 - WHETHER 48.1 APPLIES TO A PARTNERSHIP

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48.1 96(3)

Principal Issues:
Whether the election in subsection 48.1(1) is available in respect of shares held in a partnership.

21 January 1999 External T.I. 9823915 - RET. ALL. - WHETHER GOVMTS. ARMS' LENGTH

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Principal Issues:

Whether two employers are "affiliates" for the purposes of determining whether a loss of employment or office or a retirement has occurred?


Unable to determine.


20 January 1999 External T.I. 9832305 - LEASING FEES AS BUSINESS EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: Are monthly lease payment for 3 furnaces deductible as business expenses?

Position: Question of fact as to whether lease is a lease or a purchase

Reasons: Rental expenses if lease Agreement is an ordinary lease and furnaces are used for the purpose of earning rental income

19 January 1999 External T.I. 9820205 - EFFECTIVE DATE OF INDIAN EXEMPTION

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Principal Issues: Can an "Indian" qualify for a tax exemption prior to his or her actual registration as an "Indian"?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act, an "Indian" is a person registered as an Indian or entitled to be registered as an Indian.

11 January 1999 External T.I. 9833065 - SUBSECTION 66(12.61) - FILE #982568 66(12.61)

Principal Issues: Comments regarding subsection 66(12.61) contained in file # 982568.

Position: Comments clarified.

Reasons: Comments reflected a suggestion for greater certainty only; upon further consideration concluded that taxpayer would not be able to rely on subsection 66(12.61).

16 December 1998 External T.I. 9830065 - CHILD CARE EXPENSES

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Principal Issues: Supervised Sporting Activities or Sports Day Camp - whether costs paid in respect of a child qualify as child care or are essentially of a training or educational nature

Position: Law generally explained - along with comments that are analogous to comments in paragraph 2 of IT-495R2 on education (fourth bullet) - although the result for the taxpayer is likely unfavourable.

Reasons: Specific facts and documentation not available - However, for the purposes of paragraph 63(3)(d) of the definition of “child care expense” in subsection 63(3) of the Act, which, “for greater certainty”, excludes, inter alia, education and is regarded as also suggesting that activities such as athletic training do not qualify, it seems likely that athletic training and education are essentially involved in the circumstances under consideration with the result that the costs would likely not qualify as child care expenses.

4 December 1998 External T.I. 9830375 - YEAR 2000 COMPUTER COMPLIANT

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20(1)(a) class 10 Class 12

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

XXXXXXXXXX 							F.B. Fontaine
Attention: XXXXXXXXXX 

December 4, 1998

Dear Sirs:

Re: Tax Relief for Year 2000 Computer Hardware and Software

19 October 1998 External T.I. 9822875 - QUALIFIED FARM PROPERTY

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Principal Issues: Whether land owned by taxpayers is considered "qualified farm property"?

Position: Perhaps.

Reasons: Question of Fact.

9 February 1998 External T.I. 9730255 - CRITICAL ILLNESS

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Principal Issues: Income tax implications of critical illness product

Position: Unable to comment at this time

Reasons: Require a particular product

19 January 1998 External T.I. 9830955 - PAWNBROKER - SPECIFIED INVESTMENT BUSINESS?

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Principal Issues: Whether the business of a pawnbroker will be considered a "specified investment business." A pawnbroker ordinarily earns income by charging a fee to customers for lending them money and by selling used goods that it “acquires” from its customers.

Position: The determination of whether a business is a specified investment business is a question of fact which can only be answered by reviewing the particular facts and circumstances of each taxpayer. In the case of a pawnbroker, it is important to consider whether it is operating one or two businesses and whether the pawnbroker fees constitute interest.

Reasons: The definition of a specified investment business involves a purpose test, i.e., whether the principal purpose of a corporation is to earn income from a property. In this regard, the composition of the corporation’s revenue is likely the most important factor. That is, how much of a corporation’s income is made up of income from property. However, other factors are set out in IT-73R5.


28 October 1998 CTF Roundtable, 9823200 - ALLAN WAYNE SCOTT - ADVERSE DECISION - FCA

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18(1)(h) 9

Principal Issues: Impact of Allan Wayne Scott - 98 DTC 6530 (F.C.A.).

Position: Restricted to "foot and transit couriers."

Reasons: Explicit instructions contained in the judgment..

Technical Interpretation - Internal

16 February 1999 Internal T.I. 9901587 - LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN - WITHDRAWAL

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Principal Issues: Would an amount received after the student has completed her/his program be an “excluded withdrawal” under the LLP?

Position: No.

Reasons: Wording of 146.02(1).

