Allan Gelkopf, Zvi Halpern-Shavim, "Five Arbitrary Differences between Corporations and Partnerships for GST/HST Purposes", Sales and Use Tax, Federated Press, Volume XIII, No. 2, 2015, p. 674.

CRA apparently not following Miedzi/partnerships not covered (pp. 674-5)

Stantec. . .[and] Miedzi Copper… significantly expand the scope of ITC...

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Election only available for corps (p. 675)

. . . for some reason, only corporations can benefit from the section 150 election. The election does...

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Set-off mechanism not available for partnerships (p. 675)

Subsection 228(7) of the ETA permits a set-off of refunds or rebates under certain...

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No SLFI permanent establishment for partnerships (p. 676)

. . . [F]or some reason, only loan corporations are deemed to have permanent...

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No comparable relief for partnerships (p. 676)

…When a corporation winds up into its wholly-owned parent, the supply of property from the...

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