CRA doubts the GST free-supply rule provides ITCs to holdcos providing free management to operating subs which generate interest/dividends

A 2004 Interpretation (54669) indicated that a holding corporation supplying management services to related corporations with operating businesses or other exclusive commercial activity could claim ITCs to recover the GST on the expenses incurred in such management activities under the “free supply” rule in ETA s. 141.01(4).

More recently, CRA has substantially qualified this view by confirming that it would consider that “where a person provides property or a service to a person for no consideration but receives interest or dividend revenue from that person it is unlikely that ITCs would be available.” Based on an earlier comment, CRA's rationale might be that although the direct purpose of the management services is to further the operating business (which arguably is all that matters), the indirect purpose of promoting financial returns to the holding corporation (e.g., dividends) should govern.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 26 February 2015 CBA Roundtable, Q. 34 under ETA s. 141.01(4).