22 January 1999 Internal T.I. 9830327 - NORTHERN RESIDENTS DEDUCTION

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Principal Issues: Does the term “travel expenses” as used for the purposes of paragraph 110.7(1)(a) of the Act and section 7304 of the Regulations include the cost of replacing tires, mufflers and general maintenance costs of a vehicle?

Position: Depends on the circumstances.

Reasons: See File # 980159. “Travel expenses” includes air, train and bus fares, meals, hotel and motel accommodations, camping fees, incidentals such as taxis, road and ferry tolls, and automobile expenses directly related to the trip such as the cost of fuel, general maintenance (ex. oil, grease and servicing charges), repairs, licenses, and insurance as long as the costs are reasonable, are not on account of capital, and can reasonably be attributed to the trip.

18 January 1999 Internal T.I. 9803437 - POSTDATED CHEQUES CASH PURCHASE TICKETS

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76(1) 76(4)

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.

13 January 1999 Internal T.I. 9832837 - REPLACEMENT PLANTINGS

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Principal Issues: Is a type of grape plant a replacement for a different type of grape plant?

Position: YES

Reasons: Our policy referrred to a different type of fruit tree.

13 January 1999 Internal T.I. 9825497 - TAXATION OF TRAINING COSTS

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56(1)(r) 56(1)(n)

Principal Issues:
1. Is the tuition assistance provided by the Government of Manitoba taxable?
2. Are the related allowances provided by the Government taxable?
3. Can the students claim the tuition credit?
4. Can the students claim the education tax credit?
5. How should the Government be reporting these amount?

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. No
5. On T4A’s

1. & 2. Benefits funded under the EI Act will generally be taxable under 56(1)(r) of the Act.

6 January 1999 Internal T.I. 9827567 - BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP - BARE TRUST

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Principal Issues: Who is the beneficial owner of the property?

Position: The taxpayer who has the incidents of title.

Reasons: The taxpayer has all the incidents of the title such possession, use and risk of the property. No trust agreement (“bare trust”) but can be viewed as a conditional sale agreement.

15 December 1998 Internal T.I. 9828107 - CHILD CARE EXPENSES

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Principal Issues:

In the early part of 1997, Individual A hired Individual B (a live-in nanny) to care for his child. In November of 1997, Individual A married Individual B and in May, 1998 Individual B gave birth to their child. In this situation, Individual B is considered to be a “supporting person” as defined in subsection 63(3) of the Income Tax Act (the “Act”) for the purposes of subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition of “child care expense” in subsection 63(3) of the Act. The result is that amounts paid by Individual A to Individual B are not deductible under section 63 as they do not qualify as child care expenses. Would a ruling issued in respect of the Employment Insurance Act under which Individual B’s employment with Individual A qualified as being eligible for the purposes of that act, have any bearing on the deductibility of the amounts paid by Individual A to Individual B?

Position: No


30 November 1998 Internal T.I. 9828547 - CHILD SUPPORT

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56.1(4) 56(1)(b) 60(b)

Principal Issues: A consent order dated XXXXXXXXXX , requires the father of the child to pay $XXXXXXXXXX per month in child support but this amount may be varied annually as of January 1st of each year, based on the father’s annual employment income for the preceding year. The child support payable for each successive year is to be calculated on the father’s annual income based on a table annexed to the court order. A court order dated XXXXXXXXXX , orders the father to pay “support” of $XXXXXXXXXX per month . A payment order was issued to the father’s employer and payments are to be made directly to the Family Court. A court order dated XXXXXXXXXX , replaces paragraph 1 of the XXXXXXXXXX order such that the amount of the child support amount payable is not specified in the order but the payer’s employer is ordered to withhold an amount determined in accordance with the formula in the court order dated XXXXXXXXXX , and direct the payment to the Family Court.

Does the XXXXXXXXXX court order or the court order dated XXXXXXXXXX , have a “commencement day” as defined in subsection 56.1(4) of the Act?

No, neither the order dated XXXXXXXXXX , or the order dated XXXXXXXXXX , would be considered to have a “commencement day” as defined in subsection 56.1(4) of the Act.

Reasons: Since paragraph 1 of the XXXXXXXXXX court order has been replaced and now refers to the formula in the XXXXXXXXXX order, the XXXXXXXXXX order is a payment order and would not be considered to be a court order made after XXXXXXXXXX , for purposes of paragraph (a) of the definition of “commencement day” in subsection 56.1(4) of the Act because the XXXXXXXXXX court order still has legal force and effect with respect to the determination of the quantum of child support amounts payable for future years.

20 November 1998 Internal T.I. 9827357 F - PENSION ALIMENTAIRE ENFANT DATE D'EXÉCUTION

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Principales Questions:

Madame a la garde des deux enfants depuis le divorce en juin 1990. Monsieur paye une pension alimentaire pour enfants de 600$ par mois conformément à l’ordonnance de divorce de juin 1990. En 1994, un des enfants va vivre chez Monsieur et la pension est alors réduite à 300$ par mois sans toutefois modifier l’ordonnance. En septembre 1998, l’enfant retourne vivre chez sa mère et la pension redevient 600$ par mois conformément à l’ordonnance de juin 1990. Est-ce que les événements relatifs aux changements de la garde de l’enfant ont pour effet de créer une « date d’exécution » selon cette définition au paragraphe 56.1(4) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:

16 October 1998 Internal T.I. 9808367 - TAXATION OF TRAINING COSTS

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues:

1. Is the training assistance provided under part II of the EI Act taxable?
2. Can the students claim the tuition credit?
3. Can the students claim the education tax credit?
4. Should the educational institution issue a T2200 even when the fees have been paid by someone other than the student?


1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes


24 September 1998 Internal T.I. 9815597 - XXXXXXXXXX INDIAN BAND

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149(1)(C) 149(1)(D) 149(10)

Principal Issues:

1. Is band a Canadian Municipality?
2. Are corporations owned by band exempt from tax?
3. If corporations exempt, which years are exempt and when does ss 149(10) apply?
4. Can the band retract Canadian municipality status?
5. Is the interest income from loans to these corporations exempt from tax in the hands of the Band?
6.What is the treatment for federal forgivable grants?
7. What are GST implications of municipality status of band?
8. Is employment income of status Indian employees of one corporation exempt from tax?


1. Band is municipality
2. No decision
3. Application of a possible exempt status applied prospectively from XXXXXXXXXX .
4. Band can not ‘revoke’ such status.
5. No decision
6. No decision
7. Referred to GST Rulings and Interpretation Directorate.
8. No decision

1 Band has met tests laid out in Otineka of being a public body exercising powers of self-government and providing services municipalities typically provide.
2. Not enough information on ownership or where revenues are derived--on or off reserve.
3. Prospective application of cases per Revenue Canada position, see index to IT’s.
4. Status as municipality is question of fact.
5. Not enough information to advise on treatment of interest income.
6. Not sufficient information to advise on treatment of grant income.
7. GST implications of municipal status referred to GST Rulings and Interpretation Directorate.
8. Not enough information to advise on tax status of employment income, referred to Indian Act Exemption Employment Guidelines

15 June 1998 Internal T.I. 9802347 - BUSINESS INVESTMENT LOSSES

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50(1) 39(1)(c)

Principal Issues:
In very broad terms, a corporation had no assets or liabilities at the end of 1995. In relation to paragraph 39(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act (the Act), one of the issues is whether the shareholder owned the shares at the end of 1995. A second issue is whether the corporation was “insolvent” at the end of 1995 for the purposes of clause 50(1)(b)(iii)(B) of the Act.

It is a question of fact whether the shares were disposed of before the end of 1995. However, the corporation was not considered to be insolvent at the end of 1995. Accordingly, a business investment loss could not be claimed in respect of the shares.

The available evidence indicated that the shareholder intended to wind-up the corporation by December 31, 1995 apply and thus the comments in paragraphs 5 and 9 of IT-126R2 apply. In the case of the second issue, reference was made to the Department’s general position set out in question 58 of the APPF (1992) as well as the OBCA, which indicated that the corporation was not insolvent at the end of 1995.

9 April 1998 Internal T.I. 9804806 - CDA ELECTION

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether the certification area on the prescribed form is sufficient to certify a photocopy as a certified copy of the original director's resolution

Position: no

Reasons: The certification area does not certify that the photocopy is a true copy of the original resolution

Ministerial Letter

10 February 1999 Ministerial Letter 9832348 - TAXATION OF EMPLOYEE GIFTS

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Taxation of employee gifts

Position: General Comments

Reasons: General Comments

10 February 1999 Ministerial Letter 9833488 - NON-QUALIFIED INVESTMENT IN A RRIF

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Non-qualified investment in a RRIF

Position: Income inclusion to the annuitant when acquired

Reasons: Subsection 146.3(7)

25 January 1999 Ministerial Letter 9833058 - DISPOSITION OF SHARES ON MERGER

Unedited CRA Tags
54 38

Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the Department.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle du ministère.


Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your letter of December 7, 1998, requesting my comments in response to the concerns of XXXXXXXXXX, regarding the merger of XXXXXXXXXX.


22 January 1999 Ministerial Letter 9833128 - RRSP, DEATH, 70(2)

Unedited CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Why are RRSP amounts not eligible for 70(2) election?

Position: Act clearly does not include rrsp.

Reasons: Section 146 deals with taxation of RRSP amounts on death.